MediaTemple blows - Macenstein

MediaTemple blows

Our site has been more or less down all weekend, and we have no idea when it will be back up on a regular basis. Sorry.
[UPDATE:] down for 50 hours now…
[UPDATE 2:] I think we are up. slow, but up. Not sure it is for real yet, so if we come and go, forgive us.

12 Responses to “MediaTemple blows”
  1. Paul says:

    What kind of requirements for hosting do you have? I have a virtual server with resources available. Shoot me an email.

  2. Nathaniel says:

    I’d suggest Slicehost, Had them for over a year now with zero downtime. Shoot me an email if you need help setting it up.

  3. Chris says:

    Snap, if you need a hand with any code- Happy to help keep Macenstein running!

  4. Owain says:

    I used MediaTemple once. Thoroughly unimpressed by both their technical service and their customer support. I ran back to my previous host as soon as my yearly deal expired.

  5. weston says:

    Media temple is a good host. No webhost can give you 100 percent uptime. It just isn’t possible. I think that they do a great job and i am real happy with them.

  6. Mark says:

    I’ll throw another vote in there for MediaTemple being no good. Their customer support robot (a live person cutting and pasting generic responses is still a robot) may be quick, but I’ve had latency issues since I signed up there. And their supposed efforts to do something about it have never resulted in the slightest change in performance.

    I just don’t want to bother moving again to find the same problems elsewhere.

  7. Gussy says:

    I have had minimal problems with asmallorange. Uptime seems to be good most of the time. Responses are with a human, and fast. They rock for me. Been with them for about 2 years.

  8. Matt says:

    We use LiquidWeb. Great tech support, month to month contracts so you can wasily grow at your own pace…

  9. Jon says:

    No place should keep you down for 50 hours, regardless of anything. Try GoDaddy, even on just their shared platform I’ve never had noticeable downtime.

  10. Ulf says:

    OK, they’re in Germany 😉 But Hetzner ( is awesome, absolutely no problems so far.

  11. Their grid service is the epic failure. Almost every weekend, they went down for hours. They mark the incident solved even without fixing the errors completely and keep telling lies that the problem is fixed for good.

    All those sites sticking the “In partnership with Media Temple” made me buy their grid service and I deeply regret it now. Those sites which stick those badges should be ashamed because they are helping MT in getting more customer which they don’t deserve!

  12. I would suggest A Small Orange, hun – they have treated me right and been a much faster host than mediatemple has ever been.

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