Review: ACOUSTIBUDS for iPod/iPhone

Above: What’s black or white and makes your earbuds sound better?
Apple’s iPhone ear buds will never win an award for acoustical excellence, but they don’t entirely suck either. For the money, they are still some of the better sounding, and better looking earbuds with an iPhone compatible microphone and remote I have found, and I happen to know from personal experience they can withstand up to 3 accidental washings in the washing machine. So yes, there are many reasons to wish to stick with the stock Apple buds, but wouldn’t it be great if they could sound a little better? Well, it turns out they can, thanks to a somewhat ingeniously simple piece of silicone called the ACOUSTIBUDS.
ACOUSTIBUDS are ribbed pieces of soft rubber that fit over the edges of pretty much any Apple-like earbuds (even the Zune), and they actually DO improve the sound quality noticeably – specifically the bass, which is often considered to be lacking from Apple’s buds. They achieve sound boost in two ways. First, they more or less turn your standard earbuds into in-ear headphones, allowing them to penetrate deeper into your ear canal to deliver the musical goodness. Second, they help seal out outside noise, and they do a pretty decent job. (A Tip – when placing the ACOUSTIBUDS on your headphones, it is important you leave the “bass holes” exposed – do not cover them, or you won’t get the full bass-boosting experience).

Above: Eeeewww…. well, that’s how they work.
Aside from blocking out noise, the ridges also serve to help hold the buds in your ear, even while jogging. The $12.99 ACOUSTIBUDS come in a 2 pack, one large pair (size 6), and one medium (size 5) pair. I’m pretty sure the large size were made specifically for Prince Charles, as despite being a 6-foot 3 hunk of man-meat with what I feel to be proportionately sized ears, I could not cram the large size into my ear canal. The smaller size, however, fit nicely once I go the hang of it. I had a little trouble at first, but once I got the right angle, I found using them to be no problem.
The only real issue I found is just how gross they get. You might THINK you have clean ears, but trust me, these things will pick up every piece of dead skin and ear wax your body can produce. I requested a white set to review, and got a black pair so perhaps the white would be a little more forgiving, but I would say try not to let anyone see your ACOUSTIBUDS as you pluck them from your ear and quickly move them to your pocket. The good news, however, is they rinse clean very easily. If you are going to be using them on your iPod or iPhone, I suggest you pick up the white ones.
The ACOUSTIBUDS will not turn your $30 iPhone buds into $200 Shure in-ear ear buds, but they DO in fact enhance the sound of the stock Apple buds, most noticeable bringing out bass you never thought was there. For $12.99, they definitely are worth the price. Just remember to clean your ears regularly, or you may find yourself washing them hourly.
Price: $12.99
Pros: Blocks outside noise, boosts bass, helps head phones stay in your ear, comes in 2 sizes to help ensure a good fit.
Cons: Get dirty quickly (we recommend the white color)
so cool, nice idea…
i was thinking to get these for my apple earbuds, but i was not sure if they really work.
you said the only con would be the fact that they get dirty. what if you wash them regularly? any problems there? or just by washing and drying them they’re like new?
white’s not a great idea… i’ve had etymotics triple flange ear pieces in white, and they actually turn yellow… this is over time, of course. but yeah, gross. i would rate my level of personal hygiene about an 8.5 out of 10. 9.5 if i’m about to go out in public.
I’m very tempted by these, even with their built-in Q-tips function.
Hey Gang, I have these and they work great. I have the white one’s and they don’t fade at all. You can easily wash them in water as many times as you want and they keep on working great.
As far as your own hygiene…just clean your ears every once in a while!
They’re great! I got mine back in March. I’ve been running with just my Apple earphones. I couldn’t even run a block without them falling out. With the Acoustibuds I was able to run without them falling out once. They also give out really good sound without turning up the volume. I though they would block the sound but the sound came through perfect!
As for cleaning them??? Use soap and water, its no big deal.