Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac! - Macenstein

Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac!

“Moje genitálie jsou schopni zmrazit čas.” Ahh, if you only knew how many times that phrase helped me out when I was in Czechoslovakia. What? You don’t speak Czech? Oh. Well, if you owned TranslateIt! for the Mac, you’d know what I just said (and you’d have a new found respect for me). Well, luckily for you, TranslateIt! has decided to give us Five 1- year licenses of their extremely cool translation software to give away to you, our most faithful of faithful readers.


Yes, studies have shown that most of us (particularly in America) are not as multi-lingual as we should be, but thanks to TranslateIt!, we can pretend we are! TanslateIt! has one of the slickest interfaces I have seen in any application, and it actually is a testament to its coolness that it makes translating things fun. I’ve been playing with the app for about half an hour so far and I am still finding new features. Key highlights (IMO) are:
• full text translation
• lots of free dictionaries for a great number of languages
• support for custom dictionaries,
• ability to look up words in any cocoa application by just moving the pointer over them
• translation from clipboard
• drag-and-drop translation
• text to speech
• a Spotlight-like ‘search as you type’ input method
• and a totally customizable dictionary display.

You can even use TranslateIt! as a teaching tool, as it can print Flash cards as well as quiz you in its Word Quiz game.


TranslateIt! claims it can translate to and from any language – and I did see a dictionary listed for every language of any country I imagine has a computer in it. Pretty much the only language missing is Klingon, but the good news is you can always add Klingon yourself as a custom dictionary, as TranslateIt! has an integrated converter for XDXF, Apple Dictionary, DSL, DCT formats, and the upcoming version will able work with most popular online dictionaries.

To enter: Just tell us what is the one language you wish you spoke fluently. (Personally, I’m still working on English…). Contest is open for 10 days to all readers worldwide. Thanks, and good luck!

106 Responses to “Win one of 5 copies of TranslateIt! for Mac!”
  1. Charlie says:

    Mandarin Chinese and German! Cool to learn about this software thanks!

  2. Mike Major says:

    French! You can say some really stupid stuff in French and it still sounds sexy! It would drive my wife WILD!!!!

  3. Dan says:

    I wish I spoke Arabic fluently.

  4. Marcus13 says:

    I would like to speak German fluently.

  5. bas.o says:

    wish i could speak tagalog fluently

  6. [in:TkZ] says:

    Objective-C … Cocoa

  7. AJK says:

    Deutsch, aber ich werde die Sprache lernen. But Swedish would be cool too, or icelandic.

  8. Kate says:


    oh, and

    te reo maori

  9. Dre says:

    Pants down Japanese…

  10. WFT says:

    Spanish! I could then get through spanish class!

  11. Daniel says:

    Greek. I took four semesters of it in college and I still feel lost.

  12. Adam D. says:

    Spanish – So I can talk to all the sexy latin ladies!!!

  13. Joe says:

    Spanish is it

  14. MartinM says:

    As I’m now living in Czech Republic, I have no need to be better in this language… Taky zdravim vsechny! 🙂 (=Greetings to all from here) Anyway, I would like to speak fluently French! (Or Japanese?) 🙂

  15. Kevin Law says:


  16. me sam says:

    without a doubt, Spanish

  17. Kurt says:

    I only know enough German to order a beer and get slapped. I would like to know how to converse beyond that level!

  18. james says:


  19. Trondheim says:

    German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, or Uzbek. I can’t decide which.

  20. Connor P says:

    I would love to be able to speak the language of getting chicks…

  21. Sammy says:

    I wish I spoke Chinese better, because I am Chinese!

  22. Justin says:

    German, because you always sound angry when you’re speaking it.

  23. Yamil Lopez says:

    Definitely —> Mandarin Chinese

    Close to 1 billion speakers worldwide. Talk about bang for your buck.

  24. Johnny Hubbard says:

    I would like to speak Latin. Where is that spoken again?

  25. Smorgasbord says:

    First choice: Whatever language my next wife is speaking.
    Second choice: Sign language. If the world learned it, we could all talk to each other.

  26. Enigmafan420 says:

    Wish I spoke French-Montreal is such a cool city and they won’t even give you the time of day if you don’t speak French!

  27. I once taught myself how to speak backwards fluently just so I could piss off my friends. It worked a treat because when I let on that “eeznapmihc” (pronounced – ease-nap-mik) was in fact “chimpanzee” actually chimpanzee spelled backwards the guy I had been calling eeznapmihc for so long clicked and tried to beat me up.

    As for languages I’d really like to speak fluently I would like to speak French. I love the French because any country arrogant enough to nuke paradise is pretty tops in my book.

  28. Oh, and I would also like to learn that weird English that every hardware product from China is written in.

    It’s pretty hard to take something seriously when part of the instructions is to take the manual out of the box and to place the zenlike rock pool of faith just like it is done for the power lead.

  29. wigwamman says:

    I’d love to speak Russian fluently…

  30. Frank says:


  31. Keyman says:

    Japanese for me.

  32. pattern recognition says:

    Hebrew, not for any real reason to speak it but to impress this girl. . .

  33. Grant Wall says:

    Mexican, just like the language.

  34. Davor says:

    I want to learn the Girl language…

  35. Japanese … (this should increase my known languages to 6 … ’cause I know already 5 😛 )

  36. Karl says:

    Russian, so I can figure out what my wife is saying about me to her girlfriends.

  37. ryan says:


  38. Lim BengHock says:

    japanese. with its 4 language system, it’s consider one of the most complicated languages.

  39. alex says:


  40. Chris says:

    I used to speak Russian, I would like to learn it again.

  41. Hector says:


  42. Georg says:

    funny thing, but i’d like to speak czech fluently (or at least a little bit). oh and then arabic. but speaking of fluently: it would be quite nice to speak at least spanish and french fluently

  43. Dani says:

    I would love to be able to speak French fluently.

  44. jasmine lim says:

    I am fated to learn French through TranslateIt! for Mac!

  45. Kal says:

    Finnish…yes seriously the contest is finished!

  46. Marlon says:

    French!… And Italian!

  47. Jussi Salomaa says:


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