Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisited: Heidi Montag - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisited: Heidi Montag

Look who’s rocking out on iTunesl? It’s Heidi Montag, she of The Hills, and a confirmed iPhone owner. Looks like she’s the real deal when it comes to Celebrity Mac Chicks (if not actresses).

Oh, and that things in the background with arrows pointing to it. Yeah, that’s a bong.

[via Celebslam]

12 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisited: Heidi Montag”
  1. Anthony says:

    Isn’t that iTunes?

  2. Whoops!
    Thanks guys.
    – The Doc

  3. A Bong! Nice 🙂

  4. mangochutney says:

    Uhm, she can use a PC?…


  5. dj says:

    Pepper mill?

  6. @ magnochutney: how darest thou mistake a Mac for a PC!

    @ dj on Sat: it’s definately a bong 😀

  7. K.E. says:

    She’s got some fat pipe running into that kitchen…

    The Logitech speakers were a solid buy though.

  8. earl says:

    why is she a celebrity? “reality” tv must die.

  9. darrell says:

    where is the macenstein-gratuitous butt shot with a drawn arrow pointing to it?

  10. Dope Master says:

    Hey! She a real dooper!

  11. Brad says:

    And how exactly are we certain that this is Heidi Montag. Or anyone of relevance, for that matter?

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