Hereโ€™s your chance to win Things! - Macenstein

Here’s your chance to win Things!

We know you guys love winning things, so we’re going to let you win things, literally! That’s right, we have TWO Things:Mac prize packages to give away, courtesy of our good friends over at CulturedCode. Each pack includes a copy of their Macworld Best of Show award winning Things:Mac and its companion iPhone app Things: iPhone โ€“ a $60 value!

So, what is Things, and why should you want it? Things is the most well-designed, powerful, yet easy to use “to-do-list program” available on the Mac, or any platform!

Things has a ton of cool features including:
iPhone Sync via Wi-Fi, a smart Today list, Repeating To Dos, Scheduled list, Search, the ability to track the progress of your coworkers and teammates, as well as Include notes and links to files, web sites or email messages. (click here for the complete list) And to top it off, we’re throwing in a copy of Things for iPhone (a $9.99 value) – the app that lets you take your to-dos with you no matter where you go. And we are not just talking about a simple to-do list. They’ve put the whole application in your pocket. Even better, it syncs seamlessly with Things on your Mac via Wi-Fi.

To enter: We all know there are tons of things you should be doing right now instead of reading Macenstein. So to enter, tell us the one thing on your To-Do list you have been putting off doing forever. Winners will be picked randomly. Contest is open to readers world-wide (but please note, the iPhone version of Things is US-only). Winner will be chosen Monday, April 13th. Good luck!

264 Responses to “Here’s your chance to win Things!”
  1. William To says:

    remodeling the kitchen and dining room.

  2. tfitch says:


  3. Matt says:

    Change the brake pads..

  4. Dowd says:

    Go in and be tested for bifocals… ugh.

  5. Kriss Petrounov says:

    Make family calendars to send to relatives in 2010.

  6. JohnnyA says:

    Calling back all the creditors that are trying to seize my house.

  7. Nathan C says:

    Getting around to buying “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, so I actually get things done!

    Also, buying “Things”, problem is its $75 here in Aus, help me out please.

  8. Gabe says:

    The same thing I do every day Pinky…er Doc

  9. John Hefner says:

    I’ve been putting off getting that doctors appointment. I’m pretty sure I already know what they’ll tell me: You need to lose weight and get those moles checked out …to which I’ll probably reply, “Thanks Doc – for letting me know I’m a fat, hairy mole man. Tell me something I didn’t know.”

  10. Micky Bolin says:

    Get organized, maybe using Things.

  11. Shearn Loh says:

    Reconfigure my garage. It’s a mess and I need better storage systems – planning on doing some shopping at IKEA!

  12. adam G says:

    Clipping My Toenails!!!

  13. Gareth says:

    I would finally go and feed the ducks

  14. Darren says:

    I’ve been putting off paying my taxes.. I’m broke can’t afford to do it right now, that is also why I’m trying to score a free copy of a program I’ve really been wanting. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. kbrian says:

    Applying for jobs …

    been unemployed since december ๐Ÿ™

  16. Phillip says:

    Clean up my desktop

  17. don says:

    Changing the air filters in the house.

  18. marcus says:

    I should be finishing the website….

  19. Matt says:

    Scrub the floors

  20. joel Goh says:

    Preparing for my exams!

  21. Alan says:

    Start doing my taxes.

  22. Bor says:

    Sending news tips to dr. Macenstein.

  23. Billy Jacks says:

    Buy “Things.”

  24. Jeremy says:

    Taking the Praxis exam

  25. Scotty says:

    I’ve been putting off unpacking my 2nd bedroom in a recent move. The wifey is getting restless.

  26. Copper says:

    Anything other than reading this website. . . it’s just that this site is more fun.

  27. Vincent says:

    cleaning my room! woohoo!

  28. Buying my own copy of Things

  29. Mathew says:

    Term paper, worth half my grade…

  30. Chris says:

    Get my MacBook Pro fixed.

  31. Create a to-do list.

  32. Jim Jones says:

    Divorcing my wife and filing for custody of my boy.

  33. Sergio says:

    doing my taxes

  34. Jon says:

    Making a things to do list

  35. Chris Matheson says:

    Learning a new language

  36. Ouzo says:

    Try to win THINGS ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. alexp says:

    getting over my ex

  38. BobbyD says:

    creating a process to build a process

  39. Israel says:

    stop wasting my time on the internet and start making some excescise and home improvement ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Alex says:

    learning japanese

  41. Teegan says:

    Writing up my double displacement lab for Chemistry

  42. Kelly says:

    wax something

  43. Shravan Sundaram says:

    Quit smoking

  44. lena says:

    dye my hair red!

  45. ramona says:

    bringing my macbook to the local reseller to get it repaired

  46. Steve says:

    Buy Indigo and Insteon components to control the house on my new Mac Mini!

  47. cyc says:

    get that funny looking mole looked at

  48. To do item: to give Microsoft a second chance.

  49. Brett says:

    Visiting the Apple Headquarters and Silicon Valley!

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