Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G / 3Gs! - Macenstein

Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G / 3Gs!


When you think about it, batteries may be the single greatest invention ever. They give us the freedom to use our electronics virtually ANYWHERE, completely freeing us from having to interact with other people. And probably the greatest battery of them all comes from Mophie, makers of the Juice Pack line of iPod and iPhone external batteries. And probably the greatest battery that Mophie makes is the Mophie Juice Pack Air, the super slim battery and iPhone case combined into one sleek, stylish, black, white, or purple case.

mophie juice pack air iPhone 3G

If you have an iPhone 3G, you want the Juice Pack Air. Why? Well, because the iPhone eats batteries for breakfast, and odds are you want an iPhone that still works well after lunchtime. The Juice Pack Air is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
• The world’s thinnest Apple certified “Works With iPhone” external battery for iPhone 3G and 3Gs!
• Rechargeable 1200mAh lithium polymer battery virtually doubles your time to rock, talk, surf and send.
• Pass-through USB charging and sync with iTunes
• Extended smart battery and full case protection
• On/Off switch offers choice of battery or case
• Integrated 4 LED charge status indicator Iight combines nearly all the battery charging goodness of the Juice Pack (almost doubling your iPhone’s battery life) while protecting it inside a protective form-fitting case.

To enter:
Batteries do nothing but bring joy to all that behold them, and are responsible for so many wonderful memories. So this week in order to enter, simply tell us what is the best battery powered item you own, or ever owned? (Keep it clean, people). Was it the giant AT-AT star was toy as a kid? Your digital camera? A Zune? Contest ends July 27th, and one winner will be picked randomly (US residents only this time, sorry folks). Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein!

203 Responses to “Win a Mophie Juice Pack Air for iPhone 3G / 3Gs!”
  1. John says:

    100% honestly, my iPhone is, by far, the single greatest use of a battery ever. I can’t even imagine not pulling my iPhone out of my pocket dozens of times every day.

  2. Ryan J. George says:

    I can’t live without my MacBook Pro… desktops just don’t travel well!

  3. Jayson says:

    My old Gameboy. Kept me occupied on many long car rides.

  4. Brandon says:

    While without a doubt I love my MacBook – my single greatest battery powered device is my iPhone 3Gs. On a daily basis I’m between 18-20 hours and it never leaves my side. Although quite often I end up lasting longer than it does without a recharge…

  5. Donut says:

    Would have to say it was definitely my GameBoy from back in the 80s.
    used 4 AA batteries. lots of great memories playing all the good games on it.

  6. Rory says:

    My 17″ Macbook Pro MB604LL/A , my battery is simply insane………… not all batteries are created equal.

  7. Austin Z says:

    When the gameboy first came out. One Triple A in a special pokemon game and it would vibrate. At that time a vibrating pokemon game on an old gameboy was amazing. Probably the best!!

  8. Adam W says:

    My favorite battery powered gadget has to be my iPhone 3GS. The iPhone has saved me many many times already and was totally worth the price of admission.

  9. allison says:

    my sony walkman! it was blue with green 😛
    and of course i used those wrap-around-the-back headphones

  10. James says:

    My first Discman! It was so cool to be able to take my CDs on the go back in the day.

  11. Frank Sanchez says:

    I can’t lie, I’ve never used any battery powered device more than my iPhones. I literally have to pace myself due to the battery.

  12. ChrisH says:

    My bicycle computer/heart rate monitor. I just can’t help geeking out over my training stats, speed and distances from each ride.

  13. Chris says:

    The perfect item for this contest, my iPhone 3G!

  14. I would have to say that the Macbook pro is the best battery powered thing EVER… And hey, it can even power your iPhone and charge that Juicepack.

  15. Karl says:

    Of course, this is my first Palm IIIx. It changes my gadget world!

  16. Dan Weeks says:

    My 2nd gen 20GB iPod. So many great times.

  17. crsrc says:

    My iphone 3g is easily the best of all. I’ve owned it for a year and have probably used it more than anything else in my life.

  18. Mike Major says:

    My GameBoy Advance! I could play that thing FOREVER and it would still work!

  19. BrianEnigma says:

    It was a Sony Walkman (or, perhaps, a knockoff made by someone else) in the early to mid 80s. That was when I was really starting to discover good music. I feel that the iPhone (and iPod before that and Discman before that) were extensions of it, but the battery-sucking Walkman was the start.

  20. fanboy numero uno says:

    original gameboy forsure

  21. Jason Sweitzer says:

    My Sega Gamegear. It saved my on many roadtrips from asking my parents when we were going to get there. Plus ithad color back when gameboy was only green/black.

  22. Min says:

    My first iBook. It was a gift given by my professor at university in 2001. I still have it and it still kicking with OS 10.4. I just upgraded it’s memory to an awesome 768MB recently. 😀

  23. Marlon says:

    My iBook G4!! It was shocked when the battery lasted 5-6 hours… (depends of the use)… and the other crappy “x” laptops with the unnamed OS lasted barely 2 hrs… jejejjeje so that’s why I keep my iBook!!

    And in 2nd place my iPhone 3G!! xD!!

  24. Patrick Hutchison says:

    I love my iPhone and all my modern gadgets… But my fave battery opperated device has to be my custom lightsaber…

  25. Jason says:

    It’s a tie between the iPhone and the Macbook Pro

  26. Ed says:

    Definitely iPhone 3G. MacBook in second place.

  27. Aaron Bryson says:

    My iPhone 1st, with my MacBook Pro pulling in at a close second

  28. bjorn says:

    My old school Game Gear. way ahead of its time…

  29. Doug says:

    Today, my iPhone. All time, I’d have to say the old Mattel Football and Basketball games. My mom actually kept ours from when we were kids and they’re still fun to play. I have the football one on my iPhone now, but it’ll never be the same as the real thing.

  30. I think my Nokia 3310 was able to stay awake for a week.
    I’ve been in love with that blue toy.

  31. Rico says:

    My favorite battery powered toy was my 80’s Sony Walkman. It was those yellow water resistant ones. I was able to listen to my Cure’s tapes next to the pool while on my 15 minute breaks as a life guard. Good times.

  32. Rohan says:

    My laptop has to be the best one so far and it is battery powered. The portability of my laptop (Macbook 13″ Unibody) beats all others.

  33. David says:

    Capsela. If you don’t know what it is look it up. It was one of my best Christmas presents.

    I was a geeky kid.

  34. Matt Massey says:

    My iPhone has become the single most important tool I use in a daily basis.

  35. reelist says:

    It HAS to be my iPhone. But it’d be that much better if it ran longer on its battery – enter the juice pack!

  36. Jarod says:

    As much as I loved my “Kit” car from the Knight Rider show that had the red lit front license plate and spoke when you pushed it… I still have to say my iPhones… ! From 1st Gen, to 2nd and now 3rd… I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, and it is without a doubt the single best gadget I have ever owned. Having something to keep it powered longer would be fantastic! I use my iPhone a lot for walking now that it has the built in Nike+, and extra battery power would allow me to go even further, helping me get in even better shape… !

  37. Stephen says:

    Well my iPhone is up there, as is the first gameboy I ever got… that was pretty awesome, but the best device….

    Has to be the remote control zombie walker from thinkgeek. Hours of brain craving fun.

  38. calemon says:

    I would have to say any device, toy, or other means of distraction that would have kept my daughters entertained away from their usual cry/destructionfest they would most assuredly have caused in their wake of boredom during a road trip.

  39. Bjarkovic says:

    I’ll have to go with my old “Simon Says” game. Epic.

  40. iShervin says:

    I am not S resident !!! 🙁

  41. Michael says:

    Sorry, it’s not a toy…it’s my Ford F-350

  42. btcook says:

    My iPod Mini, my first Apple device and iPod. I’m still using today (after a few warranty claims) as a source of music in my car at all times!

  43. Brad says:

    Hungry hungry hippo game.

  44. Paul says:

    iPhone 3GS of course!!!

  45. felix says:

    Obviously it’s my 3GS. What else would it be? 🙂

  46. Darrin D says:

    My 2008 Honda Element. I know it runs on gas, but without the battery it goes nowhere.

  47. Brad says:

    without using mt iPhone as an entry I’d have to say my Sony Alpha dSLR

  48. Brian says:

    My Newton MessagePad 130

  49. Josh Taylor says:

    Currently my MBP, but as a kid deff my GameBoy, that pea green screen saved my insanity on so many 8 hour family road trips to grandmas.

  50. Terry says:

    Just telling my wife the other day about the RCA transistor radio my grandfather gave me in 1967. I took it everywhere – not unlike my iPod!

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