Microsoft spokesman Seinfeld summed up in painting – by a Mac - Macenstein

Microsoft spokesman Seinfeld summed up in painting – by a Mac

Odds are you remember Jerry Seinfeld from those AMAZINGLY POPULAR Microsoft ads a couple years back. But did you know that before that, he actually had his own TV show? It’s true! It was called “Seinfeld”, and was once described as ” a show about nothing”. Well, oddly enough this show about nothing was actually a show about many things over its 9-year run, and the painting below sums them up nicely.

From Jerry’s Puffy Pirate shirt and the Man-ssiere/Bro, to the Superman statue and Mac that were in every episode… What the —? Well, it’s a very busy painting, I’m sure there’s a copy of XP in there somewhere…

[via cSlacker]

3 Responses to “Microsoft spokesman Seinfeld summed up in painting – by a Mac”
  1. Dan Dye says:

    I read your review (and several others) about the HField Wi-Fire antenna booster. They alkl said it works great.

    I have a macbook pro and a mini-mac but i could not get it to work on either.

    So I sent it back to the manufacturer for an exchange and it should be here any day.

    If I have problems getting to work on my mini mac (OS 10.5)


    I really want to det it to work as my Dad lives 600 feet away and he said I can use his wireless signal

    Ian Dye

  2. Joe says:

    Ha ha, the Elaine mannequin, that one was just on last week.
    Oh, and it says Microsoft just to the left of where I’m typing this.
    What the… ?

  3. haha…

    this picture is so awesome… you can identify a whole story with every little object

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