Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (August 2009): Valeria Tignini
Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Valeria Tignini, an actress, fitness model, writer and painter who just happens to be a die-hard Mac Chick!

Val recently started her own online video-blogging community,, designed to give women ages 15 and up a way to connect and give each other advice on many situations, from the light-hearted to the earth-shattering. And of course, she couldn’t have done it without her Mac!
“I don’t know what I would do without my Mac Gear… I run my company through my iPhone and MacBook.”

“In a world where so many women are faced with jealousy, bitterness, and criticism from other women; is on a mission to create friendship, praise, and support.”

When launching a business time is money, and Val can’t afford to be worrying about tech support. “It’s important to me that everything is technically compatible and Macs give me that option – now if finding a man is that easy”.
We’re pretty sure that won’t be all that hard (unless she wants a good one, that is).

• Name: Val from ValSecrets
• Location: New York City
• Occupation: CEO and Founder of ValSecrets Inc.
• First Apple product you bought: iPod
• Favorite Apple Gear: My iPhone
• Favorite non-Apple Gear: Firefox Mozilla
• Favorite Bands: The Beatles
• Hobbies: Painting, Working out, Modeling, Acting, Gardening, Charity Work, Designing, Helping people
• Pets: Brigitte Bardot (Be’Be’)
• Web site:

Despite her somewhat crazy schedule, Val is always sure to set aside time to help the less fortunate. She has been very involved with a number of philanthropic causes, most recently the Cornell Hospital Children’s Literacy Program and the Fran Drescher – Cancer Schmancer for Women’s Cancer. Truly a credit to Mac Chicks everywhere!

When it comes to her love of all things Apple, sometimes it can get a little competitive. “My dog barks at my iPhone sometimes because I give it more attention then her.”

Photos by Steve Zak
To see more of Val, check her out at:
Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.
Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.
Beautiful! And (it sounds like), nice as well. Nice find!
Very nice. Good job, doc.
Wait…gimme a moment…picturing her in skimpy workout gear–ah, that’s better!
Pretty girl, but she could have tried harder. She’s a little overdressed to be a true MacChick. At least the bondage shots with the USB cable are a bit suggestive.
mmm where miss july? 🙂
@pn I think Miss July is a “real chick”. Maybe I am wrong. >_> <_<
@Jonro “she could have tried harder”… Really??? Just cuz she is classy and out of your league doesn’t mean you should suggest that she needs to reveal more. Kudos to her for not looking like a slut. oh… try getting a girlfriend and tell her to try harder.
Don’t act like an idiot, Joshua. She’s not going to read your comment and ask you out on a date. Do you think that all MacChicks are sluts because of the way they dress? Anyway, how does a little pissant like you presume to know whether or not she is “out of my league” or anything about my social life. Whatever you presume is wrong, my friend.
Bravo! Valeria is one of my favorite Mac chicks thus far. I love Macs because their internal design is far more wonderful to me than their (also wonderful) exterior. Appropriately, it seems Valeria is at least as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. *swoon*
@jonro sorry buddy. I’m not looking for a date. I already have a hit “mac chick” of my own. I just think it is pathetic how you are sitting at your computer wishing a girl would be more suggestive and that she could try harder. If you ask around I’m sure you will find that women don’t really appreciate that attitude. Good luck with your life my friend! 🙂
I imagine that your “mac chick” is only in your dreams. And you think I’m pathetic for reading this post? What exactly are you doing here? Hoping for a better looking “girlfriend?” You’re not my buddy, just a presumptuous jerk who decided to attack me personally for my post.
Ooooooooooooooooooooo fight fight fight fight
Wrong again jonro my friend 🙂
I said it’s pathetic that you are wishing that a perfectly fine photoshoot could have been more suggestive… Go to a porn site if that’s what you want.
My “fake” girlfriend thinks the same thing btw
What is unfortunate here is what you read into my comments and that you feel a need to attack me for them. It’s a typical tactic of people who don’t have a valid argument to imply something completely off the wall, like that I was looking for porn, which I am not. Too bad for you that you can’t respect my rights to express my opinion. It’s that kind of immature behavior that ruins a thread and ruins a site.
Actually my argument was quite valid and sound.
after the last MCotM the bar is high. Dont get me wrong, she is beautiful, but she is no Irina Voronina.
She looks hot but she’s clothed…
Whatever. You bore me. You can have the last word if you want.
she has such a sultry exotic look! and the way her outfit layers and clings to her curves is mesmerizing.
this chick is hot and would like to see her take off her top to see those babies!
You got the right girl for the month of August. Valeria is a truly one of a kind female. Having had the opportunity to meet, photograph and get to know Valeria, she is more than just an incredibily striking, beautiful, sexy female, she is soulful, earnest, well mannered and grounded in excellent family values. So honestly for me, I see something else, a more humanistic side to an individual who I would truly like to see succeed and gain more exposure because there is so much substance behind the beauty. So many sexy girls look like kind of girls you want to hook up with. Val is the kind of girl you want as your sister, your best friend and even your wife. Because if you had her as your wife, you would never need a mistress or long for a best friend. We love Valeria.
What a beautiful woman. Smart and brainy and those lovely eyes. That’s sexy.
Pretty but too many clothes. I’m just sayin. She’s no Aerin from December!!!!!
Wait a minute, I thought AT$T didn’t allow iPhone tethering.
i Second that Stephen Caldwell said, those eyes smile so beautiful so dream girl.
Steve Zak, don’t you have any long lenses? The wide angles aren’t doing Val any favours here.
Beautiful women. Just goes to show a girl doesn’t have to dress skimpy to tweak a man’s … interest. She just has to know how to dress.
The Beatles? That takes me back. 🙂
Im sure Val is a nice person but this shoot is very dull.
Amount of flesh shown is not the issue here for me.
The shots just so look wooden & the outfit is boring.
I think this girl was too nervous on this shoot.
I’ve seen self portraits with cell phones look more sexy/erotic than this..
What art director allowed this to be published?
Fail! Fail! Fail!
I was wondering if any of you have checked out this webpage ?
happen to see them not too long after I found your site.. I thought of the mac chics.. talk about some hot pictures. whew.. they are on twitter too.. catchy name for two smoking hot girls.
Alls u guyz whos wantin herz to getz nakeds suxxzz!! She betters thiz wayz!!!
Thank you Valeria. You don’t need to take any clothes off and you are proof. You are beautiful and classy. Nice shots and you and mac.