Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Tyra Banks
The always fashionable Tyra “I have a fear of dolphins (4:20)” Banks, and her Speck-covered Mac. And her giant shoes.

Who sits like this?
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Pao-Lung for the pic!
[via ekstrabladet]
“Who sits like this?” — Probably people who like that old song…
I think it was something like this:
“… no dignity, no doubt …”
“Who sits like this?”
People wearing pants…. But, keeping the shoes on, that’s another matter.
Who sits like this?
I would say someone who is bendy. ; )
“bendy” and “supermodel”… things that make you go “hmmm….”
If I sat like that, I’d need surgery to put the boys back together.
She sure is good at spreading her legs 🙂
whenever i fire up photoshop i sit like that too.
my mac isn’t the only thing that needs a fan when it’s warmer then 50º C if you catch my drift.