Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (September 2009): Yael Markovich
Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Yael Markovich, an Israeli model who just happens to be a die-hard Mac Chick!

Born in Israel to a Polish father and a Syrian/Turkish mother it is easy to see where Yael gets her exotic looks from but converse with her and you will find out that she is not only beautiful but extremely intelligent (as evidenced by her love of Apple gear!

As Yael finishes her semester in college she explains why she chose a degree in Business. ” I never liked working for others and a Business degree gives me the freedom to be an independent contractor…letting me manage my finances and set my own schedule.”

Yael moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a makeup artist but shifted her career path when a photographer by the name of John Graf thought Yael should be in front of the camera as opposed to behind the scenes. Yael agreed to a photoshoot and ever since then has been modeling full time.

• Name: Yael Markovich
• Age: old enough to stay up past 9 pm haha
• Location: Santa Monica, Ca originally from Haifa, Israel
• Occupation: Professional Model
• First Apple product you bought: iPod shuffle 1 GB
• Favorite Apple Gear: iPhone 3g S
• Favorite non-Apple Gear: Xbox and Wii
• Favorite TV Shows: Girls next door, Chelsea handler, The soup
• Favorite Movies: van wilder, how high, high school high
• Favorite Books: immaculate deception, something borrowed, something blue, baby proof, and love the one your with.
• Favorite Bands: Linkin Park, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Beatles, Metallica, Duran Duran, and Pink Floyd…also any Israeli music! (both modern and folk)
• Hobbies: belly dancing, cheerleading, and gymnastics
• Pets: 5 lbs chihuahua named CoCo

“My first Apple product was an iPod shuffle 1 GB, I remember thinking this is a great invention! but then the iPhone came out and I knew it was official…it was the greatest invention yet!”
“I was used to using a PC and granted it took me a couple of weeks to learn the Mac software but it was well worth it!

“Who would have thought that a small computer chip in a small device would have the ability to store hundreds of thousands of songs? Amazing!”

Currently, Yael has been featured on sites like,,,,, and but explain the pros and cons of having her own website ” I love having my own website because it works as a portfolio for clients, modeling agencies, and photographers however it constantly needs to be updated…but I am most proud of my work on my website”

While she has been featured on numerous sites she also works with established names like Playboy Golf, Hawaiian Tropics and Amp Energy. You will also see her looking gorgeous in upcoming episodes of Entourage, Melrose Place, CSI Miami to name a few. ” I enjoy working on TV shows but I love working on music videos” She is featured strutting her stuff in Mary Mary’s – God in me as well as Pitbull’s – Blanco music video. Yael can also be seen in an upcoming feature film called Couples Retreat coming soon!

Photos by John Graf
To see more of Yael, check her out at:
Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.
Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.

Click to download.

Click to download.
Man, THIS is what the stickers were for.
Oh My!!! Great job Doc! WOW!!!!!
I’d buy that for a dollar
I knew I had a reason for saving all those stickers. Thank you Yael for the idea. 😉
Yael is beautiful. Good job guys. Thanks so much.
Wow. Very nice. Exquisite beauty and damn sexy! Great job this time Doc
I don’t care what she’s listening to, I just want to be there for it…
Dang! that’s one lucky sticker that is 🙂
She a beautiful lady, love her look!!!!!!!
Quick – Hand me the pliers! No not those… the Zircon Encrusted ones!
Yael, you’re super sexy!
I like the shot with the “moving hair”, very dynamic.
Pretty hot. But picture number 2 isn’t very flattering. Her eyes are all crooked. Look at it for too long and your brain starts to melt.
She has eyes? 🙂
Pic 3 is by far and away the best.
WOW, beautiful
Excellent idea for the stickers! Will be trying that tonight, although, i feel a swift backhand to face from my wife is imminent,
Beautiful!! i love her!! …
Hey Doc you should make a MCotM wallpaper for iphone..
Excellent. And I just received two stickers with my Snow Leopard disc. 🙂
I’ve seen a fair number of Israeli girls before. She’s pretty close to the best.
Pic 6 – Is she perhaps using the iSight camera to reconfirm to herself how awesome her backside is? I can cover that job and she won’t have to worry about lower back strain.
Oy Vey indeed!
thank you everyone for being so sweet with your comments! 🙂 a special thank you to Doc for contacting Mike (my manager) and making me Miss September!
What a beautiful to accent a Mac! 🙂
Mr. Jobs could really sell iPhones with help with ladies like Yael.
Wow…. this is really cool! You know what would be really great, I wish there was an iPhone app or something to get updates on this.
The third download!!
Great work Yael and John! 🙂
you’re absolutely gorgeous
amazing.. love the pics
I love Yael and John!!!! They make the most amazing photos together.
One of the most beautiful MacChicks yet 😀 This is proof that Angels exist & walk along with us ;D
Yael is SO HOT!!!
But not just that, She is TOO SWEET!
and one hell of a make up artist too!
Nice Shots Yael, You and John work very well together!!!!!
absurdly beautiful. her looks are so strikingly sexy and playful!
One word…”schwing” 😉
I want to thank Macenstein for posting these pictures. I have been a photographer for 25 years but I have never seen a woman who was more beautiful than Yael. I feel so lucky to have been able to shoot these pictures for her..and you. All I can say is that I reached my goal of shooting the most beautiful woman on the planet. I can die happy now :o)
I think I have to switch to Mac now…I mean RIGHT NOW!!!! Whew I need a cigeratte.
if you like her, you can go here, vote for her, and get pictures of her!
john graf is the best photographer! thank you for being the best and for making me look so good 🙂 visit his website