Attention pushy, over-achieving parents: All Brain Quest iPhone titles on sale now
Whether you are a domineering parent set on your little Doogie Howser congratulating medical school at age 16 or just someone who’s having a hard time justifying buying your 6 year-old their own iPod touch simply to play games (guilty), you really can’t go wrong with the insane price cuts on Modality’s Brain Quest Titles. I actually bought the Brain Quest Grade 2 and Brain Quest Grade 3 versions for my daughter a couple months ago at $9.99 a piece, but this week the titles have all dropped to 99¢.

As far as forced learning goes, I find the Brain Quest games have been a pleasure to use in blackmailing my child into learning. I simply say that before she is allowed to play a REAL game on her iPod touch or watch an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place, she needs to complete a level or two on Brain Quest, and it works like a charm.
Right now all 6 Brain Quest titles: Brain Quest Grade 2, Brain Quest Grade 3, Brain Quest Grade 4, Brain Quest Grade 5, Brain Quest Grade 6, and Brain Quest Grade 7 are all on sale for just 99¢. I picked up grades 4 and 5, figuring by the time she’s ready for grades 6 and 7 she’ll be using an iTablet and whatever apps THAT has.