Have a Holly Jolly, Mac Chick-mas! - Macenstein

Have a Holly Jolly, Mac Chick-mas!


Macenstein would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas… or whatever it is you celebrate this holiday season. Yes, no matter WHAT your religion (or lack there of), there is one unifying force that causes us all to put aside our petty differences this time of year, and focus on what’s really important. Namely, ogling hot chicks in Santa outfits. And who better to ogle than Mac Chick of the Month March 2007, DeBranne, who apparently was a VERY good girl this year! (More pics after the Jump!)











To see more of DeBranne, (and to see some pretty cool interactive video of her) check out her swimwear line at Avante Swim (click the enhanced link at the bottom).

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.

13 Responses to “Have a Holly Jolly, Mac Chick-mas!”
  1. Santa Claus says:

    LOVE the wallpaper, thanks so much!

  2. dlowe402 says:

    This is the BESTEST Christmas EVER!!!

  3. Rowlings says:

    Her flash site thing stutters in firefox for me but is pretty damn cool in safari. although I’m not sure the heels are all that practical for pool wear.

  4. slappy says:

    The Christmas tree shot just yells out “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to the lucky guy she’s with!

  5. Zendriver says:

    There’s something about that black and white tree-trimming picture that really speaks to me, but I can’t quite figure it out. I will continue to study its nuances. In my bunk.

  6. darrell says:

    omg! more swimsuit pics please!!!!!!!!!

  7. Daniel says:

    Talk about Holiday treats! 🙂
    Thanks Doc, you did it again!
    Great wallpaper and images.
    Merry Christmas!

  8. TBM says:

    HAY! That B&W image did not have an Apple product in it!….

    hmmmmm okay I’ll let it slip this time…. :/

  9. botnet says:

    Now I have to buy a Mac, just t use that wallpaper 🙂

  10. Aldo Johnson says:

    Darn. Bandwith limit exceeded. But loooking at her pics again, the answer is … of course 🙂 Those eyes… so mesmerizing 😯

  11. Sherv says:


  12. Imagine Engine says:

    I would of been more jolly if Santa had left her wrapped in a red ribbon under my Christmas tree ? She’s a sparkling beauty.

  13. Man-O-War says:

    What a nice caboose in the B&W shot… Ouch!

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