“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 19 – Any Speck laptop case you want
This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Howard.
On the Nineteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Any Speck Apple laptop case you want!
In the past we used to give out specific cases, say, a pink 17-inch MacBook Pro case. Problem was, if you didn’t have a 17-inch MBP, or didn’t like pink, well, you pretty much didn’t care. But this year the good folks at Speck came up with a BRILLIANT idea: Why not let the winner choose what case THEY want?
That’s right, whether you own an old black or white MacBook, a MacBook Air, or the big daddy 17-inch MacBook Pro Speck’s got you covered in style. The winner gets to choose any style case in any color for any model Apple laptop that Speck makes (assuming it is currently in stock on their online store). So head on over to the Speck Store, pick out your dream case from their wonderful selection (including the SeeThru or the new SeeThru Satin), and then enter below.
To enter: Sure, we all LOVE brushed aluminum, but since Speck’s cases are as much about adding a splash of color to your laptop as protecting it, leave us a comment telling us If you could force Apple to make you a custmo MacBook Pro in ANY color, what would you choose?. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to ALL READERS WORLD-WIDE. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!
A custmo[sic] color eh?
I guess that would have to be some sort of blue and black mix much like what people are hoping OS X Marble would look like. While that’s technically two colors, black with hints of blue would be nice.
PS: I need one of these cases.
i really like the black, i wish they’d bring it back.
I really like the aluminum look, but the BlackBook had it’s charm too…
would definitely be orange
The blue of Leopard’s folder icon.
Green xD!!
That’d be crazy! But I’ll get a blue-turqouise MacBook for my girlfriend. I will keep my alluminium MBPro.
I would love to see an onyx-colored aluminum MacBook Pro.
would definitely have a picture of my daughter
rolyal blue
MIrrorlike chrome – like Padme Amidalas space ship…
Oh, I’ll say red with a little green area like a real McIntosh apple.
Black is still basic
yellow – like taxi cab yellow!
I just love black. don’t want to argue if it a color or not. just bring the black one back apple. pretty plz
yellow of course
Most people here have said black, and I agree, but I think it should be a deep charcoal color, not straight black.
I always wanted a forest green MacBook pro!!
Blue. I think blue is poorly represented in the colours people usually select for cases.
The same red that Coca-Cola uses for their Coca-Cola Classic cans.
Fire engine red.
mat black, just like the ipod classic
black with orange glowing apple, orange trackpad and orange letters on the keys.
Glossy Carbon Black, with suede on the inside, so your hands have a softer place to rest upon while typing!
matte black
cow print (black & white).
Transparent Neon Orange. You heard me…
Pink Black 🙂
I would also go with brushed black aluminum. it just looks so good on the iMac’s back.
A really glossy black, like black glass. That’d be awesome until it ended up scratched to all hell.
Carbon Black
Hmm… Royal Purple sounds good. But why not the colors of the original Apple logo?
Royal Purple
Orchid 🙂
it would look cool with leopard design on it!
i need a case bad i have a white macbook and
it gets dirty constantly along with surface scratches.
burberry pattern. wow that would be soo amazing now that i think of it. lol
Red Plaid
Mood Ring 😛