“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 19 – Any Speck laptop case you want - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 19 – Any Speck laptop case you want

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Howard.

On the Nineteenth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Any Speck Apple laptop case you want!

In the past we used to give out specific cases, say, a pink 17-inch MacBook Pro case. Problem was, if you didn’t have a 17-inch MBP, or didn’t like pink, well, you pretty much didn’t care. But this year the good folks at Speck came up with a BRILLIANT idea: Why not let the winner choose what case THEY want?

speck laptop case

That’s right, whether you own an old black or white MacBook, a MacBook Air, or the big daddy 17-inch MacBook Pro Speck’s got you covered in style. The winner gets to choose any style case in any color for any model Apple laptop that Speck makes (assuming it is currently in stock on their online store). So head on over to the Speck Store, pick out your dream case from their wonderful selection (including the SeeThru or the new SeeThru Satin), and then enter below.

To enter: Sure, we all LOVE brushed aluminum, but since Speck’s cases are as much about adding a splash of color to your laptop as protecting it, leave us a comment telling us If you could force Apple to make you a custmo MacBook Pro in ANY color, what would you choose?. Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to ALL READERS WORLD-WIDE. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

254 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 19 – Any Speck laptop case you want”
  1. Uuu … I know this one 😛 RED !!!

  2. Manu says:

    White or green

  3. Scott says:

    i like silver. oh, wait….they all ready do that

  4. A black mate one would be awesome.

  5. Javier says:

    polka dot

  6. Taylor says:

    Electric Blue. Always wanted a car that color but never able to get one.

  7. Vincent says:

    neon green!

  8. Greg says:

    i like carbon fiber forest green. but then I’m strange.

  9. Matthew Smith says:

    Lime Green like the old iBook. Second choice would be BLUE DALMATIAN!

  10. Greg Sutton says:

    Maybe the Gordon Tartan?

  11. Charlie says:

    Dark blue

  12. andrew kelley says:


  13. Matt says:

    Ducati Red

  14. Daniel says:

    Gun metal

  15. Joe Y says:

    bring back the black

  16. Dave says:

    Anodized Black would be nice

  17. thaddeus says:


  18. Travis Schiebel says:

    it would have to be Matt Black

  19. Jurek Mazurek says:


  20. Eduardo FSO says:


  21. Ben Bowden says:

    tie dye

  22. Nicholas says:

    Black aluminum with a purple back light on the keyboard.

  23. Terry says:

    Black Titanium

  24. Mandy says:

    sky blue

  25. Graphite! Maybe kind of Shady Graphite!

  26. Jeff says:

    Piano Black (fingerprint free, of course)

  27. Billy says:


  28. Kirk Pearson says:

    How about one that has STRIPES. It would look like my favorite shirt. Ooh! On top of that, why not make the macbook look LIKE A SHIRT? You could have buttons and everything. And a pocket protector… always need one of those.

  29. flunkycarter says:

    I would love a burberry mac!

  30. photogirl333 says:

    brushed aluminum, of course! 😉

  31. J McLain says:


  32. criest says:

    i’d like to have the black one. it’s really cool !! for my macbook not macbook pro XD

  33. asiej says:

    white (I have macbook unibody 2009 and I like it)

  34. Adam Fisher-Cox says:

    I want a blue one like an iPod nano.

  35. Gonzalo says:


  36. Obviously the bright blue metallic of my 2002 Saturn SL1. 😀

  37. imajoebob says:

    Any of the nano colors. I’ve been whining for years they should offer a [PRODUCT] RED MBP.

  38. Cristopher says:

    Graphite/slate grey. More towards the blue end of the spectrum than aluminum is.

  39. preshit says:

    Matte black! Like a stealth device.

  40. Matt says:

    Black. Period.

  41. A. Emre Ünal says:

    Orange, definitely.

  42. Andrew says:

    I would like to see a black aluminum mbp

  43. Jose C. Murillo says:

    Bright blue

  44. Chris says:

    I would not mind a blue, but that would be boring. Apple has enough loyal fans that they could offer an air brush paint job, or some other artistic style. I was thinking, in particular, a large apple painted on the top of the case with the apple logo in the middle. Or they could even off set the logo to be the light reflection on the painted apple, but that would be a case redesign and more money.

  45. Jason says:

    Is CLEAR a color?

  46. Chris says:


  47. Matt says:

    Was gonna say black, but plaid sounds bomb!

  48. Noah Grove says:

    pearlescent….that would rock


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