“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 28 – NewerTech’s Charge & Sync - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 28 – NewerTech’s Charge & Sync

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Alexis.

On the Twenty-Eighth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) NewerTech’s Charge & Sync for your iPhone! (or lamer mobile device).

NewerTech's Charge & Sync

Nothing’s worse than being miles from Alternating Current with a dead iPhone. In fact, it’s rapidly becoming people’s number two fear, right after public speaking. But if you should be lucky enough to win NewerTech’s Charge & Sync, you can spend less time worrying about dead batteries, and more time worrying about sharks with frickin’ laser beams (people’s number THREE fear).

Get Fully Recharged On The Go!

A portable charger, battery pack, and sync solution for iPhone, iPod, cellphones, digital cameras, and other digital devices. It’s the ultimate multipurpose tool for your mobile device lifestyle! Recharge your device via a standard AC outlet or enjoy extra run time with the built-in battery. You can also charge and data sync with your computer via USB.

The NuPower Charge and Sync+ comes with three interchangeable cables – mini-USB, micro-USB and Dock Connector – to connect to nearly any mobile device.

To enter: There’s nothing better than charging stuff, but some times charging can get you in trouble. So to enter, leave us a comment telling us How many credit cards do you own? Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

207 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 28 – NewerTech’s Charge & Sync”
  1. Steven says:

    After I built a good credit history, I cancelled all but one.

  2. Mykel says:

    Six unholy credit cards!!

  3. Rodney says:

    Just the one, it is kept busy enough.

  4. biblezombie says:

    just one: Lowes for emergency repair.

  5. Alan says:

    Just 1

  6. Adam G. Davie says:

    2 Credit Cards

  7. L.A. says:

    “six, ah ah ah” (Count from Sesame Street)

  8. Karsten says:

    One. Barely use it. I’m broke.

  9. I’m not sure I own them, at least not after reading the fine print. But I have 4 — 3 for regular use, and one for emergencies.

  10. mestre says:

    not any more

  11. As a new working class hero, I just own one!

  12. felix says:

    none at all

  13. Matthew Smith says:


  14. Marlon Callejas says:

    2 but I’m allowed to use only one…

  15. Jason says:

    6, must we only use Amex Blue.

  16. Jason says:

    4, but we only use Amex Blue.

  17. Keith Higgins says:

    5, but I typically only use one of them.

  18. Hanan Marton says:

    Just one… No need really for more than that.

  19. J McLain says:

    3, but rarely use just one.

  20. Billy says:

    It is the other way around, I don’t OWN any, THEY OWN ME ;-(

  21. K Johnston says:

    3 but all paid off. 🙂

  22. Barry Napier says:

    8 probably with a few empty for rotation.

  23. Scott Bier says:

    None, finally!

  24. regularg0nz0 says:

    Technically, the bank owns all of my cards. I just get to use them.

  25. Mike says:

    Just 1 credit card – 1 too many! Credit is an evil seductress, people!

    I use a debit card for convenience. Debit cards are dangerous too! Very few consumer protections to safeguard your checking account.

  26. Taylor says:

    More than enough!

  27. Paul says:


  28. Mikko says:

    None, only one debit card and a Visa Electron.

  29. thad says:

    about to be 1 less!

  30. Dave says:

    I have 3 but only use one.

  31. ron says:

    Just 1. I’m a good boy.

  32. Brandon says:

    One Card!

  33. Bruce Winch says:

    2 credit cards, 2 debit cards and three or four department store cards.

    But for online use I use prepaid gift mastercards or visas.

  34. Claire says:


  35. Dreamer says:


  36. criest says:

    only one….and it is supplement card…

  37. .hugo says:

    just 1 credit card!

  38. Bobby Spangler says:


  39. Only Debit 😛 no Credit Cards … I hate debts 😛

  40. Travis Schiebel says:

    Thank you Dave … I have no Credit Cards to my Name!!!!

  41. Matt says:

    Just 1

  42. ronny says:

    2 plus a debit

  43. Christophear says:

    Fortunately only one

  44. Carlo says:

    3, but i only use one

  45. Teegan says:

    None – 1 debit card

  46. Tim says:

    Two cards. No balance!!!


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