“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 9 – Disk Warrior - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 9 – Disk Warrior

This contest is closed. Congrats to faithful Macenstein reader Ned!

On the Ninth Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) Your very own copy of DiskWarrior 4 by Alsoft!

diskwarrior 4 by alsoft

Yes, the mighty DiskWarrior 4, the safest, most technologically advanced, most powerful utility to eliminate directory damage available for any computer, and, the only product, hardware or software, that has ever earned the highly sought after 10 out of 10 rating from Macenstein. Why? Because it rescued my entire 60 GB music collection when I had a drive go kablooey on me and other disk repair utilities failed.

The key to DiskWarrior’s success is that it is not a disk repair program in the conventional sense. Instead of patching the original directory, it uses a patent-pending technology to quickly build a new replacement directory using data recovered from the original directory, thereby recovering files, folders and documents that you thought were lost and that no other program could recover.

Those of you who have had disk trouble and who have written to me in desperation know DiskWarrior is my go-to answer, so if you do not own it already, and don’t win it here, go buy a copy. You’ll be glad you did.

To enter: Since DiskWarrior is the weapon of choice when fighting damaged disks, leave us a comment with the coolest imaginary weapon in TV/Film/videogame history. It could be the Death Star from Star Wars, The Sword of Omens from Thundercats, or Sticky Grenades from Halo 3 (but we all know it is the Glave from the movie Krull). Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

281 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 9 – Disk Warrior”
  1. apod says:

    The WOPR from Wargames.

  2. Mibrilane says:

    The field effect manipulator in HALF-LIFE 2.

  3. Mibrilane says:

    That should be “”zero-point energy field manipulator” from HALF-LIFE 2, aka the Gravity Gun.

  4. Greg says:

    Point of View Gun from hitchhikers guide or maybe the Kill o Zap blaster pistol.

  5. Grant says:

    LASER…. sweeeeeeet

  6. Tom Ross says:

    Veritech fighter from Robotech, can be a plane, a robot, and a blend of the two.

  7. Eric says:

    Gunblades from Final Fantasy VIII. They just work!

  8. Stan Thiemann says:

    I’d love to sport a couple of the Iron Man suits in my closet

  9. Dave says:


  10. kuzya says:

    laser sword from the star wars

  11. JEK says:

    The storm trooper’s blaster… 🙂

  12. mestre says:

    I’d go with Oddjob’s bowler hat from Goldfinger. Elegant, discreet and practical, even for the 99.999% of the time it doesn’t need to function as lethal headware.

  13. ArKay says:

    Excalibre. Take your pick, the starship or king Arthur’s sword – either one is pretty cool.

  14. Darrin D says:

    The Redeemer from Unreal. I just like the name (said with gravely voice)

  15. Jeff says:

    Gravity gun, Half-Life series. 😀

  16. Seth says:

    I’m old school. I’d like to have an an original Star Trek phaser.

  17. Connor says:

    The orgasm gun from Orgazmo of course

  18. Tim says:

    The BFG9000 of course!

  19. Josh says:

    use the schwartz

  20. Alexis says:

    Quite simply Green Kryptonite. It can kill the Man of Steel. One of the most powerful being in the universe, so fragile in presence of this deadly little green rock.

  21. John Daugherty says:

    The Klingon Bat’leth.

  22. Philip says:

    Laser whip from Johnny Mneumonic

  23. ronny says:

    the pistol that shot C. Montgomery Burns, the same gun with which Waylon Smithers accidentally shot Jasper Beardley in the wooden leg. after Smithers apologized, Jasper asked, “you shot who in the what now?”

  24. Whaps says:

    BFG 9000

  25. Jean Vasquez says:


  26. Ned Falconer says:

    Adam West’s Cat Launcher, clearly 🙂

  27. Leif Johnson says:

    I have to go with the phaser

  28. HardCharger says:


  29. Paul says:

    Double-sided lightsabre.

    Go Canada! And remember to use the force for good, and not evil, kids.

  30. The Jedi Lightsaber 😛 I got 2 of them 😛

  31. Adam Fisher-Cox says:

    The classic Lightsaber of course.

  32. Bob says:

    I gotta say Light Saber also.

  33. Caleb says:

    Darth Vader’s lightsabre from Empire Strikes Back

  34. Vick says:

    Diskwarrior is one the best givesway tools for me… The possibility of obtaining the DiskWarrior is a great initiative offered by macenstein

  35. Mike says:

    The Cone of Silence from Get Smart

  36. Adam G. Davie says:

    The gun with the chainsaw from Gears of War.

  37. Allan says:

    Neo my chosen weapon of choice from the Matrix

  38. Daniel Ooi says:

    G.I. Joe’s 80 MPH Power Suits

  39. Nick says:

    I have to be unoriginal and say the Lightsaber.

  40. Joe says:

    Duel Lightsaber!

  41. Keith Smith says:

    Sonic Blaster, from the Weapons factory at Villengard. DOCTOR WHO, “The Doctor Dances”.

    The Doctor: [identifying Jack’s weapon] Sonic Blaster. Fifty-first century. Weapons factory at Villengard?
    Captain Jack Harkness: You’ve been to the factories?
    The Doctor: Once.
    Captain Jack Harkness: Well, they’re gone now, destroyed. Main reactor went critical, vaporized the lot.
    The Doctor: Like I said. Once. [looking over at Rose; matter-of-factly] There’s a banana grove there now. [looks at Jack; smiling] The Doctor: I like bananas. Bananas are good.

    Captain Jack: [when he realizes his Sonic Blaster’s stopped working] Damn it! It’s the special features, they really drain the battery.
    Rose Tyler: The battery? [both run through the door the Doctor just opened; after she stops] That’s so lame.
    Captain Jack: I was going to send for another one but *somebody’s* [looking at the Doctor] got to blow up the factory…!

    Captain Jack Harkness: [refering to the banana that he tosses back to the Doctor] Nice switch.
    The Doctor: [catches banana; holds it up as he speaks] It’s from the groves of Villengard, thought it was appropriate.
    Captain Jack Harkness: There’s really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard? And you did that?
    The Doctor: [semi-shrug; waving the banana proudly] Bananas are good.

  42. Nathean says:

    has to be the lightsaber; who wouldn’t want one of those!! especially after seeing Star Wars: Episode 1

  43. Matt says:


  44. Andrew says:

    I’ve gotta go with the GI Joe suits as well.

  45. Kevin says:

    Ninja Throwing Stars! My mom still won’t let me have one and I’m 34!

  46. Eric says:

    Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kick to the face followed by a Fling Thing (Catapult) and a Light Whip (Lightsaber as a whip).

  47. ryan says:

    Doom – “BFG”

  48. JTD says:


  49. Mark says:

    Ghostbuster’s Ghost Pack


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