Motorola pulls a Seinfeld with its new Megan Fox ad campaign
Not since the bizarre casting of infamous Mac-head Jerry Seinfeld as Microsoft’s pitchman has there been such a “What the F?” advertising moment as seeing Megan Fox appear in Motorola’s new Devour Super Bowl commercial.

As anyone who’s ever stalked Megan knows, she’s a die-hard iPhone user. It will be interesting to see if she has to start walking around with the Devour as part of her contract, or if she only sold her body, not her soul.
– The Doc
Who cares about the freaking phone…it’s Megan Fox for christ sakes. Honestly, I didn’t even remember the phone she was using at any point in the commercial…all I remember is how badly I wanted to see that photo she took and for those bubbles to pop.
Don’t worry, she got paid lots of money so that she can give her friends and family a new iPad when it comes out. 🙂