The “I still love my iPhone 3G/3G S Giveaway” Day 4 – An iSkin revo2 iPhone case
With all this talk about the iPhone 4, it’s easy to forget there’s 10’s of millions of perfectly good iPhone 3G’s and 3G S’s out there still looking for some loving. And while we’re all about the iPhone 4 these days, we haven’t forgotten about all you “old-school” iPhone users, and we’re showing you some love with our new iPhone 3G accessory giveaway.

Designed especially for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, the revo2 delivers a winning combination of rugged good looks and unbeatable design, coverage, style and quality. The revo2 embraces the cool features that delighted first generation revo fans, such as premium silicone material, built–in antimicrobial product protection, innovative face shield protection, and of course rugged good looks. Now, the groundbreaking revo2 delivers even more, including enhanced overall fit and coverage, an integrated docking port cover, raised surface accent volume and power buttons, superior earphone port protection, improved ViSOR™ screen shield, an adhesive–free anti–glare and anti–fingerprint screen film, and a fashionable two–tone color design.
To Enter: Since the revo2 is a rare case where the sequel seems to outdo the original, leave us a comment telling us what movie, book, or TV franchise spawned a sequel or spin-off that was better than the original? Open to US and Canadian readers only, winner will be picked randomly. Contest ends 7 days from now. Good luck!
I saw Stargate at the movies and thought it was ok. The series SG-1 was light years better.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was a much better movie than either of the first two, IMO.
Clearly “A New Hope” gave us the FAR superior “Empire Strikes Back”
The Dark Knight betters the first (Nolan-directed) Batman film.
This is a tough one. Well, it’s not better, but The Colbert Report is a very good spin-off from The Daily Show.
Toy Story 2
I would say the “Dark Knight”.
Who cares? The Big Bang Theory is the best entertainment to date. 😛
Dark Knight, hands down. Best Batman movie ever.
The Bourne Supremacy
Not many…. I’d go with the matrix?
transporter 2
Jaws 3D
Hahaha, just kidding.
Hamlet 2 for sure. A very far spin, but still hilarious and more entertaining than the original.
Waynes World 2. Pretty great movie.
I just gave my 3G to my wife, she’d love this case.
Colbert Report
Have to go with the Dark Knight from Nolan. The first one was good, but the sequel tops it.
My younger brother is better than me.
The Simpsons was a spinoff from teh Tracey Ulman’s Show. Let’s see Tracey’s show lasted about 3 years, and Simpsons is 21 years and counting. Nice!
Terminator 2 was much better than Terminator 1
star wars -> empire strikes back
Godfather II.
just saw toy story 3, and i think it was not only better than 2, it may have been better than 1. really great movie
Grease II
Battlestar Galactica. The original was pure cheese. The reincarnation was one of the finest achievements in TV drama.
Toy Story… 3 was Great!
Dark Knight, Spiderman 2 (barely) and Empire Strikes back.
THe SECOND Hulk movie
Mad Max —> the Road Warrior
I truly loved Back to the future 2 !
Depending how you look at it, the James Bond films all came from either the ’50s TV adaption of “Casino Royale”!) or the first Sean Connery Bond “Dr. No”
Either way the later efforts (and books by Ian Fleming, were much better than the “original”. So there you have it! Now eat my shorts.
I liked Transformers 2 better than the first one way more action 🙂
Highlander tv series was a spinoff of the original Highlander feature film. the tv series became a huge international success.
Happy Days (spawned Mork and Mindy)
V (plot is more suspenseful and not nearly as cheesy as the 80’s series/miniseries)
though I do have to add a +1 to all of the Stargate comments. SG-1 was better than the movie, and I think SGA was even better than SG-1. We’ll see about SGU…
Though it’s been said before, V.
i started reading the books, but got bored, the TV series now, is quite good, though the effects can be laughable at times.
The Godfather
Definitely The Dark Knight!
Shrek in 3D
I think we call all agree that superbabies: baby geniuses 2 trumped the original
I can’t believe nobody has said Star Trek yet… I will TNG better than TOS
The Dark Knight
I am going to sound rather square for this, but while Cheers was funny, I thought that Frasier was funnier.
The Godfather Part 2
Superman 2, fo sho.
Star Wars
Blade 2. Miles better than #1 and #3… combined 🙂