Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (August 2010): Caitlin Hixx - Macenstein

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (August 2010): Caitlin Hixx

Caitlin Hixx

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”, proudly sponsored by MacLove, makers of some of the sexiest iPad, iPhone, and iPod cases and accessories available. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Caitlin Hixx, a Mac Chick from deep in the heart of Texas!

Caitlin Hixx

Caitlin Hixx, is a model from Texas who sure does love her Apple Gear! She grew up in Houston, Texas where she was adopted as a baby. In her younger years she spent her time ice skating, dancing, and playing lots of video and computer games. “The games were not as great as they are now, but I loved them and would spend hours and hours playing them” She currently uses her MacBook Pro to help her organize her photos, surf the web, keep track of her hectic schedule, and download tons of music from iTunes. When she isn’t modeling she enjoys cooking. “I really love how I can just set my MacBook up in the kitchen and browse for recipes or watch cooking demos.” Caitlin also loves lounging around her bed listening to her iPod and chatting on her iPhone. “I cannot wait to get the new iPhone 4! But I also secretly want an iPad so I can watch movies while I’m traveling.”

Caitlin Hixx

Caitlin Hixx

Name Caitlin Hixx
• Age 24
• Location Texas
• Occupation Model
• First Apple product you bought An iPod….the classic one….it as a gift from my brother. He had one and thought I should too. Ever since then I have been in love with Apple.
• Favorite Apple Gear MacBook Pro
• Favorite non-Apple Gear Hmm…. I don’t think there is such a thing.
• Favorite TV Shows, Big Love, Modern Family, and Deadliest Catch
• Favorite Movies So many movies! Hell Boy, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Weird Science, The Matrix, Casino, Breakfast Club, The Goonies, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
• Favorite Bands Kings of Leon, Guns n’ Roses, Black Eyed Peas, The Beatles, Green Day
• Hobbies Cooking…. I love love love it! I love working out and going for long walks. It clears my mind on hectic days.
• Pets 2 dogs named Romeo and Bella and cat that is half leopard named Isis

Caitlin Hixx

Caitlin Hixx

Caitlin always has a great attitude and looks at her glass as half full! She’s smart,outgoing, funny, and loves animals as well. “I have two dogs and one cat.” She has been modeling for about a year now and just recently started modeling full time. This year has been keeping her busy with magazines, music videos, calendars, endless photo shoots, ad campaigns, promos, and the launching of her site.Caitlin has also become the new spokes model for Octane Energy drink. She is hoping to continue to model in the future and be in more ad campaigns and magazines in the near future.

Caitlin Hixx

To see more of Caitlin Hixx, check her out at:

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Caitlin Hixx
Click to download.

Caitlin Hixx
Click to download.

15 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (August 2010): Caitlin Hixx”
  1. Min says:

    Damn sexy! I like the last one a lot!!!

  2. Alex says:

    She keeps the backside of that first-gen iPhone in good condition, that’s for sure.

  3. Rowlings says:

    Looks like SOMEONE’S been doing squats…

  4. The Captain says:

    Gee Doc, how did you know?
    I was just thinking I could use a new Mac Chick just about now to cheer me up
    and “poof”, what a lovely & curvy find! 😀


  5. And they said Monday sucks. Idiots.

  6. Rob says:

    Thank you Doc…

  7. garanimal says:

    What a super caboose! Thanks for the MacBabe

  8. A. Emre Ünal says:

    @2nd: It’s not the iPhone’s backside I’m locked on to, DAMN!

  9. Mike says:

    I’m wondering why when you click on the links in the story, you are sent to a Blackberry website? The links are Mac, Apple & iPhone, so is this possible on a Mac website?

  10. darrell says:


    the shots inside the home and around the neighborhood are the best – every guy wants to see someone like this outside their window.

  11. Whoa … poor girl spent all her money on Apple kit and has no money left for clothes!

  12. slappy says:

    She has that look on the last shot with her buns reaching out to you. That look of “oh no you don’t, not there, well maybe, I’ll think about, hmmm I might like it, or maybe not, or maybe yes” lol

  13. Caitlin says:

    Hey guys! Check out the new fan page on facebook:

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