Methinks Apple is a little TOO hip with the kids
There’s little doubt that Apple’s recent hardware updates are sure to be a hit with the kids, but I must say, I think they might have gone a little overboard in some of their new web copy…

I don’t know, is it just me, or when a major corporation tries to act hip, it just comes off like Betty White telling someone to “take a chill pill”?
Thanks to (what I can only hope will be) faithful Macenstein reader Sofia Fontes for pointing this out.
Did I use that right, dear?
I think it’s humor, not hipness they’re going for. Popping and Locking was funny the first time around, it’s even better 30+ years later. Same with Chillaxing: ridiculous in the mid-90’s, even more so now.
I didn’t even notice that….. that’s sad. The product is good and can stand on it’s own, no need to reenforce bad grammar to make a sale.
Nobody even uses that kind of slang anymore around here.
Can someone help out a serious old guy here: just what is “Popping and Locking”?
They should have watched “The Big C” on Showtime… teen proclaims that his mother’s use of “chillax” might be “the gayest thing ever”. And he’s right.
It’s breakdancing
“Popping and locking” is nouveau slang for intercourse…after you’ve had too much to drink. Definitely something that a young hipster would want to capture in glorious 720p HD video.
I thought it was some kind of drug paraphernalia thing.
yo dawg, we heard u liek iPod touches, so we put an iPod touch in a nano for you.
except without video capabilities, a camera, or apps, or…
except the average age of employees at their ad agency who write this copy is 26
“I don’t know, is it just me, or when a major corporation tries to act hip, it just comes off like Betty White telling someone to “take a chill pill”?”
I present for your consideration Exhibit A….