Methinks Apple is a little TOO hip with the kids - Macenstein

Methinks Apple is a little TOO hip with the kids

There’s little doubt that Apple’s recent hardware updates are sure to be a hit with the kids, but I must say, I think they might have gone a little overboard in some of their new web copy…

I don’t know, is it just me, or when a major corporation tries to act hip, it just comes off like Betty White telling someone to “take a chill pill”?

Thanks to (what I can only hope will be) faithful Macenstein reader Sofia Fontes for pointing this out.

13 Responses to “Methinks Apple is a little TOO hip with the kids”
  1. Jasper says:

    Did I use that right, dear?

  2. Yakobsen says:

    I think it’s humor, not hipness they’re going for. Popping and Locking was funny the first time around, it’s even better 30+ years later. Same with Chillaxing: ridiculous in the mid-90’s, even more so now.

  3. The Captain says:

    I didn’t even notice that….. that’s sad. The product is good and can stand on it’s own, no need to reenforce bad grammar to make a sale.

  4. Ali says:

    Nobody even uses that kind of slang anymore around here.

  5. merry prankster says:

    Can someone help out a serious old guy here: just what is “Popping and Locking”?

  6. YouKnowWho says:

    They should have watched “The Big C” on Showtime… teen proclaims that his mother’s use of “chillax” might be “the gayest thing ever”. And he’s right.

  7. stephan says:

    It’s breakdancing

  8. Brian says:

    “Popping and locking” is nouveau slang for intercourse…after you’ve had too much to drink. Definitely something that a young hipster would want to capture in glorious 720p HD video.

  9. Jonro says:

    I thought it was some kind of drug paraphernalia thing.

  10. Blake says:

    yo dawg, we heard u liek iPod touches, so we put an iPod touch in a nano for you.

    except without video capabilities, a camera, or apps, or…

  11. bewlay says:

    except the average age of employees at their ad agency who write this copy is 26

  12. residentaliennz says:

    “I don’t know, is it just me, or when a major corporation tries to act hip, it just comes off like Betty White telling someone to “take a chill pill”?”

    I present for your consideration Exhibit A….

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