Write a caption, win a prize

Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo of Tenealle Farragher from Jordan Matter‘s amazing Dancers Among Us series of photos. If we think it’s the most clever, we’ll send you a Sunrise iPhone 4 case from Maclove! (Check out the full selection of cases from Maclove here). BTW, Check out that kid and his dad in the back left. Awesome.

The contest is open to everyone on the planet and runs until Friday (Oct 15th) at 11:59PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(Oh, and be sure to put in your e-mail, or else we won’t be able to contact you).
[Original image courtesy of Jordan Matter]
“iPad field testing in progress”
I know it’s cheesy, but it’s the first one that came to my mind.
“does she come with bluetooth?” or “somebody wants to be mac chick of the month.”
“There is not an app for that.”
I’ve found Waldo
It’s a straddle split to be specific… hmm yes, “iStraddle” is a great product name, so that’ll be my second entry.
I wonder if she has an iPad to land on… har har.
YEAH!!! I finally passed that running shoe!!
Don’t let go of those invisible men.
“Open web indeed.”
Finger Tips. Insert 30-Pin Cable here.
YES!!! iPhone coming to Verizon!!!
YES!!! I got the Fail Whale!!!
YES!!! Gmail is NOT down!!!
“This… Is… My…. JAM!!!!!
“Have you ever been so happy you just had to be a blond teen?”
HTML5dance! What a feeling!
Hey, how are you? I thought you might want to find out how I got a free iPhone
Ladies, this is how you get a free iPhone… I got mine right after I pulled this little stunt… It never fails… 😀
Gentlemen, don’t try this… My boyfriend is still in jail… Awesome!
{Boots not included} 😉
“Think different… DON’T mind the gap”
“Apple – Building Bridges”
iCheer Leader 2.0. — Available exclusivity in Apple stores.
“Look son, that’s where the new USB 3.0 slot is”!
iCheer Leader also available in limited edition Project Redhead!
Excerpt from Leonard Ms review of Kick-As II. The evil Dell-boy was no match for Apple-Girl.
‘You May Not Pass’
“Son that’s what “iWant” for christmas!”
Every one cheer along ‘Give me an ? — ?’
Amsterdam Apple Store plays “Find where’s she hiding the iPhone”
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner”
Multitasking! Yee-haw!
Want to tickle me?
Who say’s Mac’s aren’t expandable.
Now imagine what I can do if I actually connect an iPod to these headphones…
OMG! Who dropped that Zune on the floor!
Who said Mac’s aren’t expandable
With the iPod, the world is your dance stage.
“Really miss, dancing isn’t going to get you hired any- holy $#!&!”
YES!!! I got 5 bars!!
You said lapTOP dance, right?
“This is how you should hold the iPhone 4”
News item: “Apple’s demo of new sexbot project deemed a success”
“With her boyfriend sneaking to the front of the line at the Genius Bar, Tenealle realized her plan of distraction was working perfectly.”
girl in blue on right side: I’ll have what she’s having.
Guess where I hid my iPod Nano!
Hi, I never going to be a PC!
Achievement unlocked!
“Yes! I knew this little trick, would earn me a free iPhone 4!”
OMG! my iPhone 4 came with “Flash!”… I think I just did too!
Assume the FOX viewing position!!