Steve Jobs, man of action, is now an action figure - Macenstein

Steve Jobs, man of action, is now an action figure

Well, I don’t know if I would cal this an “action figure”, as it is incapable of action/movement, but damn, this $80 Steve Jobs Action Figure from M.I.C. is amazingly detailed. I mean seriously, check out those shoes!

If you’re looking for the perfect holiday gift for me an Apple geek, this is probably the only sure-fire hit out there right now, aside from a MacBook Air. But hurry, as of this posting there are only 132 of these bad boys left for Holiday delivery!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Tony for the tip!

7 Responses to “Steve Jobs, man of action, is now an action figure”
  1. ArtOfWarfare says:

    I don’t want to admit it, but I would love this.
    Is there anything else to it or is it just decorative?

  2. Jonro says:

    @ArtOfWarfare: It has its own miniature Reality Distortion Field that fill you with a warm glow when you sit near it. 🙂

  3. The Captain says:

    It not only holds your iPhone 4 as it charges but it boosts your AT&T signal.
    Move on to our bridge sale opportunities…. 😉

  4. Yup. I have to say, I want one. As weird as it is, it looks damn good. There are a lot of bad representations of celebrity likenesses out there.

  5. sine.nomine says:

    Alas, it looks like Apple made them stop selling it! Weird as it is, I actually kind of wanted one, too. :/

  6. matt says:

    Company just removed 🙁 Apple threatened legal action.

  7. sine.nomine says:

    Wonder if they’ll work something out with Apple and start up selling them again.

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