This will probably make those birds even ANGRIER…
From China, the land of all things awesome and plagiarized , comes this pretty sweet looking Angry Birds arcade booth, complete with real life catapult!

The object is to knock down all the small plush Pigs with the giant Angry Birds plush, all the while looking over your shoulder for the strong arm of China’s copyright enforcement police.
Of course, I kid, there is no such thing as “intellectual property rights” in China. But still, this is a pretty clever idea for a game.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Dan for the link!
via thenextweb
That would be LAAB (Live Action Angry Birds), right?
On that sticker in the last picture, it says “angry price ¥29”, haha.
Speaking of which… anti-stress balls offered by Tchibo in Poland:
They do remind of something…