We’re giving away TWO AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stands! - Macenstein

We’re giving away TWO AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stands!

Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is closed.
Congrats to faithful Macenstein readers Timothy and Alexander!

AViiQ laptop stand

Mmmm… can you smell it? Rumor has it a fresh batch of pipping hot MacBooks are on their way from Cupertino’s finest bakery (by way of China) and heading to an Apple Store near you! But fear not. No matter how hot those laptops end up being, we’ve got you covered thanks to our good friends over at AViiQ, who have given us TWO of their super cool AViiQ Portable Laptop Stands to give away to two of our faithful readers! (a $79.95 value!) Now you can surf the web to your heart’s content without worrying about frying your MacBook’s circuit board, or, more importantly, frying your most intimate of areas.

AViiQ laptop stand

The AViiQ laptop stand was created to solve a common and recurring problem. Laptop stands were too bulky for people always on-the-go. The AViiQ stand compresses down to a 1/4 inch thin plate, making it easy to stash and dash. Laptop problem solved.

AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stand
World’s thinnest stylish laptop stand folds down to ¼” for exceptional storage and portability

Provides optimal ergonomic angle that reduces strain on your wrist and allows air to flow underneath, dissipating heat from the laptop thus improving battery life and computing efficiency
Designed to improve visibility, decrease screen glare, and maximize productivity
German-made Hylite patented material provides a flexible weightless solution that is extremely durable
Folds flat for easy storage access in any laptop bag with a weight of a mere 5.5 ounces

AViiQ laptop stand

How to Enter:
There are two ways to enter. First, anyone leaving a comment below will automatically be entered in the contest. But for a second chance to win, just follow me on Twitter (click here or the giant Twitter icon below). I’ll pick one random winner from the comments, and one random winners from Twitter. Winners will be picked randomly on the holiest of holy days, March 1st, (My Birthday). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck!

124 Responses to “We’re giving away TWO AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stands!”
  1. Daeway says:

    My MBP would have it easier with that.

  2. Emjabe says:

    Looks great and light.

  3. Chris Lenfert says:

    That’ should keep my beans cool. Cool Beans!

  4. JimD says:

    We have 3 laptops in the family, this would be great.

  5. Nice! I currently use an Allsop “Cool Channel Platform” but this is much more portable.

  6. Mike says:

    Hey, happy early birthday!

  7. Vidiot says:

    Oooh… I might be able to replace this plastic piece o’ carp I grabbed off the junk table at Best Buy.

  8. Darren says:

    yes please!

  9. Andrew Madson says:

    Hook me up!

  10. Derek Foo says:

    I want one too!! can i get one please doc?!

  11. Spacenuke says:

    Please !!!!! (with sugar on top)

  12. Aldo Johnson says:

    Looks yummy! 🙂

  13. Bungie says:

    Happy Birthday!

  14. wes says:

    How perfect is that!? I was just looking for a portable “stand” for my lappie. I saw one yesterday that has a built in USB fan, but if was so big and cumbersome, i just can’t see myself using something like that regularly. But this stand, well, this stand just may do the trick!

  15. Anthony says:

    That would go good with my 13′ MacBook pro !

  16. Unbeaten.49 says:

    I want one!! thanks

  17. Jason says:

    I love March 1st, oh and the giveaway looks pretty cool too!

  18. Rob says:

    Nice and simple…just like me….the family jewels may appreciate not being so warm and toasty with this.

  19. Rob says:

    Oh yeah…Happy Early, Almost Birthday Doc!!

  20. Nick says:

    That think looks pretty sweet. Very mobile!

  21. Gregg says:

    nice…count me in.

  22. Angel E. V. says:

    I just retweeted the message. Hope I win @aevolucion

  23. Angel E. V. says:

    Oh my goodness I just saw your Birthday is on the 1sr of March. Mines is on the 3rd. =D

  24. Juan says:

    I want one!!!

  25. HUghes Boutin says:

    Great contest. Good luck to all.

  26. Ed says:

    Cool stand. I have my fingers crossed.

  27. David says:

    Speaking my mind

  28. cheng lee says:

    wow what a stand I wish it wasnt 80 bucks. Happy early Birthday!

  29. Hanan says:

    I was just looking for a laptop stand!
    I hope I’ll win.
    Oh, and a very happy b-day to you Doc!

  30. saint says:

    That would look nice under my MBA! Count me in for the giveaway.

  31. john C says:

    Great looking stand..i want one..free so i can gloat at my coworkers

  32. Darrell says:

    Great. Looking stand!

  33. Chris says:

    That’s one cool laptop stand!
    Happy Birthday! =)

  34. Matthijs says:

    looks nice

  35. tom tom says:

    Happy Birthday! Um, yes please? Will promise to get a new MBP to replace mine to match the stand!

  36. Chuck says:

    Stand, and deliver!

  37. Berknip says:

    Better than the belkin one I have to lug around now…

  38. Jesper Ek says:

    I could really use a stand for my MBP! Give it to me! 🙂

  39. Alex F says:

    Doc the stand looks really cool! May the force be with me!

  40. This stand looks so necessary, my Macbook Pro tends to get too hot. I really could use one. Happy Birthday.

  41. Dood says:

    Happy Birthday Doc

  42. Brandon says:

    love your blog sir, always a pleasure 🙂

  43. Willy McKay says:

    It´s a beautiful stand

  44. Isaac says:

    Just wanted to let you know my mbp is waiting for its stand =D

  45. Copper says:

    Lovely, now that I’m going to be on the road until the end of the year this would come in handy.

  46. Gregg Overmeyer says:

    I hope I win and Happy Birthday!

  47. davewhippedgoliath says:

    Bruce Campbell is a god. Army of Darkness is the greatest movie of all time.

  48. Cameron Cook says:


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