Steve Jobs de-knighted? - Macenstein

Steve Jobs de-knighted?

According to The Telegraph, Steve Jobs was just seconds away from obtaining a British knighthood when former Prime Minister Gordon Brown squashed the deal out of spite when Jobs declined to speak speak at Labour’s annual conference.

Mr Jobs was put forward for the honour by the MP for services to technology. Apple is credited with revolutionising the industry in recent years with its iPhone and iPad devices, which have unleashed a boom in mobile internet usage.
The former MP, who left Parliament at the last election, said: “Apple has been the only major global company to create stunning consumer products because it has always taken design as the key component of everything it has produced.
“No other CEO has consistently shown such a commitment.”
Apple was aware of the proposal, he said, and it reached the final stages of approval, but was rejected by Downing Street.

On the one hand, I am of course outraged, as no one deserves to sit at the Queen’s round table more than Steve, but on the other, the whole idea of handing out knighthoods to non-British citizens seems odd to me. If we’ve learned anything from “Reign of Fire”, it’s that we’re about 9 years away from the dragons re-awakening, and the idea of Steve having to join Bill Gates (who was knighted in 2005) and heading over the jolly old England to do battle to protect the crown is just silly. Although, I would TOTALLY pay to watch that movie…

via 9to5

One Response to “Steve Jobs de-knighted?”
  1. elephantinc says:

    Not sure why a business man (that isn’t even english) would be knighted but it doesn’t stop Gordon Brown from being a twat.
    Having said that, he’s done so much more good than Sir Alan Sugar.
    I’ve always loved the title knight commander.
    Sir professor tim burners-lee, knight commander of the world wide web…

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