WINNING! Charlie Sheen’s latest rant shot on the iPhone 4 - Macenstein

WINNING! Charlie Sheen’s latest rant shot on the iPhone 4

This is so much more impressive than that Korean director’s iPhone 4 movie.

“I can’t… what do you call? I can’t, you know I can’t hack on Apple because uh, because we’re in business with them like… TOMORROW, you know?”

Assuming Apple and Charlie Sheen are not set to release a major co-announcement tomorrow, those are the seemingly unintelligible words of everyone’s favorite manic celebrity, Charlie Sheen, as he starts off his latest rambling Ustream video (below). And much like when watching porn we Apple geeks often have our eyes drawn to the iMac in the background versus the action upfront, so too was my eye drawn to the image of the iPhone 4 Charlie was apparently using to record his latest Winning Update, reflected in the painting of his recently deceased dog Betty (further below).

Video streaming by Ustream

4 Responses to “WINNING! Charlie Sheen’s latest rant shot on the iPhone 4”
  1. Vidiot says:

    Does the painting depict Betty before or after her… departure?

  2. Jonro says:

    Descent into madness.

  3. HDrive says:

    THe chick will be able to make some cash when he drops of the perch.

    I can see it now. All the tabloids FHM, Penthouse, Playboy

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