DragonVale: How to breed a Butterfly Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 650 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Blazing and Firefly / Air and Firefly
(seasonal – Only breedable in Spring – ended June 27th)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Guys i got gems for gems weekly so send me a gem each week and i return
ADD ME Deathbeak
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– The Doc
After a million( ok not a million), trying blazing and firefly. I tried air and firefly and got on 1st try.
So did my son
how cool what levels where your air and firefly when you breed them??
Firefly was the mostre easy dragon ever! Yo breed lightning and fire!! I have one level 10
Youre retarded
Haha! ????????????
Question marks shouldn’t be there! Ugh! They were smily’s
Anyone know how long the butterfly dragon is available?
Why don’t you just read? He clearly said it just below the combinations.
I Still haven’t got the butterfly dragon yet I’ve tried firefly+smoke firefly+Sonic firefly+air and I’ve got Notta. So I’m gonna try firefly+blazing so wish me luck!!!
The panlong is out for bring em back I’m getting one its incubating try obsidian and rain
Just got one, Sonic + Firefly, breeding cave.
I tried fog and firefly and got it on my first try!
Willow Firefly
If only I hadn’t missed the panlong. Seriously I need one.
Add me: .[~Bambii~].
Gem for gem? I have the gem tree and I am on almost daily!
Those that are linked through kindle list your emails below so I can friend u mine is ddoublejr@yahoo.com (I wanted djjr but it was already taken)
Sup people, I play Dragonvale. If you want Gems, the condition is that you also have to send me and add me as Game Centre friend. My Gamecentre name is Operative Fallen. Over and out.
Finally got it after 7 tries! On the last day too.
I got butterfly by breeding blizzard and firefly
Im gonna try air and firefly. BTW panlong is out for BEB event….. Got it w/ obsidian-rain. THX DOC
Just got this dragon on second breed with blazing (lvl 15) and firefly (lvl 14).
My son had same thing with no luck with air and firefly, so he changed with blazing (lvl 16) and firefly (lvl 15) got it first time.
Got my second one with firefly lvl 16 and fog lvl 16 in that order. Got it on my second try.
Firefly level 14 and Air level 12 worked for me after 4-5 tries.
Me too, except I used level 13 firefly in EBI
Add me- I have the dragon sai gifting tree
Third try firefly and blazing!
Fourth try with Blazing level 12 and Firefly level 11. I’m so happy. I really didn’t think I would get this beautiful Butterfly Dragon.
Game Center ID: AngelBabyGirl53
I got this with Firefly level 12 and Air level 13. in that order.
Breeding time it said = 12 hours.
I got it on Monday June 1 2015 when I bred it it was about 4:30 PM.
I bred it in Epic Breeding Island it took about only 2 or 3 tries. I had about 90 visitors at the time.
I am on level 28 now, I still have 300,000 food after feeding air to level 13, I have 100 dragons.
Breeding two butterfly dragons will not give you a butterfly dragon. There is no reason to keep two of them. You must use firefly in the breeding combination to get a butterfly.
i have tried and tried and tried with thunder and fire dragon, DOES THIS COMBO NOT WORK??!! I have gotten tons of thunder dragons, and not a SINGLE thing else..it is super frustrating! please help!
I got my butterfly dragon on the 2nd try by using air and firefly at the epic breeding island.
I tried firefly+air 57 times at the regular breeding cave before getting it!!!
Im currently trying sonic+fire