DragonVale: How to breed a Clover Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Clover Dragon

DragonVale Clover Dragon

DragonVale Clover Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 77 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Tree and Flower / Flower and Moss / Moss and Pollen

(Seasonal – Can only be bred in March (around St. Patrick’s Day)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale CLOVER Dragon Egg

The 2nd Egg (Shamrock) is the DragonVale CLOVER Dragon Egg

115 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Clover Dragon”
  1. T-Goose says:

    How you get celtic dragon?

  2. Noisycricket85 says:

    Omgim getting super pissed. Still trying for this clover dragon! Keep getting the right times but no clover! Sigh, I’m about to get majorly whiny, which is not my style!!

    • Dizzy- bird says:

      Me too… Level 12 moss and 11 flower and tried about 12 times!! Really fed up!!

    • jordan says:

      yeah i have tried so many times and keep getting tree dragon which takes 14 hours! im just about to give up

    • R3BEL says:

      This is rediculous, i get every dragon, this is rediculous, if been trying this one since it became available but still don’t have it, while i got spring, aquamarine, sakura etc. All within 15 tries inbetween breeding for clover… Did someone actually succeed breeding it in 2013???

      • AlexisLeann says:

        Yeah I’ve bred this about a dozing times trying to get the new spring dragon. The only dragon I could not get was appcolypse. Since I only keep one of each dragon in my park, I sell off all duplicates. It would be wonderful to be able to trade dragons with friends. IE; Clover for appcolypse.

    • Joebroy says:

      It’s so easy just use moss and flower got 8 in a row with lvl 6 flower and level 5 moss

  3. marvin says:

    this is disappointing! i’ve already had my aquamarine already but this dragon doesn’t wanna cooperate! such a kill-joy.

  4. Newbe says:

    Is the clover dragon still available? I seen on one website that it was expired??
    Also I am new and need gem exchanging buddies. Please add me! Vanessarn1 on gamecenter.

  5. Jess says:

    Still trying to get this dragon. Arrgh!

    Add me for a gem swap: jessa.maria

  6. Ellen says:

    Does anyone know if the clover will still be available through the end of the month or will it disappear along with the Celtic after Sunday?

  7. Sowolfie says:

    Still can’t get clover. Got Celtic with storm and plant

  8. Aj says:

    Been trying for more than 20 times using flower lvl 10+ moss lvl 10 but end up moss dragon all the way.. Almost give up..

    Anyway do add me in gamecenter id : aj_azhar
    Will trade for gems daily.

  9. mavin says:

    now i already have my celtic but this crazy clover is playing hard to get. does this dragon think he is a gem dragon? tss… i’m gonna kill this dragon once i breed one! Lol!

  10. ilaeoc says:

    Yes it’s still possible to get the clover dragon. I tried around noon EST and a clover dragon egg showed up in my nursery FINALLY. Try a pollen and moss combo, that’s what worked for me. Any combo with flower just kept giving me flower

  11. TT says:

    Finally!!! Just bred a Clover with a Moss(lvl 10) & Pollen(lvl10) in the BC. This is by far one of the longest times it has taken me to get a dragon. I was close to giving up. Good luck everyone.

    • AlyzieDGamer says:

      Yes, likewise. I took me 24 days of trying, using gems as well. I tried Flower and Tree (which should give you Sakura over time) but used Moss and Pollen instead to get it :3

  12. aneliya says:

    so stupid dragon, for second year I can’t breed him , try any combo so many times , but it’s like he don’t exist

  13. JustDatGuy2 says:

    friend me my username is JustDatGuy2

  14. Me, myself and I says:

    4 Tries in a breeding island, Not epic. The combination is Tree and Moss.

  15. Daggnus says:

    I tried those combinations 30 times and nothing. Moss on the left plant on the right and I promise I got clover the very first time guys.

  16. AlyzieDGamer says:

    I FINALLY got a Clover dragon after 24 days of trying (spending an adundant amount of gems as well -.-) The combination of Flower and Tree didnt work so i used Moss and Pollen. Well the awesome part is that I accidentally got the Sakura dragon in the process (I think with the flower and tree tho) so I don’t need to worry about that :3
    Still need to get the Aquamarine, Bloom and Spring dragon… *sigh*

  17. Kibu says:

    I got it first try with moss and pollen:)

  18. Kibu says:

    This was one of the easiest I don’t no y everyone’s saying its hard?

  19. wonder says:

    does anyone know what is the third egg??????

  20. Paige says:

    that was so freaking easy! I got it on the first try with level 10 moss level 10 flower, got two of them but they both had diff breading times…weird

  21. dragondragon says:

    Got clover dragon with Flower and Moss normal breeding cave first try! :mrgreen:

  22. Mikipicki says:

    Is it still breedable? Cause it’s still in the market but here it says only in march??

  23. geekymomof2 says:

    Just bred clover level 13 and stprm level 13 on ebi and got a 19 hr breeding time.anyone knw what it is??

  24. Jex003 says:

    I’ve been trying with tree and flower over and over with no success. I’m trying pollen and moss… It says 7 hrs, here’s hoping. xP

    Add me for gem switches if anyone wants? Jex003

    • JCP_MCP says:

      I am pretty sure you need to use moss but others have got it without. If you buy the hint it tells you you need moss

  25. Blah says:

    Got two in a row with moss and flower

  26. 14k says:

    tree and flower gave me a bone dragon WTF???

  27. Margaret says:

    So glad the clover and Celtic dragon are. Had the most lucky night breeding. I fed tree and moss up to lvl 15. I put in my cave moss and tree and got the clover first time. That has never happen to me before, usually at least 2 breeds. Then in the EBG in put flower (15) and storm (12), got a pepper, so fed storm to lvl 15, rebred, got a Celtic. Now I need to breed for the eggs.

  28. Stef says:

    I had trouble getting this one, too, until I moved my Moss & Plant dragon from the cave to the island. Then I got a Clover on the second try. I don’t know why the pairing of Tree & Flower is listed. That’s a pairing for Sakura, not Clover. Maybe that’s why some people have had trouble getting Clover. The DragonVale Wiki says you need a Moss and a plant element dragon to make Clover. I prefer using a plain, old Plant versus Flower or Pollen, because it narrows down the possible outcomes to only plant and earth hybrids.

  29. Tenya says:

    Trying 10 times with level 8 storm and level 8 cactus didn’t get a Celtic ever then last time I upgraded them both to level 11and got a Celtic immediately.

  30. Mines100 says:

    Add me on gamecenter for gems name mines100

  31. Melody says:

    Hi, I need gem buddies, but I don’t know how to get them. Please advise?

  32. Polianna says:

    Tree and flower no longer works? Try flower & moss – worked for me after I stopped trying tree & flower

  33. Sarah says:

    I think I got it on the first try with lv 10 moss and lv 10 pollen… gave me a dragon with 7 hours being time! … maybe…

  34. Skcgator says:

    Is there a particular ‘time’ aka twilight tower ‘season’ to use when breeding these???

  35. Jjswagin14 says:

    Try tree level 11 and moss level11. I got clover with it on my first try in a regular breeding cave

  36. JCP_MCP says:

    Is it worth it to spend 77 ggems on it

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