DragonVale: How to breed a Crystal Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Crystal Dragon

DragonVale CRYSTAL Dragon

DragonVale CRYSTAL Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Lightning and Earth

DragonVale CRYSTAL Dragon Egg

The 3rd egg shown is the DragonVale CRYSTAL Dragon Egg

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

47 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Crystal Dragon”
  1. Lil' Bman says:

    Compliments to Doctor Macenstein!

    • Somebody says:

      Trying to get one so i can get the Olympus. Olympus is blazing and crystal but gold/silver/bronze is 35 hours so you don’t know what it is. Dammit

  2. Lammaz says:

    Hi everyone, just looking for three people to trade gems with everyday.
    GameCenter ID: Lammaz

  3. Oystersimjh says:

    Add me @ oystersimjh for gem trading thanks !

  4. Munger 46 says:

    Trade gems @ munga 46

  5. matt says:

    I got it form lightning and tree…

  6. Masey says:

    I got mine bone and scorch 1st try

  7. Masey says:

    I got mine bone and scorch 1st try

  8. No says:

    Hey guys ad me im kaizodude

  9. Mishno1 says:

    Ad me bit of a newbie love seeing other parks

  10. hazalaaaa says:

    i got it with scorch and quake

  11. Jdhfhf says:

    IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡!!!¡¡!!!¡¡¡!!!!¡¡¡¡!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡!

  12. AlyOh says:

    I was trying for Celtic for the last time today and I’m pretty sure I’m getting Crsytal from Clover and Storm. Oh, well.

  13. Cold says:

    tree and lightning

  14. Vinny Vietti says:

    I got the crystal dragon thunder( right) obsiden ( left)

    • Rblake81 says:

      I used crystal left and obsidian right, read your post wrong, now I have a 35 hour breeding time on breeding island, I’m guessing its an Olympus?

  15. Rebekahfaithreader says:

    What level do you have to be to get a diamond dragon?

  16. Cat says:

    I need friends for dragonvale. Add me please

    • Sheltie:) says:

      Cat, what is your Game Center name? I will add you as a friend! And dr. N has worked for me so far.

  17. Ladyrocker10 says:

    I need someone to trade gems with!


  18. Horhay414 says:

    Add me for gem trading: Horhay414

  19. Kirstyntw says:

    Add me for gem trading, kirstyntw

  20. anonymous says:

    i got crystal first try storm plus earth 🙂

  21. CoolMan21 says:

    I need a crystal so I can make a Peridot Dragon that is cactus/crystal. My gemstone island is empty.

  22. Elida says:

    gem for gem, gamecenter elidayrafi.

  23. motleydragon says:

    I have twice now gotten a crystal dragon from breeding crystal and lichen. I dunno how because it should not be possible, but I did it. Just bred them again, in the EDI, both level 11, still trying for Sun or Moon and have another 24 hour egg, we’ll see what it is this time. Not holding my breath.

    • motleydragon says:

      Yep, another crystal. Oh well, it helps my bank account. Not sure why this is happening, basically it amounts to the crystal dragon cloning itself, because it is getting nothing from the lichen dragon at all. S’ok though, I am going to try a different combo for Sun and Moon, tired of waiting two days for another darn crystal. And to think how excited I was when I got my first one. :/

  24. Unicornlover says:

    Got it on my second try, first try I got a reindeer???

  25. steve says:

    Evergreen and quake

  26. writtenember says:

    Celtic and Double Rainbow gave me a Crystal dragon. Go figure. *shrug*

  27. Zannypants says:

    Got excited when I saw a 20 hour timer for the egg. Only to have this not-so-special dragon to hatch that I already had.

  28. sonikan says:

    I trust Dr. Macenstein so much, ’cause almost every time I come here and do exactly as he says, I get the dragon I want! Thanks, dr. for all your help.

  29. Deb Mertens says:

    I do NOT understand this — “Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL.” I can’t find any Redeem section anywhere. I need a friend as I don’t have any.

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