DragonVale: How to breed a Dodo Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Dodo Dragon

DragonVale DODO Dragon

DragonVale DODO Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 500 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Earth and Chrome

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

141 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Dodo Dragon”
  1. Blake C. says:

    Thx macenstein for the combos. I don’t have the gems to buy the dragons I want, so I went here to this great website and found quite a few combos I need to get the dragons I want. Thx for everything!!

  2. LT says:

    Got it with blazing and earth 🙂

  3. Sexybeast777 says:

    My luck sucks I can’t breed anything with these combos. Someone please help me out.
    My gamecenter name is beastyninja777 if you want to do gem4gem. I’m on everyday asking as I’m not grounded.

  4. Sexybeast777 says:

    My luck sucks I can’t breed anything with these combos. Someone please help me out.
    My gamecenter name is beastyninja777 if you want to do gem4gem. I’m on everyday as long as
    I’m not grounded. Please help. I’ll post all combos that I get

    • EmeraldDragonFreak says:

      If you are needing help because you can’t breed the dodo dragon with the combo Dr. Macenstein states, try using some of the comments that other people have confirmed.

    • BubblyMeel says:

      I got this one with snow and seaweed trying to get pearl

  5. Daddy swagg says:

    I’m looking on how to breed a sun dragon. No matter how many times I try, I just can’t get one. Sum1 please help me

    • EmeraldDragonFreak says:

      It will take a while to breed a rare dragon such as a sun, moon, or rainbow dragon. I’ve confirmed for rainbow dragon that it is possible to breed it with snow and seaweed, and with crystal and lichen, and sun, moon, and rainbow all have the same breeding combos, so try snow and seaweed, and you’ll eventually get it with crystal and lichen, too.

      Hopefully that helped you…

      • Epicshay16 says:

        I got a rainbow with poison and crystal first try, without trying. Now I have five ???? I think there are several combos… Now if I could only get the dodo… On the bright side I have a sapphire dragon incubating right now.

    • Mr. Epic says:

      4 sun try sonic oand storm vice versa that’s how I got mine

    • rjcoop81 says:

      I got three suns with May’s combo.. Crystal and Lichen.

    • PeeWee7272 says:

      I was trying to get the moon dragon but I ended up getting the sun. Just go threw this list and find The Moon dragon then breed it. You might end up with the sun dragon.

    • Dragonman42 says:

      Try cold left and scorch right I got 48 hrs incubation time

    • Nick says:

      I got mine from a fire and storm. However I got both my sun and moon on the island. It may sound weird but I also got the moon when breeding at midnight and the sun when I bred at noon. But really it’s all about trying over and over

  6. søren sus says:

    ADD me! I got gem tree and are level 27 :)! Name: søren sus

  7. Softballgirl says:

    I can not get the rainbow dragon is my life depended on someone please help

  8. Softballgirl says:

    Finally got the dodo

  9. Andrea says:

    Got it with blazing and earth 🙂

  10. Chioka says:

    Tried the earth+blazing combo for dodo as I’ve tried all including earth+sandstorm and chrome,I got a 23.5 he breeding time! Rare solstice dragon!!!:)

  11. Don K. says:

    Just got a Dodo Dragon breeding a Panlong Dragon (level10) with Earth Dragon (level10). Hope this helps someone.

    • usctrojan12 says:

      Hey Don K! I finally got my DODO using your combo. Thank you for the advice. I also bred 2 Olympic dragons. The Silver Dragon egg is incubating and the second Olympic not sure if Olympic Gold, Silver, Bronze.

      WIllow/Quake, level 10, in Breeding Cave.
      Sandstorm/Lightning, level 10, on Epic Island (this combo got me an Olympic Silver; incubating now)

      • Don K. says:

        Congratulations on getting your Dodo Dragon. Looks like you are having another great week with 2 Olympus Dragons. I got one Bronze Olympus and one Silver Olympus Dragon. I am sending this message because I visited your islands earlier tonight and noticed that you had a Dodo egg in hatching and 2 Silver Olympus Dragon eggs. Have a great week.

        • usctrojan12 says:

          DonK. Thanks for the kudos. I extend the same congrats to you on your Olympic Dragons. I visited your islands on Sunday. They are so put together. I keep thinking of redecorating. Maybe someday. Keep me posted here on the Dodo page of any new dragons you breed. I will do the same here also. Have a great week! Jacquie

        • usctrojan12 says:

          Hey DonK! Since my last post I bred an Olympic Bronze (see the egg incubating) and now a Perodot (see Cactus and Crystal on my Epic Island; 31 HOURS YEAH! I got the Peridot on my 6th attempt. I am about to visit your islands to get some decorating ideas and to check out your rare dragons.

          • Usctrojan12 says:

            Hey DonK! Hope you are having a great week. I am shooting for another Dodo. Have you bred a Seasonal Dragon yet? I got it with Evergreen/Panlong. I got that combo by researching the elements for this dragon. I bred it on the Epic Island on my 5th try. Let me know when you get a Seasonal. Are you a member of Dragonvale Community?

        • Usctrojan12 says:

          Hey Don. I am having problems with my Dragonvale Friend List. About 70% of friends are not showing on list even though they are on my Gamecenter Account. I have been trying to gift you gems for a week now but your name is not there. I sent BFS an email regarding the problem. In the mean time I sent you another friend request to see if that kicks the list back into shape. Please be patient with me. I will send gems to you as soon as I get the problem fixed. Have you had this problem? Any tips?

      • Antcro says:

        just did Willow and Quake and got a 35 hour time 🙂 it’s def an Olympic right????
        so excited

        • usctrojan12 says:

          Hey Antcro. Yes you have an Olympic Dragon. Congrats! I have three Olympics ( 2 silver, 1 bronze). Once I bred the first Olympic I had great luck breeding the other 2, one right after another. I have a fourth Olympic mating in my Breeding Cave. Not sure what type of Olympic yet. I will send a friend request to you at Antcro. Is this your Gamecenter ID? You can also send me a request at my Gamecenter ID usctrojan12. Best of luck to you!

  12. Buho says:

    Thx and also tried these combo and still nothing
    I keep getting Fireworks.. I have like 4 now..


  13. Andrew911 says:

    I’m level 16 and don’t have chrome or metal or any metal types in my store I’m. Trying to breed a dodo wat do I do

  14. hina says:

    got a dodo using earth and snow:)

  15. telly1974 says:

    I have gem tree if you would like to add me on game center TELLY1974

  16. sarah says:

    After what felt like my 10000000000000th try i finally got a 16h breeding time!

  17. LVM2909 says:

    I still dont have one!!!

  18. Hi says:

    Got a slag with earth and chrome and mountain with earth and snow, this sucks now I have two slags, I will sell one.

  19. unknown says:

    Hey doc, does air or earth with sandstorm work? I desperately need help. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! 🙁

  20. unknown says:

    I seriously want this dragon, my friends keep on bragging about how they have one but I dont.

  21. ChloeKing says:

    with Blazing and Crystal.. i got Bronze.. on first try.. still no moon… i need help… tried so many time with crystal/bluefire vis versa sigh..

  22. Kool Hippo says:

    I always use combos that can lead to something I don’t have yet. Like crime and earth. I don’t have an iron dragon so either way I get a dragon I don’t have. It’s pretty smart. I got a malachite and plasma

  23. Becca says:

    Please add me , name is Becburt , and send gems! I will send gems back and we can exchange back and forth everyday!

  24. Becca says:

    Please add me to trade gems! My username is Becburt — I will send a gem for a gem 🙂

  25. Lammaz says:

    Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems
    ID: Lammaz

  26. Jxng says:

    I got it with Rain and Mountain. Haven’t seen anyone wIth this combo yet, worth a try!

  27. Jxng says:

    I got it with Rain and Earth. Haven’t seen anyone wIth this combo yet, worth a try!

  28. Becca says:

    Please add me! I promise to trade gem for gem and am trying to upgrade my breeding cave! Thank you so much! Username: Becburt

  29. Lyn says:

    I got 17hrs with earth and Chrome but he dodo is 16hrs???

  30. Stephanie says:

    I just can’t seem to get the dodo dragon with any combo I do!!! I’ve tried but I only get bronze dragons no matter what combo i do!!! If any one knows a good combo I would love if you gave it to me thanks!!!!

  31. Dudley Dudley says:

    Has anyone tried Sandstorm with Earth to get the Dodo? It seems like this combo would work well because it’s Air and Earth.



  32. Montana says:

    I got Scoria with this combo using the Epic Breeding Sanctuary. Going to try again!

  33. Endelva says:

    Was trying scoria with earth chrome, got dodo, epic island

  34. Zoe says:

    U can use the 2 signs under the picture 2 get it. In this case it is earth and air

  35. Karin says:

    Got it with rain and earth! Finally!

  36. Diego says:

    I bred these two and got something for 22h. Does any one know what it might be? Thx

  37. randyp2012 says:

    Finally go them all. This was my last one. Thanks Mac for all the help. Couldn’t have done it with out you!

  38. Greenleafevenstar says:

    Tried this combo. Got a 22 hour breeding time. SCORE-ia!

  39. Steven says:

    I got it with earth and air lol


  40. Kaleigh says:

    I got this thing twice without trying. I was aiming for a sandstorm dragon. I used Earth and Pollen. Hope this helps someone.
    I have a gem tree, so add me for gem trading 🙂
    Game Central ID:

    :- -AngryPanda28- -: (2 dashes but without the spaces)

  41. sarah says:

    I’ve been trying to get the solar eclipse dragon and twice i got a dod dragon with blazing and earth

  42. lomodoc says:

    add me lomodoc for gems

  43. Barimoore says:

    Does anyone have any breeding combo sucess? I cant seem to get the dragon . ;___;

  44. Ally1928 says:

    Just got an Olympus with willow + quake. 35 hr.

  45. krisvan says:

    Got dodo with earth and snow while trying for lunar eclipse

  46. ChloeKing27 says:

    yes.. i got dodo with earth and snow… after knowing that i have a dodo from previous tries…
    Hope this help others.. but i got Lunar Eclipse with Mud and Snow.

  47. Katanias says:

    Got it with Earth and Chrome! Both level ten in the EBC around 7:50 pm 🙂

    Still looking for people to trade gems with… gem for gem.

    Game Center: Katanias

  48. Adam says:

    Gem for gem. -Adam-26

  49. Adam says:

    Gem for gem. -Adam-26

  50. Brittany says:

    Got the dodo dragon by breeding the mountain and earth dragon (:

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