DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 500 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Blazing and Mud / Lava and Rain / Obsidian and Rain / Fog and Obsidian

(Can only be bred in “The Year of the Dragon” (2012))

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

495 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon”
  1. Someone says:

    I havnt got a panlong yet and i REALLY want one. ive tried over 100 times with blazing and mud but all i have gotten is 1 rainbow and ALOT of other dragons like blazing dragons and such. DO u have any tips for me to help me suceed?!?!?!

  2. Jos says:

    Shouldn’t this one be flagged as seasonal as well seeing as it’s limited to the year of the dragon (this year)?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Got it on my first try with normal breeding cave with blazing first and mud second.

      • Idk says:

        Yea u r lucky I have no patience and that’s not helping!!!

        • usctrojan12 says:

          I know right. I have been trying daily. I thought it would be easier then getting the other hard to breed dragons. I have bred moon, pearl, 2 sun and 2 solstice. So frustrated. I read that turning your dragons into young ones helps and also using newly bred, of the same ones you already have, gives you a better chance. good Luck and please let me know if you get a Panlong. What is your Gamecenter ID? I have a gem tree and gift daily. My ID is usctrojan12.

  4. Andrea says:

    Just got it with mud on left and blazing on right. Blazing lvl 10 and mud lvl 7

  5. DaddyHong says:

    Add Me DaddyHong. If you give me a gem, I promise I’ll give you a gem. Check out my Island which I call China Town because I have a bunch of Panlongs. 😉 Epic Breeding Island Lava (L) Fog (right) worked best for me around 12pm Eastern time.

  6. Allison says:

    I got it with lava and fog both level 10 in the epi

  7. squashy1992 says:

    i got it first shot to haha think i got lucky

  8. XxX0LightRose0XxX says:

    Hey, everyone! If there is anyone on here that would like to add me, please feel free to do so and trade gems with me as I can also do the same. My GC account ID is XxX0LightRose0XxX. Thanks!:D

  9. Blake C. says:

    The Panlong dragon honestly looks like a Chinese symbol to me. Dr. macenstein you are the only reason I have got dragons, and I am your game center friend (lil’ Bman if you read this add me as friend and gift me). Plus, a Panlong dragon looks complicated, due to the fact that it has FOUR elements.

  10. George says:

    I have tried SO many times with blazing and mud, but I just can’t get it!!

    • He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named says:

      Me too, this seems IMPOSSIBLE

    • Lil' Bman says:

      George, a regular breeding cave won’t work. Using it is like bringing a stick to a cannon fight. YOU need the epic breeding island. Then you’ll probably get it in no time flat.

    • usctrojan12 says:

      After breeding blazing/mud, both level 10, 15 plus times, and lava/fog, both level 10, 6 times, I finally sold my old lava and fog dragons and used new ones and, YEAH, 36 hour breeding time. I believe I finally got my Panlong. So sell your old dragons and breed fresh new dragons. This seems to do the trick with the hard to get dragons. I used this method to get my pearls, suns, moons, etc. let me know if this works for you and Good Luck!

      • Kate says:

        worked for me the first time! your great. also I put Blazing on the left and Mud on the right, and used the epi breeding isle. hope this helps someone too

  11. Daddy swagg says:

    Ya me either. I try sooooo many times with blazing and mud. So I rage quit and moved to breeding another blue fire dragon. And I was sooooo lucky cause I sum how ended up w/ a panlong dragon

  12. søren sus says:

    ADD me! I got gem tree and are level 27 :)! Name: søren sus

    • Dmoney says:

      Just so everyone knows. I have bread blazing (first) + mud (second) since February 3rd at maximum frequency. I have received the following:

      Four rainbow dragons
      Two solstice dragons
      One sun dragon
      One Panlong Dragon
      Approximately 10 blazing
      Approximately 15 mud dragons
      Approximately 10 fog dragons
      Approximately 15 lava dragons.

      Just goes to show you how rate panlongs are. If/when I get two I’m going to fill up me earth habitats with them*

  13. Asidesimple says:

    Add me please! I will give you gems! My account is : amejabat

  14. Daddy swagg says:

    Sorry guys I need your email address and I don’t have it

  15. Beastios says:

    Hey add me for lots of gems if u want to

  16. Draco22 says:

    I need tips for breeding a panlong dragon
    Out of ideas

  17. Sexybeast777 says:

    Just goes to show. The moral of it is if at first you don’t succed try and try again.
    Regular breeding cave. 36 hour breeding time. Here we go panlong dragon.
    Blazing lv. 10, mud lv. 10. Blazing left mud right it’s my 3rd try. Makes no difference in order
    though. Please add me. Gem4gem beastyninja777.

  18. dimas says:

    what works better blazing and mud or mud and blazing

    • I feel order does not matter on any dragon. It’s all luck. you’ll either get it that try or not.
      – The Doc

      • Lil' Bman says:

        I’m going to try again. Last time I somehow got moss. I honestly don’t know that got in the mix. I’ll try it with the epic breeding island(again).

  19. Katt7118 says:

    I tried this and got a fog dragon. THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!! >:( (sercming in corner)

  20. dimas says:

    hey i need help what works best mud and blazing or fog and lave

  21. EmeraldDragonFreak says:

    I am a very good breeder, and I found that lichen and crystal works us usual, though it might take a while, and snow and seaweed seems to work too. While trying to breed a forge dragon, found out that (this won’t help) you can also breed these things by panlong and quicksilver. I don’t know which one to recommend, though, and it’ll take more than a few times to breed them, so keep on trying. 🙂

  22. Pat says:

    How do you add people? I would add people and help, just don’t know how. Thanks!

    • Jacqueline says:

      Add people through the Gamecenter. You need their email name not their first names. Add me at Gamecenter ID usctrojan12 so we can trade gems. You can gift more gems with a gem Gifting Tree. It costs 100 gems but well worth. It. Also, a Solstice Dragon will give you 3 gems a month for yourself in addition it also nets you dragon cash. Not a bad deal. I bred my Solstice Dragon on the first try on Epic Breeding Island. good Luck.

      • Horuslv3 says:

        Solstice gives gems??
        How? What?? Is this why a random gem appears from a ‘friend’ every now and then???

        • usctrojan12 says:

          Oops sorry! Solstice doesnt give gems. Only the Pearl, Emerald and others that live on the gem island. I have a Pearl and gives gems every month. The gems from the Pearl go into your gem bank. Gems appear from friends that you have accepted. You can gift gems to them by tapping the friends icon in your island screen. You can gift more gems if you have a Dragonsai Gifting Tree, which costs 100 gems.

  23. Bryman28 says:

    Love the site. I have tried this combo a lot and have not yet received a panlong. I have however bred a rainbow and 5 solstice dragons. Add me, I have no friends and would like to start trading. Bryman28

  24. Gustav says:

    What happens if I breed two Panlong dragons together?

  25. Jdog197 says:

    I love dragonvale but can’t get the stupid panlong I have tried at least 75 times and get

    • Gustav says:

      I guess you just have to try again and again. I was lucky, first i got the Soltice with Mud and Blazing, then i got the Rainbow dragon with Mud and Blazing, and know i just got the Panlong. 🙂

  26. Jdog197 says:

    I love dragonvale but can’t get the stupid panlong I have tried at least 75 times and can’t get it

  27. Luke jaax says:

    I have 2 panlongs just keep breeding blazing and mud add me at applejaxx3

  28. Vics says:

    Can’t get Panlong, but I got 3 Solstice with this combination.
    Blazing lv 9 + Mud lv 4. In Epic Breeding Sanctuary. (Island)
    my user : ~[vic26]~

  29. Horuslv3 says:

    Ive got 8 panlongs and ive got all with lava and fog
    Im breeding them for the gold statues(cos its 4 atributes)
    Just bread 2 rainbows together and got a 48 hour breeding, i guessing another rainbow?,
    And when my epic finishes im gonna try 2 panlongs, see if i can brred them that way

    My game center is. Horuslv3

    Come check my drags ive got one of each (at least) besides emerald( spent 250 gems on speed breading, got 2 pearls tho )

  30. Cjlambert says:

    Add me C0NN0R777

    They are zeros not o’s

  31. Mel 1103 says:

    Add me Plz need 5 more gems I’ll gift u bak my name is Mel 1103 thx

  32. Kam says:

    Add me please I give gems daily!

    Game center: Kristine Lee

  33. TheNuclearWaffle says:

    Add me!! TheNuclearWaffle. Will gift gems daily!!!

  34. Kameron says:

    I give gems daily ; add me for gems

    Game center: kameron lee

  35. Kam says:

    Add me I give gems daily KAMERONLEE or Kameronlee

  36. Dragonvale user says:

    Fog and lava worked on the third try for me!

  37. Jelly Janie says:

    Add me: Jelly
    I’ll will give u gems!!!

  38. Cjlambert says:

    download legend of cryptids and put invite code widowmaker.. you get bonus for putting my name

  39. Justin S says:

    Got one 1st try with firework +mud

  40. Kaylem j says:

    I Kan’t confirm this as my firework dragon is still incubating but maybe if someone tried the firework dragon and mud. (the fire work dragon has the same elements as blazing). 🙂

    • BrowncoatBC says:

      My fiancé got one with firework and mud. I tried that combo, another firework. I’m close to pulling my hair out at this point.

  41. Eric says:

    Tried firework+mud on breeding island but got a 6 hour incubating time =(

  42. Seranyu says:

    I need 3 people to trade gems with. Please add me GC ID seranyu

  43. Flareon1229 says:

    I want a firework ,I can’t get it so I give up. I want a panlong , I get 2 firework

  44. TheJacobM says:

    Honest to god I got a pang long for 1st try with fog and lava on an EBI come check it out it’s still breeding ID is Swagmaster

  45. Fanny rashhh says:

    I need a panlong dragon it’s so frustrating keep me posted

  46. sarah says:

    i got it with blazing and mud in the normal breeding after trying lava and fog on the EBI forever, i know people who got it with firework and mud so just keep trying.

  47. Mel 1103 says:

    Blazing and mud works I got it on EBI after like 5 tries both cave and island!! So happy!

  48. Jessee says:

    Can’t get it tried for weeks with breeding sanctuary add me Destroyer7845

  49. Kyoyukki says:

    Have a dragon tree if anyone wants to gem for gem daily. Have 3 spots left. Catch is I’m only going to gem those who gem back. Kyoyukki <-game center

  50. Johnathonm8 says:

    Blazing first mud second and got panlog on first try!!!! LOL

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