DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 500 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Blazing and Mud / Lava and Rain / Obsidian and Rain / Fog and Obsidian

(Can only be bred in “The Year of the Dragon” (2012))

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

495 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon”
  1. susu says:

    This mofo is so hard to get ><
    I've tried for like a month with no luck urrr.

    It's strange how I got some of the rare ones on first try, but not this bastard šŸ˜

    My usual combos are

    with 2 caves, but nothing yet …

  2. Annie says:

    I agree. I have done blazing and mud about 30 times and no luck, so now going to concentrate on lava/rain and paper/ fog. Here’s hoping!!

  3. Loki says:

    Add me gem for gem loki-alexander, I’m on multiple times daily

  4. chance says:

    i got it on my first try.

  5. Surge 2.0 says:

    Add me I’m trying to get a gifting tree so I can do Gem for gem Surge 2.0

  6. Jetx9000 says:

    I got it my 4th or fifth try with Mud and Blazing. It’s still in the breeding cave though. It’s going to be hard to wait xD

  7. David says:

    Hey I got my two with Fog and Lava. Try it out.

  8. Nimcakes says:

    Got it breeding at the moment too – mud & lava after Months of trying. Add me gem for gem Nimcakes x

  9. Brandon says:

    Fog and lava is perfect rite now! 4 for 4

  10. Olsen says:

    So mad I can’t keep tring stuk with 2 48 hour breeding times

  11. coppolae1 says:

    Add me for gem to gem trading. looking for 3 people who are also on everyday.

  12. Katie says:

    Add me for gem swap. Game center id is katiekwassa

  13. Ray says:

    I got 2 Rainbow dragons using these combos for months but no Panlong. This is by far one of the hardest to get….

  14. Daniel says:

    I just got one by breeding a rain and a lava

  15. Johnny_riley says:

    Hey Guys I’m looking for reliable gem for gem people add me johnny_riley you send me a gem I will send back

  16. Visenya Targaryen says:

    Well last night was a shocker to me! After multiple tries since I started in late August, I got two pan longs! It was foggy last night so maybe…. never give up šŸ˜‰
    Now on to making a pan long army!

    Come check out mine humble universe and I will enjoy yours too, it is so nice to see the dragons I missed in their habitats. just started in late August helping my young nephew and now I am addicted, level 23 so far GC Oll1e 91

    And if you love dragons and read, you must read A Song OF Ice and Fire series of books by George RR Martin. or watch the HBO series Game of Thrones, based on the aforementioned book series. great stuff to do while waiting for our eggs hatch šŸ˜‰

  17. Stefan says:

    Hoping to get one later today with those formulas. Working on getting brerding island and tree need gems tho as competitions aren’t fast enough. Will do gem swapping. Game center id. ->Bigberto<-

  18. Zion says:

    Finally got it with rain and lava after like 50 tries

  19. Monique says:

    Looking for soms friends and. Gems want to upgrade my Breeding Cave i am returning THE gems but i want and have friends but not all give back. mjsih is my game center id. I cnt get panlong have a gold egg while trying for opal dragon
    First i Buyed a bone eg and aftr that i breed four al ready i while trying for sommething else.i Cannon get any dragon i have to buy some like THE bone and THE bleu with lightning THE other one i tryed also but cant THE bleu fire and THE opesed i cant not compatible i gat that al lot,

  20. Connie says:

    Still cant get this damn dragon v.v gonna try Lava and Rain or Paper and Fog. I am also looking for 6 friends to gem for gem with EVERY day, yes that did say EVERY if possible, tired of friending people who dont send gems back. my name is # Connie54 # on game center

  21. Jjj says:

    I got it on my 7th or 8th time with Blazing and Mud. At least I have a 36 hour incubation time in the normal cave. Both dragons were level 10 in the normal cave. Blazing in the first spot. Now for the the Olympic dragons…

  22. towersfallen says:

    I’ve been trying for a few months with no luck. Also looking for people to gem 4 gem. Add me towersfallen

  23. Lara says:

    Looking for reliable people to trade gems with, have 3 spots. Add me please! ID: LaraE=)

  24. Alexmoogs says:

    Have not tried yet but will 2day! Add me on GameCenter for gem for gem. My name is Alexmoogs on it so add me coz I’m on every day!

  25. Aaron says:

    Hey, I have tried countless times to get the Panlong dragon. I have also spent around 300 gems on speeding up breeding and incubation. Does the Epic Breeding Island help?

  26. Hodgett888 says:

    Lookin to gem4 gem my gamecenter id is Hodgett888

  27. JP says:

    Got it on my 5th try with Lava and Rain after two failed attempts with Mud and Blazing!

    Add jpascalee for reliable gem trade daily

  28. Cole says:

    I am trying to level up to get the panlong but I need gems to incubate. I will do gem for gem. My game center is avg. 1000 thank you!!

  29. Madara Uchiha says:

    Iā€™m looking for people who can send gems at a daily basis. I have 4 friends and I send them a gem everyday without fail and they return the favor. Iā€™m looking for 2 more friends who are willing to do this.
    If u can please add me -MADARA UCHIHA-

  30. vinn says:

    I got Blazing on left + Mud on right on my first try!
    Both lvl ten btw

  31. Bibi says:

    Got this using blazing and mud 2nd try in EBI. Add me up i have only 1 friend and i need gems badly. Will trade you gem for gem. Please leave your gamecenter id as mine is hard to spell and long to boot. :). Thanks!

  32. Bill small says:

    Got the panlong in three tries BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (used blazing+mud)BITCH

  33. Chris says:

    I think I got it !!!!!!! Fog level 10 and lava level 10 in the epic Breeding cave good Luck to everyone

  34. Smith says:

    Hi im looking for gem trading friends who are online everyday add me. Gamer lol 101

    Still couldn’t get the panlong after like 5 times ????

  35. Smith says:

    Hi im looking for gem trading friends who are online everyday add me. Gamer lol 101

    Still couldn’t get the panlong after like 5 times ????

  36. Hodgett888 says:

    Got it on first try using bone and fog:-)

  37. Kj says:

    I just done both the combos and in amazement I got 2 rainbows breeding in both my caves that’s just stupid

  38. Sandy says:

    I can’t get it!,!!! Grrrr

  39. Austin says:

    Got one with obsidian and fog. Tried with blazing and mud, I got two rainbows but no luck with the panlong. Good luck!

  40. Austin says:

    Got one with obsidian and fog. Tried with blazing and mud, I got two rainbows but no luck with the panlong. Good luck!!

  41. Gordon says:

    Hi, GC name is gorhong. add me to gem4 gem. i play everyday

  42. Hauehauehauehuae says:

    This bastard is so freaking hard to get, hahahaha…
    Dude, I’ve got an opal dragon at my third try, and at the end of october, but I just CAN’T get this panlong dragon!!! Hahaha, I’ve tried 7 times!!!

  43. huf says:

    add me Gamecenter ID: itsHUF

  44. Caleb says:

    I onley have like 3 okay dragons two are ghost dragons and 1 is a blue moon dragon anyone have any tips?! And add me on Game Center (BLACKOPSMASTER1999) please send lots of gems and when I get the chance ill try and send them back

  45. CeI says:

    Finally, been trying since may… Fog/lava is the way to go!

  46. DragonvaleLover says:

    Boy, this dragon is hard! I’ve been trying to get it since July, using both caves, with no luck. I’ve tried all combos. Does anybody have any tips? (Fountain of Youth, a certain time, etc.)

  47. DragonvaleLover says:

    Oops! By “all combos” I meant Blazing and Mud, Fog and Lava, Lava and Rain, Fog and Bone, Bone and Rain, Obsidian and Fog, and Rain and Obsidian.

  48. Nick says:

    Got Panlong after 8 try’s in the upgraded enchanted breeding cave. Fog(level10)/Lava(level15). I used the same combo each attempt.

  49. Dragonvale ^_^ says:

    i got panlong dragon on my 5th try using blazing and mud in the breeding cave

  50. Heff says:

    I just got the panlong with the fog and lava on my second try, on my first island as well.

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