DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

DragonVale PANLONG Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 500 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Blazing and Mud / Lava and Rain / Obsidian and Rain / Fog and Obsidian

(Can only be bred in “The Year of the Dragon” (2012))

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

495 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Panlong Dragon”
  1. Enthusiast says:

    I’ve been trying to get this dragon and it seems impossible! Add me so we can trade gems! Id: Sheelue

    • Hauehauehauehuae says:

      Yeah, it’snso freaking hard to get.
      Plz add me: lazanha

    • Mojo151 says:

      I kept trying the two combos listed in this guide, at least 15, maybe 20 times. Eventually I got a Smoke dragon.

      My next time around I put the Smoke and the Mud dragons together on the Epic Breeding Island, and that did the trick for me!

      Smoke dragon is fire and air
      Mud is water and earth
      So the mix fits this dragon near perfect.

      Add me if you’d like, I play pretty much every day.

      Good luck!

      • Christaberk says:

        Your panlong suggestion worked for me twice I would love to friend you and have gems to trade but I don’t know how. How do I add friends? Do I HAVE to go through Facebook? I hate Facebook.

        • Mojo151 says:

          Glad it worked for you too!

          I’m not sure how the friend deal works and I don’t like using Facebook for this either. At this point I have very few friends outside of known relatives, etc. Check your game-center account and see if you see an invite from me there. It’s for ‘all of Game Center’, but perhaps if we’re on there, then we can link up on DragonVale that way.


          • Hanbamslam443 says:

            I also would to start trading gems with people none of my friends play this game and I need gems we should set up a trading deal

          • Awesomedragoneer says:

            Ya, it’s through Game Center connections. U have to be friends on Game Center first.

        • JKSJK says:

          WHich one?

      • markuesen15 says:

        I put the smoke and mud dragon together and got it first try. Add me for gem for gem. markuesen15

      • Veronica says:


    • Illusoryone says:

      I’ve gotten 2 back to back on the EBI using lvl 15 Mud on the left and lvl 15 Blazing on the right.

    • BBBRAP says:

      Add me gem for gem Lazzar & Railmybum
      Anyone can add both accounts :)!!

    • Chu1999 says:

      I used lava + Fog Got it on 2nd try.
      Gamecenter – chu1999

    • whatzittuya says:

      try obsidian and rain worked for me first try

  2. Addme says:

    Add me for gem for gem! I have the dragonsai gifting tree I play regualary

  3. Kaleigh says:

    I think I just got this guy! Lvl 12 Blazing & lvl 12 Mud in upgraded breeding cave 9:15 eastern time. Hope this helps!

    Game Center ID:
    :- – AngryPanda28- -: (2 dashes but without the spaces)

  4. Jay says:

    Add me greenbug4

  5. Matt says:

    Add me, gem for gem. Hockeyman81 I won’t let you down, promise ill give you me back. Add me on Game Center. I play everyday.

  6. A Breeder says:

    Thank god! I got this at 7:30AM! I had only 2 more months to get it and I got it! Yes! I did Blazing and Mud it’s a winner combo! 🙂

    GC: A Breeder | Gem 4 Gem 🙂

  7. Susan says:

    Can I complain about getting a Rainbow while trying for a Panlong??

    • MrMcSpic says:

      I got a Solar Eclipse and Rainbow but still no panlong

      Add me. My Game Center id is MrMcSpic

    • Inferno says:

      haha same thing happened to me XD when i was using the blazing mud combo.
      I later tried Mud Firework and got the panlong XD trying to get another one before he is gone

    • Troy says:

      So far two rainbows and a bunch of frustration otherwise (mostly in the form of mud and smoke) won’t stop trying though 🙂
      Add me gem for gem GC: tbtjt

  8. DragonvaleLover says:

    Yes! Finally got it with Mud and Blazing on the island. The Blazing was a newly hatched Level 10 dragon… actually hatched it this morning. The Mud was an old dragon but had been in the Fountain of Youth. This dragon was a real toughie… took me at least 50 tries! And I thought Limiteds were easy! 🙂

  9. Hauehauehauehuae says:

    Omg, finally got this dragon! I’ve tried 7 times mud/blazing, so I gave up and tried blazing/swamp 3 times… It didn’t work… So I tried fog/lava 5 times and I gave up. Without any hope, I tried lava/rain 2 times, and I gave up again. But I really wanted that dragon, so I tried fog/lava 3 times and now it says that it will take 36 hours to finish! It took a long time (since I don’t have a breeding island) but I’m kinda happy since I bred it… So, guys, fog/lava works to!

  10. Hauehauehauehuae says:

    Omg, finally got this dragon! I’ve tried 7 times mud/blazing, so I gave up and tried blazing/swamp 3 times… It didn’t work… So I tried fog/lava 5 times and I gave up. Without any hope, I tried lava/rain 2 times, and I gave up again. But I really wanted that dragon, so I tried fog/lava 3 times and now it says that it will take 36 hours to finish! It took a long time (since I don’t have a breeding island) but I’m kinda happy since I bred it… So, guys, fog/lava works to! Add me: lazanha

  11. K.D.A. says:

    Finally i have an egg waiting to hatch, where do these guys live? Just an ordinary one?

  12. Gail108 says:

    Wow! Took forever but tried in both island and den at same to and got two. now am incubating two! Worked on blazing mud both times. Weird

  13. Sky912 says:

    I have two :)))
    Add me :))
    Sky 912

  14. Gabii says:

    Finally worked!!! Fifth try with Lava and Rain! 🙂

  15. Mud and blazing says:

    Blazing and mud. Incubation time is 36 hours as it says i got it on me first try. Good luck 😀

  16. Stefan says:

    Just got my 2nd solar eclipse on the island from blazing and mud thought it was another rainbow since I was tryin for panlong while breeding solar eclipse with moon in cave trying for a second solar eclipse but got a second moon instead then 1st pair of blazing and mud on island 14hours so guessing its a smoke dragon and 1st pair of blazing and mud in cave gets 36hours!!! Soooo happy since havent upgraded either of them just gotta wait for all them to finishing breeding and incubating to add to my big collection. Gem for gem I.d:

  17. Yaprakf says:

    Firework mud works same try

  18. Solar_Eclipse_Wanter says:

    Hey anyone know how to get a solar eclipse? I got this weird Umbral sculpture and is says something about giving off magic and something about solar eclipses. Does it have anything to do with the solar eclipse dragon?

  19. Pink says:

    So hard to get!!!! >_<

  20. jack says:

    Can anyone confirm it’s possible to get 2 of these Panlong dragons. Got one but keep getting Rainbow dragons with Blazing Mud lately

  21. Bec says:

    If this is a “year of the Dragon” dragon, does it follow the chinese calendar? Do I still have a few more months to try and get it. 🙂

  22. Cordell says:

    I randomly did paper and rain and got me a panlong guess ik lucky

  23. Pink says:

    I fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaly got it using lava/rain!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Bloody ninja says:

    Bone and rain first try

  25. Leon says:

    GC – GGzilla. Add for trades, ty.

  26. Ally1928 says:

    SNOW + SEAWEED = PANLONG at regular breeding cave . Finally.

    • Jetx9000 says:

      Impossible. You need to also have Earth and fire elements. Plus Panlong doesn’t have cold and plant elements in it. Are you referring to rainbow

  27. Jetx9000 says:

    -.- I have 1 Panlong dragon but I need another so I can breed them together and get the Panlong egg…. Taking forever to get a second Panlong.

  28. lolo says:

    I’ve been trying to breed this dragon for a long time and I was feeling pretty depressed that I wasn’t getting anything special.
    I tried my lvl 10 blazing (left) and lvl 10 mud (right) a few times in a row, kept getting more blazing, and finally it lagged for half a second after I pressed breed, my heart started beating faster, and I checked at the breeding time and it said 36 hours!! I’m so happy!!! <3

  29. Gudi74 says:

    Level 10 Smoke and Level 10 Mud in regular breeding cave, first try! 😀

  30. Dragonvale lover says:

    Just did lava and rain and got A RAINBOW DRAGON!!!!!!! Thank you soooo much for suggesting that breeding combination! May have not gotten panlong dragon but this is soo much better 🙂

  31. Eric Loh says:

    I need a 2nd panlong! I tried many times with blazing & mud. Lava & rain too

  32. Jerktopus says:

    Finally got one! This one was danged difficult. Been playing since the beginning of June and trying to get this one as soon as I leveled high enough since it looks like it won’t be coming around for another 12 years and who knows if this game is going to have that long of life span.

    After what seemed like hundreds of fails I finally got it with Lava and Rain. Both 15’s…

  33. Leon says:

    Just got Kairos! Finally! add me: masterieon

  34. Masterieon says:

    Cant get panlong 🙁

  35. Van says:

    I can never get that PANLONG DRAGON!!!!!!!

  36. Stefan says:

    1st try with smoke/mud lvl 10s!!! Now got my two before they expire for the next 12yrs lol. Now to get another/more turquoise dragon to fill island. So happy I’ve been able to get most the limited time dragons since September.. Just gotta keep trying!

  37. Surfinshark says:

    Fog and Lava worked after forever

  38. Miri says:

    Just got a 36 hr breeding time in the ebi using Rain lvl10 and Obsidian lvl10, wish me luck!!!

  39. clarey says:

    Finally got my second panlong! Mud with Blazing

  40. Rebelangel:) says:

    Did mud with blazing, but got a 48h breeding time instead… Any idea what that might be??

  41. Miri says:

    I need 3 ppl that will actually gift g4g daily. If u need gems too, leave ur ID and I’ll add you 🙂

  42. Hunter24 says:

    This must be impossible I have tried like 20 times on EBI but still no luck 🙁

  43. Pib says:

    Finally after 300 gems got my second panlong. Air and Panlong

  44. Eric Loh says:

    Still no luck with blazing mud & fog lava =(

  45. Van says:

    Yes I got a panlong dragon on a few goes and I got it with blazing/mud with the original breeding cave!!!

  46. macedymacedymacmac says:

    Blazing/Mud & Fog/Lava & Smoke/Mud & Rain/Obsidian, 43 tries totally finally got first panlong incubating

  47. Bigb1704 says:

    I got it with mud(lv10)blazing(lv10)

  48. A Breeder says:

    I have been doing these combos since May nonstop. I don’t want to miss it for 12 YEARS! I don’t want to spend money on gems either. Does anyone have WORKING COMBOS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    • Katy says:

      I just posted this on another page on here but I’ve noticed people having trouble so I thought Id post it here to 🙂

      Hey all, I was experiencing problem breeding special dragons like the panlong and rainbow. When I was looking online to help me breed them I came across something that said if you’ve moved to breeding cave off the first island then you couldn’t breed special dragons anymore. After trying to breed the panglong dragon 20+ times I thought there might actually be something in it. Not knowing how to rectify my error I tried selling the breeding cave and rebuying it on the first island, I did this and literaly the next dragons I put on my breeding island and in my cave I got panlong and rainbow! It may have just been a coincidence but seemed a little odd that I got them straight away.

      I thought I would post on here as I have noticed other people struggling to breed rare dragons, so if u have moved your breeding cave and have found the same problem it’s worth a try 🙂 just thought I would let people know x

  49. Eric Loh says:

    For those trying for 2nd panlong, I just got one using panlong (15) & butterfly (10) in the epic island.

  50. whatzittuya says:

    i kinda figured this was the last month for panlong so i tried obsidian and rain and i got 36 hours first time :DD

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