DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

INCUBATION TIME: None specified, but I’ve gotten them for 48 Hours
BUY-IT Price: 2,000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Storm / Frostfire and Storm/ Crystal and Blue Fire / Crystal and Lichen

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

The 1st egg sown is the DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

894 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon”
  1. Johnny says:

    i used Leap Year and firework trying to get Rainbow then, What do ya know? I get my first sun dragon 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. I got 14 hrs. For my second try what would it be? And for my first try I was trying for ruby but I got copper.

  3. Arnav says:

    I got it with midday and dawn.

  4. shlee Taylor says:

    add me to trade gems with and breed dragons! ashlee_Forever

    • Brittany says:

      How to you add friends so I have a better chance of breeding the dragons im having trouble getting the dragons I need. How do I get friends on dragonvale?

  5. Naterbro says:

    The crystal and Lichen worked for me on my first try

  6. Ivy says:

    I’ve been trying for a jade dragon,none of the breeds would work so I got really frustrated and just breed 2dragons storm and ice both lvl 5 and got 48 hrs I hurried up 15hrs for 15 gems….what do u know it’s a sun dragon!!!Just yesterday I ended up getting another 48hrs in the cooperative breeding cave with great Nogerds antarian dragon and my ice!!Hopefully it’s not another sun dragon I really want a sesonal or a moon dragon!!Bestest luck hope this was helpful!!!!!????????

  7. Annominous says:

    Cold and storm worked for me I have also got it with via breeding using my cold dragon and someone’s antarian dragon

  8. Annominous says:

    Cold and storm worked for me I have also got it with via breeding using my cold dragon and someone’s antarian dragon

  9. Ashlyn Glad says:

    Got mine first try bluemoon dragon + crystal dragon

  10. Hye Mi Kim says:

    Got mine on first try with lightning + cold

  11. Noah says:

    I got 13 h on sun trying to breed rainbow

  12. kitty says:

    got it with cactus and mine

    • Scott the awesome says:

      I was trying to breed a double leap year with cactus and mine but ended up with an aurora dragon so I was actually trying for a sun

  13. Mr_pear says:

    I have now gotten SUN AND MOON using Quake and Evergreen, and it also helps with rainbow and the amber dragon 😀 I hope this helps all of you!!!

  14. Andy says:

    I got mine with Equinox and blue moon

  15. Hero of Time says:

    First try loadstone and mountain, trying to get sanguinite

  16. Ghost says:

    Got it with lodestone and mountain, both level 12. Got it twice in a row!

  17. Kylelovestoad says:

    I got it with a level 11 Lycan dragon and lvl 10 spectre dragon on the first try

  18. Squizz says:

    I unintentionally got a Sun Dragon with a Level 12 Evergreen Dragon and a level 11 Quake dragon. ????
    Good luck in getting one!

  19. Josh says:

    I was breeding firefly and glare to try and get a blue fire or frost fire dragon and what do you know, I got a sun dragon!

  20. AquaManta says:

    Got mine with Hail lvl 10 and Sonic lvl 11 aiming for Amethyst but got Sun instead.

  21. AubreyRed says:

    I used a lv. 11 Pine dragon and a lv. 11 Copper dragon and got a sun dragon by mistake…

  22. Crazy Goat says:

    Snowy Gold plus Antarian works too! (At least for me :D)

  23. Marissa says:

    I got it with cold and scorch?

  24. Seriphe says:

    10 flower and 7 storm, epic isle

  25. Drako says:

    I think the best way to get it is Storm + Cold
    The sun dragon likes Cold element and Lightning element, since there are other options like scorch, lichen, etc. that have those elements.
    In the regular breeding cave, on the first try, I got lucky and put Storm + Cold and got 48h, a Sun Dragon.
    **Note, sun dragon is only available during the day to breed***

  26. Rainbow flying Bunny says:

    I got it when trying to get the rainbow dragon and then I got it again trying for the same dragon.

  27. Rainbow flying Bunny says:

    I got it when I was trying for the rainbow.dragon second try and first try???

  28. sadey jayne says:

    Well 1st off, I didn’t look this up, and I got my sun dragon at level 50 and I bred hail and storm together because I was bored.. And BOOM! I got a sun dragon! It takes(for me anyway)to let it incubate for a WEEK! So be prepared!?

  29. sadey jayne says:

    Oh yeah my dragons were both level 15 OK and I am pretty sure that between level 10 and 20 you will get it!

  30. Dragonvale FTW says:

    I bred andromedan with polarian and got 01:24:59:59. About 48 gems to speed up the breeding. What did I get. Im dying to know!!!!!!!!!

  31. Alan Hoang says:

    Got 48 hours with sun and lunar eclipse on ebi. What is it?

  32. Taylor says:

    Using a sun dragon and a rainbow dragon, somehow I got a snowy gold dragon and a silver dragon so far…

  33. Connor says:

    I got it from a firefly and a cold dragon

  34. Name, no says:

    I got my sun dragon by breeding my gold dragon (lvl 11) to a lvl 5 fire dragon. It was quite a surprise.

  35. Jakob says:

    I used rainbow and rainbow. First time I tryed I got a sun dragon!

  36. Lyndsay Potter says:

    I used ‘Dusk’ and ‘Electrum’ both at level 10 and got a ‘Sun’ dragon first go after giving up and moving on.

  37. LivBrown says:

    I got the sun dragon with fire lvl 4-5 and rainbow lvl 10. I wasn’t even trying to get a sun I was just seeing what would happen! P.S I got it on the first breeding!

  38. Tiger21899 says:

    Level 11 copper and level 11 hail is how i got it first try to wasnt even going for it

  39. WhiteLightning says:

    I was going for Amber with a lvl15 quake and 11 evergreen and got it?

  40. PaganReader says:

    I think I might have got one of these with an lvl 9 evergreen and lvl 8 quake in the regualar breeding cave. I

  41. Dove says:

    I was trying for an amber and I got this instead.
    Level 4 evergreen and level 7 quake, epic breeding cave.

    By the way, dont be disappointed if you dont have an epic breeding cave, it took me 2 MONTHS of saving up gems to get mine, and you can still get really good dragons with a regular breeding cave. I got my first double rainbow dragon on the regular breeding cave!

    If you were curious, they were level 4 blazing and level 7 lichen for the double rainbow.

  42. Anonymouse says:

    I got mine with lvl 10 leap year and lvl 11 dark on EBI and I wasn’t really trying for anything and I have been trying the crystal and lichen combo but never got it but got it first try with my leap year and dark so hope this helps ppl.

  43. Sean says:

    I’m level 19 and just bred sun dragon with cold and lightning first time, then my bro tried it and he did the same

  44. Fiz says:

    Tried crystal and lichen, got it on the first attempt
    They’re both just level 10 and it was the normal breeding cabe

  45. Arhaan Warsi says:

    I’m not sure about the hint… although I do know that the sun and Moon dragon breeding hint are the same…. it depends on the time zone. If you breed the dragons at 7am to 6:59 pm (eastern time) you will get the sun dragon. If you use the same dragons again, except this time at 7pm till 6:59 am (still eastern time) you will get the moon dragon. I guess it’s some type of Easter Egg by Backflip Studios, but that’s how it is.

  46. Austin says:

    I got the Sun dragon from Cooperative breeding a Galaxy Dragon and a Voltaic Dragon… Any answers as to how?

  47. Idris Jacoby says:

    https://www.facebook.com/idris.jacoby follow for gems and cooperative breeding

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