DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

INCUBATION TIME: None specified, but I’ve gotten them for 48 Hours
BUY-IT Price: 2,000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Storm / Frostfire and Storm/ Crystal and Blue Fire / Crystal and Lichen

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

The 1st egg sown is the DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

894 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon”
  1. Thanks says:

    Got it first try with the firefly and storm in breeding cave! Not even on EBI!

  2. Zac says:

    What is EBI I haven’t played much I’m only level 13 going for a sun and moon dragons.

  3. Anil says:

    I got 48 hours of time breeding with firefly and storm. Hope it’s a Sun dragon.

  4. Andrewdubee says:

    Hey peeps if you want to gem for gem with me that be awsome I’m kind of new to the game but hey we all have to start some were at some point. :^3 well I’m not going to be cheap and rip you off a gem so you don’t have to worry
    My Game Center name is.

    Thanks y’all 0~o

  5. Csigusz says:

    Hey guys! First try: Cold dragon (Lv 12) + Meteor Dragon (Lv 10) I got something rare dragon, i hope its sun or moon dragon, maybe rainbow! Try it!:)

  6. Csigusz says:

    Horray Guys! Its a Platinum Dragon! It was first try! Cold Dragon Lv 12(Left) Meteor Dragon Lv 10 (Right)
    Try this one! Horray for me! Hell Yeah:D Platinum<3

  7. Csigusz says:

    Horray Guys! Its a Silver! It was first try! Cold Dragon Lv 12(Left) Meteor Dragon Lv 10 (Right)
    Try this one! Horray for me! Hell Yeah:D

  8. Julie says:

    I bred a level 10 butterfly and level 10 lichen together 5 times, amd 2 of those times it was a sun. so yeah.

  9. David says:

    Moon Dragon is : Storm lv 11 and Scorch Lv 10 It was first time not even in EB.
    Silver Dragon (47 hours) : Cold Dragon Lv 12 and Meteor Dragon lv 10 It was first time, not even in EB, i don’t even got it.
    Add me as a friend to do gem for gem!

  10. Kirstyntw says:

    Add me for gem exchange

  11. /:)JC says:

    New player looking for friends to trade gems with.

    Please add me as a friend my Game Center ID is /:)JC

  12. Agentrohailnrh says:

    Level ???? 10 lightning and ice on EBI first try

  13. Agentrohailnrh says:

    Level 10 lightning and ice on EBI first try

  14. David says:

    Hey guys, i’m looking for friends, for gem exchange. Reply here to let me add You.

  15. Redface says:

    I got it first try with crystal and blue fire

  16. kirstyntw says:

    add me, gem for a gem kirstyntw

  17. LILOb says:

    I bred magnetic and seaweed in the ebh and got 48 hours
    Anyone know what that is?!?

  18. LILOb says:

    I bred magnetic and seaweed in the ebh and got 48 hours
    Anyone know what that is?

  19. Gotta love dragon vale says:

    I got the sun dragon with cold and lightning see if it works out for you!!!

  20. Manky says:

    I”m trying for a sun and I’ve gotten THREE summer dragons and a rainbow!


    • Kloudy says:

      Try cactus & blue fire… That was the wining combo my 3 year old picked.

    • Koalapandi says:

      What u bred? Manky

    • Tyler says:

      if you want a sun dragon try breeding a level 10 magnetic dragon and a level 10 lichen dragon in the normal breeding cave. thats what i did but i got it trying to get something else. if you look it up then most websites say you need a cold hybrid and an electric hybrid.

    • Tyler says:

      if anyone wants to visit my park my gamecentre name is [=Tyler=]

  21. Kloudy says:

    Cactus & blue fire both lvl 10 in normal breeding cave. My 3 year old did it

  22. Got one with a Storm and a Poisen.

  23. go_novi says:

    I can’t believe it. I have tried so many time with so many combinations and the sun still won’t shine in my park. I got every non limited epic but the sun. Still trying tough.

  24. Ryan says:

    Been trying for 5 days now but at least I got double rainbow ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. Tyler says:

    I bred the sun dragon with a level 10 magnetic dragon and a level 10 lichen dragon. Can anyone tell me how you can breed a double rainbow dragon? I never have any gems and i get almost every dragon i have by breeding them and ive only got the breeding cave and i havent upgraded. i got the sun dragon by luck, i randomly chose the magnetic and lichen dragon and bred them

  26. Tyler says:

    I bred the sun dragon with a level 10 magnetic dragon and a level 10 lichen dragon. Can anyone tell me how you can breed a double rainbow dragon?

  27. Tyler says:

    Can anyone tell me how to breed the solstice dragon and what time of the year i can get it? Im Australian by the way.

  28. Biznitch says:

    Add me too. Biznitch Wilson. I need friends ๐Ÿ˜€

  29. Chris says:

    Gem trading DARRENSHARPER. Send an invite!

  30. Max says:

    my cousin got trying to breed a storm dragon????

  31. Max says:

    my cousin it got trying to breed a storm dragon????

  32. victo1 says:

    if anyone whants to give me gems ill give back

  33. Starrygaze says:

    You can get moon with sun combos between 7pm and 7am, and sun dragons with moon dragon combos from 7am to 7pm. Cool right?

  34. diego says:

    i got i doble raimbow dragon !!!!!! i did liberty and pollen

  35. Josh says:

    Hey guys tryed firefly and storm 12 times and didn’t work someone help I am trying plant and storm

    • Dragon master says:

      hail dragon and tree dragon. They have a 30% chance to breed a sun dragon. And that is the best I have seen so far

  36. Emma lee says:

    Scorch and ice works as well, the incubation was 48 hrs.

  37. Kaffrin13 says:

    I’m trying a non-traditional way to get a Gold dragon with Iceberg and Scorch, but have gotten 2 Sun dragons in the last 4 or 5 tries. Hope this helps someone out ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Dragon master says:

    Try hail dragon and tree dragon. They have a 30% chance to breed a sun dragon. And that is the best I have seen so far

  39. Priscilla says:

    Hey everyone! Fairly new to the game.
    On everyday! Add me. Please and thank you! ^.^

  40. jeremy says:

    I got it with magnetic and poison. Also I will buy a gem tree if I get enough friends. At me, mastergib21@hotmail.com

  41. Bob says:

    I did Crystal and lichen 48 hours. What is it

  42. Bob says:

    I did Crystal and lichen 48 hours at 10:30 pm. What is it

  43. Ian says:

    I got the Sun with Glaciar and firefly without the EBI. Supposedly, the Rainbow can be obtained by using dragons whose total elements add up to 4. So you could use something like Storm and Lava to get it as well.

  44. Marissa says:

    Got it with Hail and Glacier on first try ๐Ÿ˜€

  45. NOWANGSTA says:

    my gamecenter NOWANGSTA. gem for gem.

  46. Luna says:

    Got a Sun dragon by breeding a Cold dragon (lvl 10) and a Firefly dragon (lvl 10) first try. Was trying for a Frostfire dragon and got sun instead, yay!!!

  47. Mike52 says:

    My Game Center is mike52 if you want to trade gem for a gem.

  48. Benjamin says:

    Evergreen and quake works in the breeding cave

  49. Manda says:

    With the new update, the hint for the sun dragon says you have to begin breeding between 7am and 7pm. Do you suppose the moon dragon would have a similar requirement?

  50. Your mouth moves and it says:

    I am so unlucky, I am lvl 17 and my most special dragon is probably a coral dragon,
    Any breeding tips?

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