DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

DragonVale SUN Dragon

INCUBATION TIME: None specified, but I’ve gotten them for 48 Hours
BUY-IT Price: 2,000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Storm / Frostfire and Storm/ Crystal and Blue Fire / Crystal and Lichen

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

The 1st egg sown is the DragonVale SUN Dragon Egg

894 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sun Dragon”
  1. Kenshie_X says:

    This worked like a charm on the first try (firefly/storm). Thank you very much.

    If anyone wants to add me my GC is Kenshie_X
    I’ll do gem for gem trades everyday.

  2. Dragonia says:

    Nah im not lucky with this one spend 20 gems now and still just 3 hour im gonna go for svamp nexst and leave this for the epic

  3. I did firefly and storm and got a moon dragon what did i do wrong?

  4. occa says:

    Trade me gems I’m oceanjean

  5. ham says:

    Got it first try with firefly and storm

  6. I got my sun dragon with cold and quake dragon

  7. Angus Ellor says:

    Davenport_98 Got a dragon giftin tree and two spaces left x

  8. Angus Ellor says:


  9. XGNxMERLI says:

    I was trying for a moon dragon with a Storm dragon & Scorch dragon, no moon dragon, but I did get a Sun dragon out of it…

  10. Shiner says:

    I really need some gems, in return I give everyday.

    Gamecenter: visitator

  11. I did firefly and storm both level 10 and it didn’t work

  12. Heads up says:

    What would solstice and equinox get after 24 hours?

  13. kegmug says:

    Got it with evergreen and quake trying for an amber dragon… Weird

  14. zzepph says:

    I have been trying day on and off to breed both sun and moon dragom and have not got it once! Ive tried all the diffrent combonations but nothing works 🙁 HELP

  15. Raacheel says:

    It doesn’t matter what I do I can’t get one!! I’m so annoyed

  16. Milena says:

    Can’t seem to get the sun dragon! Got the moon dragon by accident with a totally different combo than listed, but the sun dragon has been elusive! I’ll try storm and scorch next. Might as well, these combos just aren’t working 🙁

    • Joice says:

      I got a sun yesterday from Evergreen + Quake after about a week
      (remember to breed between 7 am and 7pm) Time of the day is a factor!

  17. Milena says:

    Oh yeah, my GC name is {MilenaVeltri} if anyone is interested. I play every day and willing to gift some gems!

  18. Kim says:

    I got mine with Cactus and Mine dragons

  19. Chrissy says:

    I got mine with hail (level 10) and poison (level 12) at the regular breeding cave. It took me about two days.

  20. Kat says:

    add me on game center I need gems and I will definitely gift you every day. my id is katflakes 🙂

  21. jjordzzz says:

    hi please add me for dragonvale my game center name is jjordzzz

  22. fjellryp says:

    Have one place for trading gemstones
    fjellryp <—

  23. --Kate-- says:

    I got a Sun dragon by crossing a lvl 10 lichen dragon onto a lvl 8 Storm dragon. I guess sometimes it is just what you are “due for”. I’m trying for a moon dragon now

    Game Center –Kate– ADD ME I play all day every day!!

  24. Flamethower says:

    Hail and poison for me my GC is Sid126

  25. fasy yz says:

    Please i want neighbours 🙁 add mei fasy yz facebook dragonvale

  26. Yuki says:

    Add me willing to trade gems everyday 😀 chukichuchuki 😀

  27. anonymous says:

    If you breed an ice with magnetic you have a 19% chance of getting either ouroborus, Sun, moon, rainbow, double rainbow, platinum, cyclops, electrum or silver so yeah 🙂

  28. Ploy says:

    I got it with Ash + Frostfire both level 10 on EBI 🙂

    I been trying to get a sun dragon for a long time but I never try it with ash and Frostfire (I didn’t have Frostfire & I got it two days ago) I was trying to breed jet dragon and it turn out to be the sun dragon. I think ash and Frostfire will get you many rare dragon 🙂

  29. yassax says:

    Just try with fire/hail in morning or middle of day both level 10 %100 will get sun dragon

  30. DWTT says:

    Hey, I need 3 friends for gem trading with. I’m on almost all day every day. Gamecenter name is +-(LELE 59)-+. Thanks 🙂

  31. Tara says:

    Enter this friend code to receive gems!


  32. Marci says:

    I’ve been trying for weeks to get a sun dragon with no luck. I have 2 moon dragons already. Please add me for gem trading on Game Center. I’m cocobaby66. Please try to redeem code 85387474 for 25 free gems.

  33. pancake says:

    I randomly bred light and bloom, thinking “surprise me.” I got a sun dragon!! (1st try obviously) i sold it though, because i already hqve 2 suns and a hyperion dragon.

    Btw add me on game center to trade gems 🙂 /*grace*\

  34. Sar24 says:

    I got sun dragon with blue fire and crystal dragon I bred them at between 12am and 1pm

  35. Beth says:

    I got the sun dragon using hail and sonic both level 11.

    • motleydragon says:

      I just did it too, Hail and Sonic both level 12 and it was in the regular breeding cave too not the EBI. Was trying for this month’s Amethyst and got Sun instead! Very happy because this is my first Sun dtagon, I have three Moons. Now back to trying for Amethyst… 🙂

  36. $ar24 says:

    I got sun dragon with blue fire and crystal dragon I bred them at normal breeding cave at between 12am and 1 pm

  37. Val says:

    Valeriya1111- please add me to trade gems

  38. Vincent says:

    Hi guys I got my 3 bye using crystal and lichen and I trade gems every day my user name is vinny 70 9

  39. Narshkey says:

    I was breeding storm level 11 and firefly level 11 and the breeding time was 24 hours. Anyone know what it is?

  40. Sierrabell says:

    I got blue moon with crystal and lichen! (: Still no sun dragon, but thx anyways xx

  41. Boblanka says:

    I got mine in 10tries with crystal and flower in my breeding island 😛

  42. Lucas says:

    Got sun first try with cactus (7) and ghost (7) first try no epic breeding required

  43. DeviantDareDevil says:

    I bred firefly and storm and got a moon dragon as a result. I didn’t buy the moon habitat 🙁

  44. Ary says:

    Try breed firefly and cold dragon for frostfire but i got 48hours o_O

  45. Joyce says:

    Got rainbow and sun breeding cactus with mine. Did it again and am waiting for another 48 hour dragon

  46. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    I used sonic and hail, level 11, in the regular breeding cave. Got it for 48 hours. Strange thing is, I was trying for an amythyst!

  47. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    I’ve got another Sun by cold and scorch, level 11, on EBI. 48 hours again. And I was trying for a frostbite.

  48. Spenc???? says:

    I play this game everyday and am willing to give people gems if they give me some in return :).my FCC is Spenc???? add me for gems

  49. Spenc???? says:

    I play this game everyday and am willing to give people gems if they give me some in return :).my FCC is Spenc???? add me for gems

  50. Tanya says:

    Add me on Facebook Taylor Willis

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