DragonVale: How to breed an Iceberg Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed an Iceberg Dragon

DragonVale ICEBERG Dragon

DragonVale ICEBERG Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 250 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Water and Ice

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

48 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed an Iceberg Dragon”
  1. Melal says:

    I got it twice with cold and water but I wanted ice!

    • HiHoHiHo says:

      What? I keep getting ice with water and cold. Did it switch? I keep trying to get iceberg with water and cold but keep getting ice. I wanna try cold and water to get iceberg. Try water and cold as I keep getting ice.

      • RazorRyan says:

        Same here, i wasted 52 gems trying to get this thing, but i only got ice! The only explanation is that its a new dragon, and it hasnt registered fully. Why am i having trouble getting this worthless dragon! The hard part is supposed to be getting the aquamarine dragon, not this!

    • Skcats says:

      I did water+cold and water+ice and I kept getting ice, so I tried fog + storm and I got it on the first try.

  2. Musette says:

    I have no idea how I got this when I bred a fire dragon with a cold dragon – i was trying for a blue fire!

  3. Shard56 says:

    I just keep getting ice and it’s so beeping annoying an I really don’t want to buy it!!! 🙁

  4. Meme says:

    Got mine with ice ad lava while trying to breed ghost.

  5. Artistfreak87 says:

    I got it with scortch and ice, I was trying to get a moon dragon, but it took me at least 2 or 3 tryies before I accidentally got the iceberg dragon

  6. Emilio says:

    I got this one breeding blaze and swamp, and I wanted rainbow dragon :@

  7. Dan says:

    Have tried to get this one about 12ish times with water and ice and have gotten ice everytime any help would be appreciated

  8. Genbye says:

    I have also got over 20 ice dragons by thie water-ice combo, and yes I’m sick of it too- no closer to the Aquamarine in 8 days. DrE – are you sure?????????

  9. Musicelf says:

    Soooo frustrated! Would love to try to get the aquamarine dragon but need iceberg! Have tried every version of ice and water but just keep getting cute little ice dragons!! Do they need to be higher than level 10?

  10. rainbowfox007 says:

    I too keep getting ice with cold & water! I tried the combo of ice & scorch and got a Sun dragon. Didn’t have it yet so it was a bonus but took up 48 hours of breeding time, still only have the cave. I’ve since decided to move on to seasonal dragons & try for an iceberg when I can. Maybe I’ll just start prepping for the May dragon as we don’t know what April is yet either. Sick of wasting my time.

  11. anirishmelody@YAHOO.com says:

    me too! i’ve gotten ice repeatedly with the occasional blizzard dragon mixed in… using water /ice or water /cold or even water /snow, and those combo’s reversed….=

  12. THEANSWER says:

    So, if u are having trouble with this one (like i was with my 30+ tries with water and ice), here is a combination that worked on it’s first try: Blue Fire and Ice

  13. Kathryn says:

    doing water & ice and I keep getting ice every single time. HELLPPPP! this is no fun

    • Genbye says:

      This advice is WRONG!! I checked a few alternative sites. To get Iceberg dragon you need WATER and COLD!!! Got it 2nd try, after 32 ice’s ny this advice. Annoyed, btw, athat no responses occured here when wepointedour thecerror!

      • Musicelf says:

        Thank you! I’ll give it a try!!

      • Zack says:

        Thank you so much got it first try and what website is it?

      • Carolinachick says:

        I have tried water+cold, cold+ water, water+ice, ice+water and I KEEP getting an ice!! I am having the same trouble with the clover dragon. My dragons are all level 9 or 10. I am getting so frustrated, it is taking away any enjoyment I was having in the game!!

  14. Soupmonster40 says:

    It suppose to be cold and water not water and ice but neither way both just take to long -_-

  15. Don says:

    Yeah, I tried over and over with ice and water and kept getting ice. Finally tried cold and water and got it.

  16. Skcats says:

    I keep getting ice! If this turns out to be like my last gemstone dragon failed attempt for February, this just won’t be fair. By the way, April is going to be a diamond dragon. It’s my gemstone so, yeah.

  17. Skcats says:

    I can’t get the epic breeding island because I don’t have that many gems. The epic breeding island should be for DragonCash, not gems.

  18. Rikaswin says:

    Spent all month trying for iceberg. It’s harder than the gemstone. Tried 20x w water and ice switched to cold and ice… Nothing but ice. May be giving up on aquamarine…

  19. Tany says:

    Hi guys can you please add me $Elizaveta$ on game center

  20. Evilxbunneh says:

    I’m having the same problem getting the iceberg and the clover dragon. I got the Celtic dragon on my second try, so it’s just weird to me that I can’t get these more common dragons. I’ve tried for the iceberg over 30 times with water and ice and water and cold and I just keep getting more ice dragons. So frustrating!!! I’ve used both the cave and the island.

  21. Nikipikie says:

    I got with water and glacier first time. Add me nikipikie 🙂

  22. Kobe says:

    I’m SHUDDERING from the amount of times i’ve tried for it. one the bright side I’m rich for all the ice dragons i’ve sold

  23. Lacey says:

    Yayay I finanally got it, with storm and fog first time

  24. Lacey says:

    Send me gems Lucy Pie 🙂 <3
    The smiley face and heart is in the name

  25. miawallace says:

    ive been trying to get iceberg for last two weeks with water and ice.. now im trying to get diamond and you know what? i got three icebergs in a row with ice and mine..like wtf?

  26. Giggles says:

    Anyone know what the egg looks like for iceberg?

    • Giggles says:

      Dragonvale breeding guide website has a very handy list of all the dragon eggs, what they look like and what they are. Having looked on this website, I discovered I’ve actually got an iceberg dragon egg incubating…after endless attempts trying to get iceberg when I actually needed it for aquamarine, I manage to get it when I don’t need it so much, after aquamarine has gone. Typical. I was actually trying flr the current gemstome, diamond, breeding ice and mine.

  27. Snake says:

    I got iceberg with fire and ice??

  28. n4tive says:

    Got iceberg on first try with storm and fog both lvl 13 in breeding cave

  29. Ash says:

    I just did blue fire + ice and got 12 hours incubation time. Breeding guide has no suggestions what this could be. But
    . Its not iceberg 🙁

  30. Kaitlin Sanders says:

    Ur not the only one cuz I tried water and cold/ ice but I kept on getting ice but I trying water and glacier now but it says 21hrs to hatch I’m not sure wut it wood be so can sum body tell me wut it wood be plz :/

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