DragonVale: How to breed an EVERGREEN Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed an EVERGREEN Dragon

DragonVale EVERGREEN Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Plant and Cold

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale EVERGREEN Dragon Egg

The 1st 2 egss are DragonVale EVERGREEN Dragon Eggs

97 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed an EVERGREEN Dragon”
  1. Seems like you get 5 or so Lichens for each Evergreen at the moment.
    – The Doc

  2. hect0r1994 says:

    Got it with Snow in the left and Seaweed in the right, first try.


      i’d love to add you all, my account name is i’ll never stop loving you, so add me and i’ll send you gems if you send me some 🙂

  3. Adrian says:

    It worked for me with Plant and Iceberg dragon!

  4. Yankovic says:

    I tried what it says but I keep getting a lichen dragon.

  5. Lance45 says:

    My second try. Worked i breed first the plant and cold second try cold and plant you have ti reverse the dragons

  6. Dragonman 42 says:

    A good way to breed the evergreen dragon (or any other dragon) go to plant section (the dragon’s attribute section) look carefully at lichen and evergreen you’ll see that lichen is COLD plant and evergreen PLANT cold try with any two attributes it always works.

  7. Wendy says:

    I got a fireworks dragon by breeding blazing left and swamp right. Been trying for rainbow, and used this combination in both breeding caves and got 2 fireworks.

  8. wicked28i says:

    I’m trying for a pearl then I got a breeding time of 10 hours. Then I get an evergreen dragon egg…

  9. Hayden says:

    Why are y’all saying you have to reverse it you don’t that is a bunch of baloney. And just do plant and cold not seaweed and snow or plant and iceberg it’s easy gosh!

  10. Riley says:

    I got one on first try with tree and cold!

  11. MightyAthena says:

    Got it with seaweed and snow trying for a pearl. Wasn’t really trying for it.

  12. abedyretDK says:

    Got it with plant and cold

  13. YorumiHaru says:

    ooooooooh!!!! ME WANT. O^^O
    i got the Firework on the second try, so maybe i could get this one too!!!
    ADD ME!!!: YorumiHaru
    i will try to send gems when i can to ALL me Bros!!! 😀

  14. Josh says:

    I need one person to trade gems with from the gem tree. Add me gabsta89

  15. Jelly Janie says:

    Add me: Jelly Janie
    I’ll give u gems!!!!

  16. Meg says:

    Anyone out there please friend me I will do my best to give you gems daily!!! My username for game center is Animalluvr2000

  17. Blade says:

    Add me. After Death =D Gem or Gem =] and I got fireworks on my first try with
    Air on left and Fire on right

  18. Blade says:

    lol I ment gem for gem =P

  19. IcePick14 says:

    Got 3 more gems I need to give away daily. Add me and send me a gem and I’ll send you one back IcePick14

  20. noob says:

    I need 6 ppl to trade gems with from the gem tree. Game center: noobpants

  21. Carita says:

    Got them both on my second try 🙂 Air + Fire and Plant + Cold. Add me on gamecenter. Gem for gem. My nickname is citapita

  22. Mike Paul says:

    Got it using flower and cold trying to get bluefire. Evergreen- very easy to get. Add me on gamecenter —mikey77— Gem for gem

  23. Jason says:

    Add me if u wanna gem jttttaang

  24. Lyk12 says:

    I found for me that plant and iceberg was the best … Tried plant and cold, tree and cold and got lichen and tree. Have breed 3 with plant and iceberg in a row.

  25. Stitch cat says:

    Got Firework and Evergreen in First Fry. I Used Basic combinations Fire and Air and cold and plant.

  26. Joroyjo says:

    Plant and cold first try! Add me JOROYJO im from Philippines! It’s more fun in the Philippines! Gem for Gem..

  27. Sir Dean 15 says:

    I need 3 people to trade gems with EVERY day. I have a gem tree. Add me: Sir Dean 15

  28. ValeVisi says:

    Got a dragonsai tree please add “valevisi” gem for gem

  29. KeepAwaySeries says:

    Got it first try with lvl. 10 (both) seaweed and snow. Seaweed was put in the fountain of youth if that makes any difference. Seaweed right snow left

  30. Bob says:

    What’s the fourth dragon egg in the picture I don’t recognize it???

  31. sarah says:

    It’s pearl and thats the real egg, in some pictures people make it look like the emerald egg but white, but this is the real one, I remember because i thought it would look like the emerald dragon when i got it but it wasn’t…

    • Actually the other white egg is how the Pearl egg looked for the first two weeks it was released. BackFlip changed it halfway through for some reason, so both eggs are the real Pearl.
      – The Doc

  32. Eric Loh says:

    I kept getting 6hrs incubating time with level 10 plant & cold =(

  33. Alina says:

    I got firework first try with blazing and mud also got evergreen second try with plant and cold. Add me on game center at alina is awsome. Ha ha the “e” in awesome didn’t fit so it is spelled wrong

  34. Sweet Desa says:

    Gem 4 gem for a daily gift !!!! Thanks
    Heres my game center sweet desa

  35. Cjdjdbcjd says:

    Add me my game center:piperrea702

  36. Gerry says:

    I got evergreen dragon on my first try by using cactus dragon and lightning dragon is that kinda weird or what

  37. Vinny says:

    I got it first try with tree and cold. It made a lot of sense so I tried it and it worked!

  38. J_M_W says:

    Plant (left) Cold (right) has not yet yielded an evergreen. Add me on game center Tgneox. Gem for gem

  39. I got it second try with tree (left) and cold(right) add me on gamecenter my username is zombielord1966

  40. MistyWarrior says:

    I got 16 lichens and no evergreen dragons with plant and cold…

  41. sweetdesa says:

    Gem 4 Gem
    Pls send me gem and i will send u back
    Pls add me my gamecenter : sweetdesa

    • abodekw says:

      Hi sweetdesa..thanks a lot for sending
      To me gem…
      My ID : abodekw
      Add me plz and send gem , and i”ll send back
      To u.

  42. sweetdesa says:

    Did everyone know how to breed a ruby
    Dragon pls.


  43. Aly says:

    What’s the last one? The egg

  44. VOLDEMORT$? says:

    I got two evergreen dragons. Sorry. Forgot what I bread!!!!

  45. Lizzy*bo*bizzy says:

    So excited! After five tries I finally have an evergreen dragon on the way!!!

  46. abodekw says:

    Gem 4 Gem
    Who need GEM… Pls add me
    So i will give u a gem..but u must
    To send me also.


  47. abodekw says:

    Hi..i got one ruby and i breed
    Must be u breed at the time 11pm.

  48. tomcat2000 says:

    Yeah! 1st try of cold (left) and plant (right) got 10 hrs.

  49. superpig13 says:

    i got it with panlong and fog
    hopr this helps

  50. Madeline says:

    I got it using tree (right) and ice (left).first try!

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