DragonVale: How to breed a FIREWORK Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a FIREWORK Dragon

DragonVale FIREWORK Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 704 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Fire and Air / Dodo and Blue Fire /Chrome and Scorch

(SEASONAL – Only breedable in the weeks preceding and following the 4th of July – ends July 20th)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale FIREWORK Dragon Egg

The Last egg is the DragonVale FIREWORK Dragon Egg

322 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a FIREWORK Dragon”
  1. OrchidSpring says:

    Plesse add me for daily gem trade: OrchidSpring

  2. Retrah1980 says:

    I want this dragon badly

  3. Randyaldrich says:

    I was able to get this dragon with a bearded dragon and a butterfly dragon. That combo is also great for the gold dragon and Olympus dragons. I am ultimately trying for a rainbow or double rainbow though.

  4. Cel says:

    Did this just a few minutes ago, Fire and air. My Fire dragon was a lvl 14 and the Air dragon was a lvl 15, this was on the EBI.
    Also did it again for a display, no problem at all. :]

  5. Cel says:

    😀 Got this dragon using Lvl 14) Fire dragon and a Lvl 15) Air dragon in the EBI First try, did it again for a display and got it with no problem at all 😀

  6. PenisBeta says:

    Hey I play daily so you should add me for a daily gem trade? c:
    GC: PenisBeta
    ADD ME 😀

  7. Peter lee says:

    I really wish the ppl that run dragonvale would pull there fingers out and get rid of all these gem hackers … Seriously top 30 % of the leader board have all cheated and it doesn’t take a genius to work out considering they all have 99999999’99999 gems and food … It stops ppl like myself who have breed my dragons legitimately appearing on the boards ….tut

  8. Curtis Unger says:

    Add me gem for gem, I am on every day and need people who will send a gem every day. Gamecentre: curtis unger

  9. Andy says:

    I got a Double Rainbow with Scorch and Chrome on my second attempt. LOLOLOLOL

  10. Shina Chitwood says:

    First attempt chrome an scorch = fireworks … Wooohooo

  11. Alex :3 says:

    I got 48 hours with Chrome and Scorch first time on EBI.. rainbow since its four different combos?

  12. Alex :3 says:

    I got 48 hours with Chrome and Scorch first time on EBI.. rainbow since its four different combos? I think so.

  13. coolio says:

    Whats the middle egg dragon?

  14. Guin says:

    Blazing and Swamp

  15. Katie says:

    Okay so I was trying to do fire and air and accidentally did fire and magnetic and got 48 hours.. What could it be?! I hope not a rainbow, I have 3 of them already.

  16. EnjoiDragons says:

    Play every day 50+, trade gem for gem. Three gifts available. Add me quickly. GC- EnjoiDragons

  17. And989 says:

    I did chrome + scorch and got 24 hour what could it be

  18. Engk says:

    Add me up!.. C007dudz

  19. halleyg01 says:

    I am having so much trouble getting this dragon. I know it’s up to the game to give it to me but I’m on my 20th try. I don’t have dodo or chrome dragon (I haven’t really gotten into metal dragons yet, I just have one for races, the habitats are just so expensive and they don’t give out much dragon cash from what I’ve seen).

    I have just been trying with fire and air. I get blazing everytime, which isn’t bad because of their sale price, but I really want the fireworks dragon.

    Any advice on which side to put which on, or does it matter?

    Thanks, halleyg01 = gamecenter

  20. KatieG. says:

    I having trouble getting this dragon, using plasma and salamander just got 31hrs using my epic breeding cave and im not sure what i got i think its a jade dragon or pearl. I play everyday i love this game!

  21. Rob Thomas says:

    I play every day and have the gifting tree, need 4 people who will gem for gem every single day, I’ve been on everyday for the last 5 months and expect people who will give me at least 6 gems a week as I won’t miss a day and expect the same from whoever wants to “gem for gem”

  22. Rob Thomas says:

    Full stop is part of the GC

  23. Ozzy heredia says:

    I got 2 gold dragons in a row with chrome and scorch

  24. /:)JC says:

    New player looking for friends to trade gems with.

    Please add me as a friend my Game Center ID is /:)JC

  25. TheLvl99Charmander says:

    I literally did the regular fire and air, got it on the first try

  26. Hermangirl says:

    Tried fire and air and all I would get is blazing. Just tried dodo and bluefire and got it on first try. All I can say is it’s about time!

  27. Sideburns says:

    Tried chrome and scorch and got 32 hours and I can’t figure out what that goes with. Does anyone know?

  28. Dale says:

    i got one by breeding a chrome and scorch

  29. Paige says:

    So my first attempt with chrome and scorch u got a ruby dragon… The second attempt i got a rainbow dragon?!?! Now tryin for the firework dragon…

  30. OrchidSpring says:

    I got a third one with blazing & crystal, was trying to get am epic one.

  31. Saplingbush says:

    Did you know that it’s nearly impossible to get a rainbow dragon? You could be breeding a plant dragon, and it turns into rainbow!
    Game Center: Saplingbush

  32. Ditvge says:

    I got the firework breeding blazin and metal

  33. Ditvge says:

    I got the firework breeding blazing and metal

  34. Arben says:

    Add me on Facebook or Game center ArbenGush

  35. Dragontopl says:

    Add me Dragontopl
    I play it everyday~!!

  36. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! Code is 70010442

  37. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! Code is 70010442

  38. Mason says:

    I got it by air and lava!!

  39. Jack says:

    Omg I got a leap year doing fire and air o . O

  40. pipipip says:

    i did a fire and air both level eleven and still did not get it

  41. camryn says:

    i never used your com. i got it a long time ago. my brother sold my second one. it was not hard to get

  42. m4ndy 85 says:

    I am so confused. I was trying for dream with hypnotic and watch level 16 on ebi. Somehow wound up with firework. Not complaining,.. Wanted this one too… But really really want the dream dragon… The poor habitat looks so empty without it. Hey Mac please post if you find any other magic combos for the elusive dream dragon.

  43. CaelaNes says:


  44. Angelina says:

    The best combination for firework is blazing and smoke.

  45. V Lo says:

    Yes, blazing level 15 and smoke level 17 worked for me too, first try!

  46. badcool says:

    I got a liberty while trying for this dragon.

  47. Ember says:

    Got it with chrome and scorch, both lvl 11, in the normal breeding island. Got four gold dragons before I got firework on my fifth try

  48. Ember says:

    Got it with chrome and scorch, both lvl 11, in the normal breeding island. Got four gold dragons before I got firework on my fifth try.

  49. Rainbow star says:

    I bred fire and air (in that order) and got a breeding time of 14 hours… What could it be? Please tell me soon.

  50. totoro2003 says:

    i got 1st try in EBI with blazing and glacier.(lvl 7 and lvl9)

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