DragonVale: How to breed a Solstice Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Solstice Dragon

DragonVale SOLSTICE Dragon

SOLSTICE DRAGON: (SEASONAL – Only breedable around the Summer and Winter Solstices (Currently ends June 27th)
BUY-IT Price: 2,250 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Mud and Blazing / Blazing and Lava / Blazing and Obsidian / Blazing and Earth

(BackFlip Studios claims “Some say that the odds of breeding one are best on the actual day of the Summer and Winter solstices.”

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale SOLSTICE Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale SOLSTICE Dragon Egg

622 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Solstice Dragon”
  1. Icy6264 says:

    Trying since the first day with mud and blazing and I got so mad because I have three panlong now and just tried blazing/earth and nothing so mad

    • Unknown_Person says:

      i would be sooo mad too if that happened to me…but it didnt happen to me so i feel really srry for u, keep on trying though and good luck

    • Remprorob says:

      Ha that must suck I have made 7 u just need to keep trying u will get it bro

    • swannya2005 says:

      Try doing blazing and then mud. i did mud then blazing about 8 times on the breeding island and got nothing, but my first attempt with blazing then mud in the breeding cave gave me a solstice.

    • TheNuclearWaffle says:

      Also try to use the normal breeding cave as well. I’ve bred three in the normal cave and none on the island do try both. Add me on gamecenter I’ll do gem for gem daily. I have the gifting tree also. Gamecenter:TheNuclearWaffle. Good luck!

    • Grey420 says:

      Finally got one by breeding a panlong and a blazing…

  2. Mel 1103 says:

    Gonna get my 2nd! Blazing and earth both lvl 10

  3. Mel 1103 says:

    Add me Plz need 5 more gems I’ll gift u bak my name is Mel 1103 thx

  4. Mel 1103 says:

    2 more gems pls anyone! I need them for the EPI I really need it! My username is Mel 1103 thx

  5. Unknown_Person says:

    ok so i just tried seaweed and snow and got it, then i tried it again(but opposite this time)and got a solstice….my luck has finally changed,odd though,i thought that that was the wrong combination!!! but u people have to remember that it doesnt always work for u the same way that it works for others.all u hav to remember is KEEP TRYING and you’ll get there sumday…
    email me sum other ideas at:
    i can help u…i’ll send u sum other combinations if u need them

  6. Unknown_Person says:

    plz tell me how to get the copper dragon….i’ve tried soooo many times that my head is LITERALLY SPINNING!!!send me ur combinations that worked….giv me ur gc id and i’ll send u gems as soon as i can…thx
    my gc id is Ladygagarocz then a star with three triangle shapes coming from the sides…..plz send ur request…thx(again)

  7. -ValKYriE- says:

    Add me.. -ValKYriE-
    I have dragontree n i’m level 31.. Send me gems,and i’ll give you gems too.. Thanks..

  8. Tim says:

    I have one solstice dragon which I got after about 10 tries using blazing and mud and have been trying to get another one but after 15+ more trys and spending all my gems I have not got it. I have tried using different blazing/mud dragons, using higher level dragons (11 and 12 blazing) and continually switching the order around. I have also tried blazing and earth a few tries but with no luck either. What should I do, cause its sooo frustrating. Should I keep doing blazing and mud or try other earth dragons? P.s. gamecentre account: Pitch1997 – I am looking for people to do gem for gem

  9. Unknown_Person says:

    thx trey,it totally helped me….now im getting the solstice from ur help!!!thx ttylxox

  10. Stephanie says:

    To get the solstice dragon , I bred my level ten mud with my level ten blazing dragon on a regular island but I had the sun habitat already there just as a decoration. It happened the secOnd time I did it , the incubation time will be 23 hours.

  11. Joroyjo says:

    Add me username joroyjo thanks. Gem for gem

  12. Joroyjo says:

    Im from Philippines. Enjoy playing.

  13. Joroyjo says:

    Blazing,mud. 🙂

  14. Monica says:

    Breaking solStice and sun dragon have a 48 hr incubation time any idea on what it is

  15. Nikki says:

    Does it matter what level the dragons (mud&blazing) are on when you are breeding them to get a solstice dragon?

  16. Ryan says:

    I’ve spent 4 days breeding blazing and earth and mud and blazing and I have gotten nothing but mud and blazing dragons from it frOm these combos

  17. philzou says:

    i was going for panlong and i got this first try LOL

  18. Unknown says:

    I got two with mud/left and blazing/right both level 10. It takes a while though.

  19. Eric says:

    Can this dragon still be breed?

  20. Unknown_Person says:

    i hav tried 11 times and nothing has happened,absolutley NOTHING!!!but good for u all who got it…including my sis who got it on here 4th try????remember keep trying…!

  21. Monkeynishimo says:

    Got 4 trying for panlong.Wanna see my account name Monkeynishimo and gems make me happy

  22. Sexybeast777 says:

    better late than never just got it on my 10th try solstice here I come blazing,earth that order breeding cave both lv. 10.

  23. No one says:

    My 3 rd try to get one. Whit blazing (left ) and Mud (right ) First I got a blazing then a mud now a 9.5 hour egg any one know what it could be???? I hope I get one before the 27 th 🙂

  24. Mmman says:

    On my 5th one

  25. No one says:

    On my 4th breed whit blazing and mud ( I have 2 blazing and 1 mud so far that I have hached )

  26. Me says:

    35th breed with blazing and earth i think it’s about levels

  27. Mmman says:

    On my 6th one!!????

  28. Karoline says:

    On my first time!:) Blazing and earth

  29. Rww41687 says:

    Been breeding for 3 weeks straight both combInations and six sets of sun stones an I get nothing it stinks

    • Apester says:

      Don’t feel bad I can’t get it either. I was just asking if I would get a chance this winter

    • Spheatherm says:

      I have been trying non stop since it was announced and never got it. Very frustrating. I’ve also tried countless times for a Rainbow and have never got it. I think it can be fun to try, but just doing it over and over and never getting rewarded takes some of the fun out of the game. 🙁

  30. Superduper1234567 says:

    I need help getting a solstice dragon I have tried a countless times to get on but I still have not gotten it please give me some tips by tomorrow since its going to be the last day I can get one.

  31. Mr Guran says:

    First try: blazing-mud and have to Wait 23.5 hours….

  32. Reneevolution7 says:

    Finally got one after days and days of trying!!! Mud and blazing!!!

  33. Jollyboo69 says:

    Did anyone have their solstice take 24 not 23.5?

  34. Jessee says:

    I’ve done mud and blazing 10 times and got so lucky to get 2 solstice dragons so keep trying and you will get it

  35. Apester says:

    Been trying since it came out and nothing. Will I get a chance this winter

  36. Jr says:

    Guys there is an easier way to breed that I saw on YouTube and I got it on my first try with lava and blazing in that order!!!
    Another fun game that is super addicting is avatar fight!!! You guys should all download it!

  37. Patrick Sison says:

    Bred it with LVL 10 MUD AND LVL 10 BLAZING. Got it 6th try. So Glad! Kindly pls add me
    Professor DX

  38. Patrick Sison says:

    Bred this awesome dragon with lvl 10 MUD and lvl 10 BLAZING. Got it on 6th try. So Glad! Kindly pls add me
    Professor DX

  39. Patrick Jason Sison says:

    Got Solstice with lvl 10 mud and lvl 10 blazing.Got it with like 7th try. Needs patience for those who didnt get it yet.
    Pls add me Professor DX

  40. Anonymous says:

    What do u get when u breed 2 sosltice dragons togas her I did it and I got an 24 hour wait

  41. Anonymous says:

    Sorry together*

  42. Gerovio says:

    Does any one know how to get the moon dragon

  43. Carlos says:

    First try with Firework and and mud

  44. Lammaz says:

    Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems 🙂
    ID: Lammaz

  45. Ilandria says:

    I know this one isn’t supposed to be available anymore, but I just got a solstice egg today. I wanted to see of the availability period being over would result on me getting a Sun dragon. Apparently the answer is that they breed true regardless of the date.

  46. AzianBoiLoyalty says:

    24/7 player. Gem4gem add me
    Game enter: AzianBoiLoyalty
    I also give tips on how to get a lot of gems & breeding combinations.
    Email: Azian_boi_swaqq@yahoo.com
    Spread my name and give me love and support. Soon I’ll be putting up my dragonvale website.


  47. El Yotamo says:

    Can you breed it when it isn’t in the market, doc?

  48. PeaceFairy says:

    Is this dragin available only summer solstice? Or can it be bred on the winter solstice too?

  49. Bigb1704 says:

    I tried mud blazing combo and all I got was a panlong

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