DragonVale: How to breed a Solstice Dragon
SOLSTICE DRAGON: (SEASONAL – Only breedable around the Summer and Winter Solstices (Currently ends June 27th)
BUY-IT Price: 2,250 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Mud and Blazing / Blazing and Lava / Blazing and Obsidian / Blazing and Earth
(BackFlip Studios claims “Some say that the odds of breeding one are best on the actual day of the Summer and Winter solstices.”
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
- The 1st egg is the DragonVale SOLSTICE Dragon Egg
Just bred Blazing and Mud and got 18:48 in upgraded breeding cave. Is the Solstice back?
I just got it this morning with the same combination, too. Also, my Sun Stones are lit up so it looks like it is time! ps-I am a 57 yr old man who has a 56 yr old wife and a 15 yr old daughter and we all love playing DragonVale. Thanks for all that you do, my good Doctor.
Holy moly my solstice dragon just finished breeding and I tried again and got another one with mud and blazing. I can get these but the platinum still alludes me.
Me and my friend got it with blazing + lava (Lv. 10)
Gamecenter chu1999
Just made amazing discovery to breed a special rare dragon you need a object that you buy with it like for solstice you buy sunstones breed blazing and mud twice no upgraded cave or breeding island needed and KABAM there you have it
Hi Doc .. Would it be the same combination as summer or do you think it’s different for the one now available?
Thank you for all that you do!
Confirming blazing+mud for the return of solstice.
Thank you .. I got it first try with mud and blazing as well. (yay)
Yay! Blazing + Mud first try! 😀
In what order? I wanna get it for the Winther solstice 2012
It worked for me using Blazing on left and Mud on right.
It’s back:) got it on my first try!!! Yesss
Blazing and mud worked for me 2nd try breeding time 18 hrs and 48 on epic island. Add me for gems: sillyone????.
Got 2 Panlong with this comb in 2 consecutive tries. Need try some other comb.
just got mine with blazing and earth!! add me at bing bada booml
add me too! im looking for 3 more friends!
Senri Fon!! Add me pls
I got 24 hours on this…what is it?
Attention new habitats!!!!!!! Large sun and large moon habitats
Hey doc the solstice dragon is back I just saw it available on dragon vale!!!!!!
hopefully this time I can get one!!!
Blazing and mud works great. Just got two back to back. Should update saying available during summer and winter solstice 🙂
Nvm. Looks like you just did lol.
Love the new sun/moon upgrades!!
me too! they’re so cool! and they earn so much more dragoncash! 🙂
I’ve been trying earth and blazing but it’s really hard. I need help
Um, I just bred this dragon on accident. No where near the time it says I’m supposed to be able to breed it. I used blazing and mud trying to get a panlong. December 14,2012. Anyone know why?
i got one today too. makes sense since the winter solstice is this month.
It back for the winter solstice
Do you have an upgraded breeding cave/island or did you use the Kairos boost?
The limited dragons are back till jan 2
Add me! I do gem for gem with both accounts , Lazzar777 & Railmybum
Come visit my park :), anyone can add me !
I just got 48 hrs breeding Blazing and Mud. Is this known to happen with Solstice, or is it a different dragon entirely?
It’s a Rainbow Dragon
You were right! Not gonna complain about that one–I didn’t have a Rainbow before this. 🙂
i got a 38:24:00 in upgraded breeding cave with blazing and mud, could it be a rainbow?
Mud•blazing first try
I don’t know if anyone noticed but this dragon is back! Just got it with blazing and earth on ebi!
Hey Doc,
I’m now getting a pop-up whenever I open your website on my iPad. It’s at the bottom of the screen and comes back on every new page. I have to keep closing it and sometimes have clicked on the link since the “close” button is so small. It’s really irritating. What can I do about it, if anything? And the links are bogus anyway!
Thanks for all your hard work!!!
hmm.. it’s a new mobile advertiser we’re trying out. Sorry if it’s annoying. Trying to pay for bandwidth and such.
– The Doc
I’ve had issues with the advertisement as well. I totally understand needing a little extra cash flow but this keeps popping up in the middle of my iPhone screen and I can’t read the pages well. I’ve had the same problem with the “X” button as PP.
Got it first try with Blazing + Obsidian on EBI!!! Got so lucky
Just got a sun dragon and panlong with blazing + mud. Still working for soltice. 🙂 add me. Hace29
My mistake. It’s a rainbow dragon. Not sun. 🙂
Hmm, attempting to breed with mid and blazing.. Got 37 hours? Not quite an olympian, but not a soltice either.. Are you sure it’s realy back untill June 27th? That’s quite a long time.
Yeesh, sorry for my bad spelling.
I think some people must have an easier time breeding than others. I’ve tried for the different available gemstone dragons every day for the last three months and never gotten a single one. I can’t get any of the special dragons and am pretty certain I won’t get the Solstice dragon either. I try all the different combos everyone posts with no luck. Am I the only one? I’m ready to delete this game…
Don’t delete it! U just have to try,believe,and have fun!!!!!
I just got it with blazing and iron on ebi, second try! I wonder if there will be another dragon for the supposed doomsday, which also happens to be the winter solstice day, since there is a new decoration called Pillar of Prophecy, and there is a dragon on it??
I try blazing+mud 5times and still have not got Solstice
Got 1 … Blazing and mud
I got a 36 hour breeding time with blazing + mud. Can anyone tell me what kind of dragon this will be?
panlong… you poor bastard
Your mean
Bred all combos at least 2 times each got nothing
Game Center ID JLily1030 I do Gem for Gem. I do have a couple friends that send gems so like if you send today & I can’t I will Definitly send tomorrow !!! I send in order of who sent first! ???? I’m buying the gifting tree soon so I can send more! Trying for the Solstice but this one has been hard for me! Anyone know how long it will be here??? Thanks!
GameCenter ID: JLily1030
hey guys! I tried lava and blazing and I got 24 hours, what could it be? the only 24 hours dragons are crystal and forge but I used neither metal nor lighting element :O
haha it is solstice! but the breedind and incubating is different 😀
I got this dragon using blazing and crystal on the ebi first try; thought you might wanna add that to the list of possible combos.
can i get another solstice dragon if i breed solstice + solar/lunar eclipse dragon after solstice has expire?
Blazing + Lava first try!! Add me DragonV4le 2012
hey I’m trying blazing and earth! Hey Doc is it possible to breed a blue fire dragon with evergreen and fire. I would be really happy if you could tell me an answer. Thanks!!!
I got lucky with Blazing and Mud, 5 try on epic breeding island
So happy I got it this time, wasn’t fortunate for the summer solstice
Add me, AlyzieDGamer, I have the gifting tree
I’ve tried all these combinations multiple times and they wont work. Do you have to have anything or be a certain level?
Also how do you add people for friends?
You do it over your Game Center
Just got it! About my 4th try. Mud on left and Blazing on right, on regular breeding cave.
Looking to trade gems with frequent players.
Add me chris_2829
Try panlong and blazing! It worden for me on the first try!
I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but I just figured out a neat little trick. I tried breeding my equinox dragon with my blue moon dragon,just to see what would happen. It resulted in a second equinox dragon! I wanted to see if it was just a fluke so I bred my equinox with a solstice and ended up with a second solstice! I thought this might be a great tip for people like me, who were only able to breed one limited time dragon in the time given!
I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but I just figured out a neat little trick. I tried breeding my equinox dragon with my blue moon dragon,just to see what would happen. It resulted in a second equinox dragon! I wanted to see if it was just a fluke so I bred my equinox with a solstice and ended up with a second solstice! I thought this might be a great tip for people like me, who were only able to breed one limited time dragon in the time given! It’s also handy because it ups your odds to 50/50,with either resulting dragon being rare and valuable!
Sorry about the double post,accident!
Trying and trying, but how about this new apocalypse dragon, any clue on that one yet? Please keep me posted!
For the apocalypse it’s Lichen and Magnetic. A friend got it from the first try. Waiting for my cave to be empty so i can try.
P.S. looking for 2 friends in the game center that would send gems daily. (sending them back aswell)
Name IcsGrec in Game Center 🙂
I’m confused… I just bred mud and blazing and got a firework dragon… But it’s December…
I tried every day to get the Equinox while it was available with no luck. And now that I’m trying to get the Solstice I finally get an Equinox with Mud/Blazing. I’m happy I got it, yeah. But kind of upset my chance at getting a Soltice has been reduced because of the return of the other Sun and Moon hybrids.
Good news & bad news…my son got this in his first try, however, he can’t remember what combo he used.
Bred blazing and mud, was trying for Panlong but got this instead. Well, I didn’t have any before, and so this is fine for me! (Bring ‘Em Back is good in some ways… But now there’s so many that I could be getting without wanting them…)
Hey guys I have gifting tree and would love to do gem for gem with you add me TYLER NOT ANDERSEN
Correction TYLER NOT ANDERSON so add me!
I just got the sollistic dragon on the EBI on the first try with level 10 blazing and lava thanx for the help Doc. Guys keep trying on the sollistic dragon and other dragons
Mud + Blazing, 2 Solstice in a row!!
I tried blazing + lava and got a 48 hour breeding time. Can anyone please tell me what this will be?
Been trying all month for this dragon and still NO LUCK 🙁
Help pls,I hot 4 days left
Gem 4 gem finnai@hotmail.com
Got it first try with mud and blazing