DragonVale: How to breed a Solstice Dragon
SOLSTICE DRAGON: (SEASONAL – Only breedable around the Summer and Winter Solstices (Currently ends June 27th)
BUY-IT Price: 2,250 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Mud and Blazing / Blazing and Lava / Blazing and Obsidian / Blazing and Earth
(BackFlip Studios claims “Some say that the odds of breeding one are best on the actual day of the Summer and Winter solstices.”
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
- The 1st egg is the DragonVale SOLSTICE Dragon Egg
Tried mud and blazing but came up with 14:30 what is it???
Friend me maddiebrabant.com
Leap year!
My son got it first try with Blazing and Dodo.
Has anyone been able to get the new Summer dragon…havent heard anything yet.
I got it first try firefly+swamp in a regular breeding cave
Both lvl 10
I got it with firefly and seaweed
Hey! Add me! I’ve been playin awhile and I want to share gems! Please do not add me unless you plan to send gems back! ๐ Game Center ID is Daisyray03
I’ll like gems to daisyray03, please add me. Game center id is ad3
I’ll like gems to daisyray03, please add me. Game center id is ad3
Add me please
I got a 48 hour with blazing and earth. Can anyone give me any ideas as to what it could be? Thanks(:
I think it’s a rainbow or solar eclipse
it’s probably a rainbow dragon
JUST GOT IT!!!! I’m so glad they extended time for the limited dragons. I’m getting them all … 1 by 1 (some take SOOOO many tries and different combos). But that’s the FUN of it all. Once I finally get that “special elite dragon” it’s just AWESOME!!! There are so few things you can control in life, but this magical world of mine in “Dragonvale” is a fun, peaceful place where I control everything … Thus, part of the ultimate pleasure! IT’S MY OWN PRIVATE BUNCH OF COOL DRAGONS & THE HOMES I CREATE FOR THEM!! Love it!
PS – Obvioesly I play many times per day & trade Gem 4 Gem as soon as I get them and have enough gems. ADD ME if you like … “SnowTiger7777”
Blazing and bone also works I just got it with that combo
I got it on my first try with blazing and mud! ( in that order )
got it with crystal and blazing on Epic breeding Sanctuary
Hey doc,
If you have two of the same dragon, can you breed another one at any time?
P.S. I jut got a solstice dragon by breeding solstice and equinox cuz I needed and egg for both…
– The Doc
Can I breed an Equinox with Sun/Moon/Solar Eclipse/Lunar Eclipse to get solstice?
Richard Rahl, I don’t think so.
I have an upgraded epic breeding island. What is the time for the solstice? I can’t seem to find anyone with times on the dragon eggs using upgraded island/cave. Please help thanks!
I tried mud and blazing and I got 36 hrs.I am open to suggestions
Panlong Dragon
I just got one with a Rain and Blazing in my upgraded breeding cave!! Was randomly trying this combo for Butterfly.
Hay I was just wondering if u can still breed this type of dragon this year ?
is there a place to look up which different colors of eggs produce which dragons ?
dragon calculator app.
Go into the dragon store, on each Dragon there is a little egg picture in the bottom Corner.
Click on that and it will show you the corresponding egg.
Gl ๐
I tried mud and blazing got 60 hours guess its a double rainbow ๐
Mud and blazing got 60 hours guess it is a double rainbow dragon ๐
Please add mr for daily gem trade: OrchidSpring
This dragon is back!
I did blazing(Lv.10) and obsidian(Lv.10)
and got 8 hours. What dragon is it?
To the doc
An awesome combo for Olympus dragons is sandstorm then bloom
Hope this helps
I did blazing, lv 10, and a lv 10 earth
dragon and got 24 hours. Anyone know
what it could be?
I did blazing, lv 10, and a lv 10 earth dragon and got 24 hours. Anyone know what it could be?
No, Crystal is lightning/earth. Neither Blazing or Earth have the Lightning aspect.
I’m not positve but I’m guessing you got a Spring dragon.
did mud lvl 10 + blazing lvl 10 trying to get rainbow AND GOT SOLSTICE
Add me for a daily gem trade? As stated, I play daily.
GC: PenisBeta
Would it be possible to get the solstice dragon by breeding two suns together?
GEM FOR GEM everyday, add me bboyboczq !!!!!!!
Hey Doc
Thanx for the combos. Got Solstice 3rd time on EPI with Mud and Blazing.
Thanx (again)
got it second try with blazing and mud
Used crystal and blazing and got 35 hours on the first try…..Olympus maybe?
Got Solstice, with lvl 10 Blazing and Mud. On the first try.
I have 5 slots open for gem to gem daily.
My GC name is Kumo. Add me ๐
I bred lava and sonic and got 24 hours.. what is it
Dats a crystal
Hey thanks for all the combos doc! You are a guru to many!
And to anyone that plays this often you can add me on gamecenter and i will trade Gem4Gem ๐
My gamecenter id is: Wolflord000
I will be getting dragon gifting tree as soon as I can and I am on everyday so will be giving them out as much as i can.
Good luck to all you breeders out there!
I am level 45 and I still haven’t gotten a solatise dragon in my goals, does anyone know why??? I didn’t get the bearded dragon either???
Hey guys! I simply love reading all your comments!… Iยดm new at the game but I love it!… I just need more friends now cuz I dont have any ther dragonvale friend ๐ … Could somebody add me ๐ … It is Jenn Jenn ๐ … Thank you soooooo much!…
I got the solstice dragon from breeding the blazing and crystal dragons. I noticed this isn’t a combination you mentioned. ^_^
Finally i got one with blazing(15) n glacier(10) after trying so many times using above combos!
I got one by breeding blazing(15) n glacier(10) after so many attempts using above combos!
This one was surprisingly easy to get.
i did blazing and earth and got a 14 hour egg please tell what could it be?
I was originally going for the Double Rainbow Dragon but got the Solstice instead using the Mud (lvl 10) & Blazing (lvl 10) combo. Good Luck.
Can anyone tell me how to link my account to gamecenter…all i have right now is my facebook account linked to the game and i can’t add anyone for gems ๐
Every body listen up! A good combination for silver dragons and olympus dragons is butterfly level 10 ( right ) and River Dragon level 10 (left). Oh and I took them both through the fountain of youth. Hope it helps!
I got it with evergreen and blazing
Dr, summer dragon is out!
Am waiting for your research to get the breedin combination!
Pretty sure I posted the combo this afternoon…
– The Doc
After countless tries I finally got it with mud and blazing (both level 15), in that order! Thanks!
ZeuZ-er gem for gemmmmmmmmmmmm baby
Got it with obsidian and blazing on first try, did the same combo again and got a second one!
Enter this friend code to receive gems!
Also, I have a gifting tree and need a couple people to exchange gems with โ i exchange every day! Name is tfran8
I tried mud blazing got it 4 try
I think I just got it with blazing and mud – anyway, I got 18 hours on my EBC.
got it first try with level 10 obsidian and level 10 blazing (in that order) in a non upgraded breading cave