DragonVale: How to breed a GOLD Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a GOLD Dragon

DragonVale GOLD Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2250 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Chrome and Scorch / Brass and Fire / Fire and Forge / Magnetic and Poison

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale GOLD Dragon Egg

The 2nd Egg is the DragonVale GOLD Dragon Egg

1,212 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a GOLD Dragon”
  1. SLENDER12 says:

    i got double rainbow in the cave!!! i used blazing and mud (both lvl 10 in dat order) i was tryin 4 a solstice but wupti dupti LOL

  2. SLENDER12 says:

    tryin 4 gold with blazing and mud but got double rainbow . . . oops lol 0_o

  3. SLENDER12 says:

    does crystal and forge really work? if not any ideas? 0_o

    • Baybay says:

      To answer slender12, no it doesn’t work that often. Honestly i wasn’t even trying to get gold and somehow i got 2!!!! What worked for me twice was scorch and iceberg. I guess if that doesn’t work just keep on trying scorch with different dragons.

  4. Justyn says:

    I got it with gold and scorch first try!!!

    • dragonvalegeek says:

      Of course you did it had gold in the mix lol (btw mud and blazing doesn’t work for gold….)

  5. L says:

    I bred brass and iceberg in the normal cave and got 48 hours. They were both level 10. If any of you can help me on which dragon I’m getting, please tell me right away.

  6. /:)JC says:

    New player looking for friends to trade gems with.

    Please add me as a friend my Game Center ID is /:)JC

  7. novi says:

    got 48 hours breeding chrome&scorch. really hope it is a gold. i already have 2 rainbow. btw, anyone playing on android please add me on fb. i have a gem tree but only 3 people sent back the gem i gave them. so, i need 3 more legit daily player who will give back gem when i send them. my email go_novi@yahoo.com

  8. Baybay says:

    So i bred my gold with scorch and iceberg, got two golds on epic breeding island just by hitting the re-breed button, then the third time i hit the re-breed button, i got a silver!!! So i guess you can get gold and silver the same way!!!

  9. Lahme says:

    I breeded chrome and scorch 5 times and i allways just get brass or sonic
    Help pls!
    Thank you

  10. Mackenzie says:

    I’ve gotten it from firefly and metal first try . Same with my boyfriend, he got it first try as well !

  11. dragondragon says:

    I got the Gold Dragon by breeding Chrome and Scorch. I was trying for the Ruby Dragon.

  12. Vincent says:

    Do send me gem! Game Centre ID: Vincentlxx

  13. SLENDER12 says:

    rrraa!!! no gold after 10 tries!HELP!

  14. Hi guy says:

    I just got gold dragon not even knowing from metal and fire. Is the gold dragon worth getting a treasure habitat. Please help. I GOT IT ON FIRST TRY TOO 😀 Don’t believe me? Add me on game centre. Cooukie$ter

  15. kyledalogan says:

    I have tried chrom and scortch 186 Times and have gotten 3 rainbows. But not a single gold. What other combos work?

    • Ben Salim says:

      I got it by using Coral and Magnetic. I got it on my first try with that, but its possible if it worked for me. Hope it helps 🙂

  16. Creeped says:

    Got it on my first try 🙂

  17. Deadlox9 says:

    Budder Dragon WOOOT

    My ID is Deadlox9

  18. Deadlox9 says:

    Dr Why aren’t you adding me????

  19. JEBDragon says:

    I got it 1st try with meteor and obsidian! I was breeding randomly (????) and got a 48 hour breeding time! 🙂

  20. Daveeeeeed6 says:

    Hey guys add me. I’m daveeeeeed6 and I would like some gems

  21. Deadlox9 says:

    I bred first try in the normal cave with brass and metal I was breeding random and I was with my friend an I said why not brass n metal an I’m like What 48 hours i checked a website (not this one) and I looked at all the dragons and at the “budder” and said brass and metal OR fire…hope this helps I would like u to add me my ID is Deadlox9

  22. Jwt54 says:

    I can’t get any rare dragons all I have is a blue moon.Any effective recepies?

  23. rosy says:

    i used the flower and the brass dragon 🙂

  24. KingAard12 says:

    Just got my second gold using Metal and Pepper.

    All I wanted is an Ironwood, oh well, back to the drawing board.

  25. Jennbug says:

    I got gold by breeding blue fire and metal in the EBI. Was trying for silver but gold works to 🙂

  26. Is there anything else that works? I tried and tried but I never did get one one.
    My fingers are crossed

  27. Dirtynonk says:

    Is there any proven combos that work? Because I’ve tried all of these and none of them seem to work! Please help

  28. Msbeth says:

    I got a gold dragon breeding a plant and a brass. Add me to Game Center! Franky4fingers1225

  29. Brooke says:

    I got the gold dragon by using the Liberty and Brass dragons: both level 10 in the Epic Breeding Island

  30. kndangster says:

    does anyone want to gem trades? i still have two available… my gc is kndanster28. add me. also, i got a gold dragon with a forge and fire on the first time in the ebc. hope this helps! add me for gem trades!

  31. kndangster says:

    does anyone want to gem trades? i still have two available… my gc is kndanster28. add me. also, i got a gold dragon with a forge and fire on the first time in the ebc. hope this helps! add me for gem trades!!

  32. Stef says:

    I got one by accident with Flower + Metal. Nice surprise!

  33. Placido says:

    Got 24h usina brass and fire what could it be?

  34. Abc says:

    Coral and magnetic worked for me in breeding cave

  35. Dragon vale guy says:

    I,ve been trying to get gold with chrome and scorch for ages…what the hel

  36. Dragongamers says:

    I try ice and then sonic and I get silver in the first time

  37. Slammo says:

    I bred 2 rainbow dragons and got a gold dragon! 😀
    I bred 2 rainbow dragons again and now I have to wait 48 hours 😀
    Btw I bred seaweed and firefly to get the rainbow dragons

  38. Shadowguy350 says:

    U probably got rainbow the second time.

  39. Cakecraft says:

    Scorch and iceberg got me moon then double rainbow

  40. Michelle says:

    used Blazing and Steel. have a gold egg incubating!

  41. Cephalotus says:

    Good grief! This one is a pain in the butt! Over 30 tries and not one gold. Getting Turquoise was far easier than this.

  42. Jupers01 says:

    Add me on Game Center pls and gimme gems, I’ll gift you back
    Account is: Chickenjupa:O

  43. Please add me, Elite TrotterPie seriously need gems I’m getting annoyed with breeding normal dragons I need rare dragons HHHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP

  44. Ecoangel says:

    I actually bred this dragon completely by accident with double rainbow and rainbow dragons in the cave.

  45. Minddevil says:

    If you want then please enter my code for 25 gems: 40284944

  46. Trinitytrotter says:

    Fire and Forge keeps giving me forge warning its a 18 hour incubation time. For free gems enter redeem code 9006464 lvl 48!

  47. RyGuy2317 says:

    Friends, please add me! Game Center ID: RyGuy2317 Friend code for both of us to get gems: 55389241
    I will give gems daily on a first come first serve basis.

  48. Harry says:

    Those comboes are good ones but you forgot tonnes of other good ones etc
    Fungus and Heat
    Bouquet & mountain
    Pepper & Crystal
    Dungeon & forge
    Magnetic & luminous
    Iron & Salamander
    Scoria & ice
    Quicksilver & poison
    Chrome & Snow
    Coral & scoria
    Coral & magnetic
    River & pollen
    Hope some of these work for you Good luck

  49. Kastorka says:

    I just got one with fire and forge in EBI. It works!
    Add me please -:Kastorka:-

  50. crazy-dragon-lady says:

    I have 2 leap years and keep breeding them because they give me so many different dragons! Just got Gold breeding those guys, but I’ve also gotten other Leap Years (when it is available – I sell for 2.5 mil), Forest, Bronze, Rain, and Seasonal. Its like playing the lottery, I never know if I’m gonna strike big or not lol.

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