DragonVale: How to breed a PERIDOT Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1,475 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Cactus and Crystal
(Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Zodge for figuring this out for us!)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
I was really lucky, I got it with lvl8 cactus and lil 8 crystal, in normal breeding cave.first try!
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Got double rainbow bye breeding malachite and crystal first try, not relevant but can help
So I’ve tried 50 times… Literally and nothing… My theory is this is stupid… But I’m gonna try one more time and I’m leaving my dragons (cactus and crystal) in the breeding cave for 31 hours regardless of how long it really takes them to finish up. I’ll be back in 31hours
I’ve tried this combination hundreds of times and nothing. Anyone else got another combination to try?
It helps if your dragons are at a high level, the higher the level, the rarest the dragons. Try level 8or 9 at least. Or maybe you’re just unlucky.
Yeah Fire Blizzard
Mine are at 15 still no luck
Trying still from begining of agust still no
I’ve tried over 100x with a level 17 for both cactus and crystal. Nothing. What’s up? Why no Peridot?
Same here lvl 17 each, on the island, at least 50 times if not more and nothing. I’m pissed, happened with diamond too :/
I had the same problem with both dragons as well Diamond and Peridot, maybe its a 4 month patteren, every 4 months they make it hard as heck.
Hehe I got diamond first try
Each gemstone dragon can only be breed during its month!
Got a 19 hour 10 minute egg with level 12 cactus and level 13 crystal in the upgraded breeding cave….any suggestions on what it might be? :{
Didn’t get it, never mind
I got a diamond on my third!!!
It worked for me first try…
What is the second egg?
It’s a Quake dragon. You can get it by breeding Cactus & Crystal, same as the Peridot dragon.
The second egg is a Quake Dragon.
And I’ve been trying all month for a Peridot (with level 15 dragons) and have had no luck yet! Getting seriously grumpy!
I still haven’t gotten the Peridot dragon yet >_< and that's my birthstone dragon. I must get it
Mine too
Me three
me four
Its my dads so i REALLY want it!!!!
I know this is irrelevant but I tried hail and storm dragon and I have gotten two sun dragon back to back one in te epic breeding Island one in the regular practically at the same time
How long was the breeding time? I just tried that combo in the normal breeding cave and got a 1 day and 5 hour time.
Been breeding level 15 cactus and level 15 crystal all month I upgraded EBI with no luck at all.
Got it after 14 tries did however get the rainbow dragon with this combination in 4th try (:
Ohhh man haha I just got a 31 hour timer on the last day of august! doesnt get too much luckier than that, also being an hour-ish away from september… im happy
What’s up?.. When I signed on this afternoon the message said “they’re back” and it was the Peridot dragon… Is this true? Or a glitch? I can’t find Pedidot in the market so I’m thinking its a glitch. If not please let me know… I tried all last month and didn’t get a Peridot
That’s because you are in September so that’s pretty much why.
Enter friend code in “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! Code is 30018987
I tried in August- just kept getting crystals, but now they r back I can try again. I have just got an epic breeding island so I can try them there. Good luck to everyone!
First try cactus and crystal 31 hours
Very lucky breeding this dragon as I couldn’t get over Christmas or bring back weekend. My son got it first time in EBG with cauctas and crystal lvl 20, he fed them up over the last two months as it’s his birthstone. I on the other hand got two this morning EBG both lvl 18 and cave both lvl 15. Yeah!
I just got this dragon too, Cactus and Crystal, took only 4-5 tries
I got Peridot on my second try with Cactus and Crystal. Both dragons at level 11.
I got a forest dragon on my first try with level 7 cactus and crystal dragon and on my second try I got rainbow with a level 8 cactus and crystal and then I tried level 11 and I got it
Hats off to ‘dragon master’!!!
Got a breeding time that matches Peridot econd try (EbI, lvl 11)
Got sick of breeding cactus/crystal.
Good luckl
…and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!
Ok, scratch that!!
Fire/Blizzard gave me Snowy Olympus back to back ( need it, but want Peridot)
Back to Cactus/Crystal. :/
This pairing never works for me. I keep getting Ash dragons no matter what.
But someone, add me => Mme111
This game is bullshit! At least 50 goes with 2 lots of the combination on both breeding grounds at the same time( lvs 14 & 17) Normally I tend to get gem dragons on the last day no matter how much I try but I did not get this dragon, still trying for Dream, Shadow, Geode and Hydra also! I always buy gems when on offer but I have used 300 in 2 days trying to get this dragon so I will no more!!!!
I fricking love thus game but it is turning to shit, what’s the point if ‘some people’ will never get certain dragons!
Ok rant over….going to collect dragon cash…..
Bred geode ages ago combo: lava + water = geode
so… looking at the comments its hard to get, anyway, there is a blue moon, jasper and a peridot out at the mo, I’m not sure which two to go for, someone please tell me cuz i have be and cave, thanks
Woot ! First try!!! Epic breeding cave plus both level 16! Cactus and Crystal in that order if that maybe means anything ….
I got my peridot dragon 8th try Crystal and cactus both level 16 on breeding island. That’s what I ‘recommend. Also just save up your gems for the breeding island, that’s what I did.
Ok ive gotten soooo many ice dragons with this!!!!!!!! Is the any other combos? Anything but cactus and crystal. Normal breeding cave.
Ok ive gotten soooo many ice dragons with this!!!!!!!! Is the any other combos? Anything but cactus and crystal. Normal breeding cave.
Sorry for twice i tapped send twice.
Peridot 3rd try with lvl7 cactus and lvl9 crystal
Ok ive tried like eight times already and I can not get this stupid dragon!!!!! i need the gems!!!!!! Any other breeding combo? Normal breeding cave.
Dr. maceinstein or however you spell it, you needa tell us another way to do get this.
Dr. maceinstein or however you spell it, you needa tell us another way to get this dragon. Please we need this dragon.
No one? Anything else?
Please i need the gems from this dragon!!!!
Got a geode get it with this combo lava + water
Tried twice no luck keep trying
Haha in all of ur faces i got periodot on the like the 10 try but i at least got it and my dragons were 11 both of them
Holy crap i got another periodot. Now i have 2 periodots
YAYAY???????????? Oh and btw rainbow i got it by breeding level 11 cactus
And level 12 crystal and i have my breeding cave do that and i had my breeding island
Do that
Oh those were hearts and smiley faces where the questions are btw
My dragonvale isn’t loading! What should I do?
I learned that just one path takes up as much data as one dragon. I had the same problem, and deleted almost all my paths, and my game is working like a charm. I hope this helps!!
I’ve tried cactus and crystal 10 times but still no luck
And running out of time before September any tips?
Tryed at least 20 times with both level 16 and still no luck! Last day and I get a 24 hour keep getting the crystal dragon, Argh! Hope I get it this last try????????
Just got it to work, but will I still get the egg if the breeding pair finishes after the expiration time?
Ooh! BUT maceinstine one thing!
Plz inform the LEVEL of the dragons! Eh, I’ll try 11!
Thank you!
P.s thank you Zodge! ? EMOJI TIME!!!
I bred level 8 both and got 14 hour breeding time. What is it? I know its not the peridot dragon. Is there any other combos i can use?
First thank you for the overwhelming response to my friends request for gem trading! Second, I’m aggravated with trying for gem dragons. With every opening I’ve tried breeding this one with no joy. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m using the breeding island with high level Cactus and Crystal Dragons but the breeding time is running from 30 minutes to 12 hours. Also the other gemstone dragons I do have were granted in the last days of the month. What is up with that?
Yuriko, there is nothing wrong with your breeding combination of Cactus with Crystal. Gemstone dragon are always hard to breed. Just keep trying, don’t give up & eventually you will get it.
I’ve tried countless times with this combination, but so far have seen nothing. Any suggestions?
Ok: cactus on the right(lvl 12) crystal on the left (lvl 11)
31h breeding time WOOT WOOT
1st try!
I just got a 46 hour using a forge dragon and a blizzard dragon. Any ideas?