DragonVale: How to breed a POLLEN Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a POLLEN Dragon

DragonVale POLLEN Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Plant and Dodo / Plant and Air

DragonVale Pollen Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg os the DragonVale POLLEN Dragon Egg

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

63 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a POLLEN Dragon”
  1. This one seems fairly easy, maybe 1 in 6 tries. I think any grass hybrid and/or air hybrid combo will work here.
    – The Doc

  2. game center ID telly1974 says:

    I got 3 of them by breeding plant and sandstorm

    • Daisy says:

      How do you breed a sandstorm coz if I’m gonna take that chance I need to know.
      Ewwwww I really want a pollen I’ll die If I don’t get one

  3. Pea Eh says:

    Grass? I got mine the first try with flower and air. Seemed logical to me.

  4. Katt7118 says:

    Do you willl need a guide for this dragon???:/

  5. Joroyjo says:

    Air left plant right. Add me JOROYJO

  6. Zodge says:

    How do you get a Grass? It’s not on your list??

  7. sarah says:

    Fist try plant and sandstorm

  8. Ramon2000 says:

    Omg does he mean plant? There is no grass but good idea.

  9. Luckyme0428 says:

    I got two of them while trying to get the Malachite Dragon, in four tries.

  10. Lyk12 says:

    Really easy to get … I used plant and chrome

  11. David2435 says:

    Idk y but I got it with willow and metal:)

    • tomcat2000 says:

      I did the same!
      first time I breed willow/metal and I got a malachite. second time I breed the same combo I got pollen!

  12. sinishi says:

    i got this dragon without even knowing about it’s existence ._. you can breed it with mud and firework too

  13. sinishi says:

    ^ my bad it wasn’t mud and firework (hahaimustbeinsane)
    i forgot the combo i used, seaweed and something
    trying to breed the rainbow dragon

  14. Goody2shoes says:

    I got mine when trying 2 breed malachite

  15. Eric says:

    Tried plant & dodo (level 10) but got a 14 hrs incubating time.

  16. YorumiHaru says:

    hey me peeps!!! WAZ UP HOMMA G?!?!
    i have become….ULTIMATE DRAGONVALE PLAYA!!! =3
    i now dedicate my new facebook to Dragonvale posts, giving you all the news on Dragonvale dragons and etc!!
    ADD ME ON FACEBOOK at Haru Yorumi or Yorumi Haru. ask a question and add me on Facebook to become a G.I.Joe today. DERP. JUST KIDDING!!! become a friend of mine in Facebook!!! XDDD i will befriend you back!!!
    also, ask me questions and i’ll answer back!!!

  17. tomcat2000 says:

    it should not be so difficult. got 2 pollens using willow/metal combo.

  18. sarah says:

    plant and air, not very hard

  19. sweetdesa says:

    Gem 4 Gem
    Add me sweetdesa
    If ur sending gem and ill send back to u.

  20. Joroyjo says:

    JOROYJO add me. Thanks!

  21. Kam says:

    Send me gems KAMERONLEE

  22. Joroyjo says:

    Add me JOROYJO will trade gems.

  23. Cool says:

    Has anyone else noticed the pollen dragon sneezes and wipes its nose πŸ™‚

  24. its meaghan says:

    add me if you want to trade gems. can trade 1 per day

  25. sweetdesa says:

    Gem 4 Gem
    Send me daily gem so i will send back to u.
    Heres my gamecenter id: sweetdesa

  26. Lizzy*bo*bizzy says:

    It is so cute! I love it’s eyes and swirly wings!

  27. Damian says:

    Add me gem for gem

    Fortunatu omen

  28. unknown says:

    I just cant get this one for some reason. I need massive help and breeding tips.

  29. jmm22RULES says:

    please add me on game center. I will do gem4gem but it might take a few days to send a gem back because I don’t have gifting tree, but am saving for it. Again, it might take up to a week to send back, but I will send. I keep a list of who I need to send back to.

    Game center id= jmm22RULES

  30. Becca says:

    Please add me , name is Becburt , and send gems! I will send gems back and we can exchange back and forth everyday!

  31. Lammaz says:

    Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems πŸ™‚
    ID: Lammaz

  32. rccorreia says:

    So I thought this was interesting, I was going for Gold Olympus (have 1 bronze and 1 silver, and a pedestal egg for each) so I was breeding willow and quake as 1 of mac’s 2 options. Out popped a pollen. So I guess willow breeded with itself on that one. haha!

    Add me: rccorreia

    I currently have 5 free gems to give daily (only giving 1 to mac daily currently), but don’t add me if you aren’t going to return the charity. I need gems as much as anyone else, looking for a mutually beneficial relationship πŸ˜›

  33. Taoe says:

    I got a Pollen Dragon yesterday morning (3/9/12) when breeding Level 8 Plant

    • Taoe says:

      I got a Pollen Dragon yesterday morning (3/9/12) when breeding a Level 8 Plant and a Level 10 Blazing Dragon in my upgraded Breeding Cave. Can’t remember what I was trying for.
      Also bred a Brass Dragon yesterday evening with Fire and Metal in Cave. Was trying for Gold dragon.
      Keep trying to breed a Rain Dragon using all the combos that others have posted, but this one keeps eluding me. I keep getting Fog Dragons!! πŸ™

  34. Becca says:

    Please add me! I promise to trade gem for gem and am trying to upgrade my breeding cave! Thank you so much! Username: Becburt

  35. Van says:

    I bred plant and air and I got in one go!!!

  36. Van says:

    I’m only level 16

  37. lomodoc says:

    Got this while trying for ironwood with chrome, left (lv 10) and plant, right (lv 10). Finally! After so many tries! Add me lomodoc. Got the dragonsai πŸ™‚

  38. Dave says:

    When try firefly and seaweed you don’t get the rainbow dragon egg what do you breed

  39. Anonymous says:

    I got flower and air while trying to get rose dragon

  40. matthias says:

    I got a pollen dragon with plant on the left and air on the right. Be warned: when i switched them to air on the left and plant on the right, i got a willow dragon.

  41. AlfBane says:

    I am looking for four people to swap gems with! Recently got the dragonsai tree and have been trading with some friends/ family, but seem to have excess gems going to waste and wouldn’t mind some gems in return. Username: alfsbane

    Keeping things current, this dragon is a pain in the *** to get… couldn’t get it when all the dragons were available over the christmas period either.

  42. Ladyadamo says:

    Add me please πŸ™‚ Ladyadamo

  43. hannah!!! says:

    accidentally bred pollen dragon when trying willow/earth for dodo. got it first try in regular breeding cave. good luck!

  44. Chris says:

    I got a pollen with a snow and seaweed trying to get a pearl for the 14’th time

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