DragonVale: How to breed a Sapphire Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sapphire Dragon

BUY-IT Price: ?? GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Rain and Mountain

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Sapphire Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Sapphire Dragon Egg

1,034 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sapphire Dragon”
  1. frustrated says:

    Done nothing but breed lvl15s in both, all month, about 4 to 5 times a day, and no sapphires. Why do I play this game again? Ridiculously frustrating.

    • Needprivacy says:

      Hi there,
      I understand your frustration. Here’s what works for me to get the gem dragons. I always use both caves the first few days only for the new gem dragon combo. If I don’t get it those first few days I then wait until the last few days of the month to try again. The first and last days of the month are the best times to get gem dragins and rare dragons. I also either level up the dragons just before breeding or decorate my park like crazy or I use the racing track and place first with dragons I am about to breed. It works… I’ve never missed one gem dragon since doing it this way. Also switch the places of the dragons. IE: the combo for this gem dragon is rain and mountain. Put rain in first and mountain second one time then flip them the next time. And put mountain first and then rain. I’ve gotten gem dragons in both caves too. Hope that helps. Good luck and hang in there!

      • Lizzie says:


        That explains how I got mine, LOL, I got it just now, and I was like What? Cause I thought you couldn’t get in October anymore but I was so happy :D.

      • chloe says:

        You’re wrong it doesn’t matter the order. You can place dragons in any order. I have 16 gemstone dragons. And upgraded gemstone island???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????. ???????? ???????? ????????. ????????????????. ???? ????. ????

      • Annie says:

        Over the 2 1/2 years now I have been playing this app (and I have three park, on Apple & android)
        I have heard of NUMEROUS “tricks” that have been suggested.
        From using hatchlings from unsuccful breeding attempt to above…and always alternate combos…

        Try them all…I have different luck on all my parks. Its a game.

        Historically, Backflip does a “Bring ‘Em All Back” towards the end of the year!

        …And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!

      • Annie says:

        I have been playing this app for 2 1/2 years. I have three parks (Apple & android)

        NUMEROUS “tricks” have been suggested over that time.
        From using hatchlings from unsuccesful attempts to the above….as well as alternate pairings.

        I have tried them all and get results on some parks or none at all…I figure its a game.

        Traditionally, there has been a “Bring ‘Em All Back” at the end of the year…so there’s hope!

        …And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!

      • Excited says:

        Desperate says: Please I need help: I just got the diamond dragon but it turned out an olympus!!! Please, I’m begging, how do I get a gemstone dragon??????

        #love dragonvale but confused.

      • Emily says:

        It doesn’t … I spent probably 3 times the amount I could’ve bought the sapphire for, just to keep breeding the mountain and rain in succession so it works. (Wanted to feel like I accomplished something on here, rather than just paying for everything!) Its been past 20 times and I’ve stopped counting. Such a rewarding game….that’s why the only epic or special dragons I have I’ve BOUGHT. They definitely know how to steal your money. For a “cute” kiddie -type game like this, it disgusts me! Sorry, just had to get that out! ?

    • Ashlyn says:

      I got the Sapphire from breeding bluefire and crystal but you have very goot chances of getting other dragons too-i got two moon, a sun and a rainbow also but anyways im not complaining. if you are desperate for rare dragons you should try this it is the best combo for any rare dragon.

      • Olivia says:

        OMG THX SO MUCH! I got a Double Rainbow, a Blue Moon, a Rainbow, a Sun, a Sapphire, and an Emerald! Idk how I got emerald though.
        But thx so much anyways

        • Micah says:

          I got 3 saphire dragons , lunar eclipse , winter , and 5 double rainbows

          • Alex says:

            I tried this once and got double rainbow on my first try (blue fire level 11 and crystal level 13 in EBI). Can’t wait to see how much more I can get!

          • Alex says:

            I tried this once and got double rainbow on my first try (blue fire level 11 and crystal level 13 in EBI). Can’t wait to see how much more I can get!

  2. Legodude says:

    Ayer many attempts I finally got a sapphire. I decided to grow the dragons to level 14 and then it worked.

  3. Horse lady???? says:

    Now. For like the 99999999th time, do you have to breed a Sapphire in a EBI or can it be bred in a NBC???

    • GreenRay says:

      I don’t think you need the EBI; many of my epic dragons have come from the cave. I also don’t think you HAVE to get your dragons to high levels, it just improves your chances. And then, there is just randomness! I have been trying for the sapphire for almost three weeks, on the EBI, with level 17 mountain and level 18 rain… And still nothing! And others got it on their second try… 🙂 In my experience, though, if you keep trying, the gem of the month dragon tends to show up towards the end of month! Good fortune…

    • justin says:

      You can breed it in either the epic breeding just increases chances for rare dragons (ie: rainbow), you will have a better chance in the epic breeding but it is not needed.

  4. Horse lady???? says:

    Thank you sooooo much GreenRay and Justin, your the only people who has told me, thank you so much, cause Iv been trying for a Sapphire on EBI and NBC like so many times and all I ever get is ice dragons, but thank you again 🙂

  5. Puzzle-Box says:

    Does it have to be rain and mountain? Has anyone gotten it with mountain and fog?

  6. Horse lady says:

    Unfortunately yes, my mum and sister tried that multiple times, but then tried rain and mountain and got it, I’m still trying, breeding a rain is easy because its more common then a fog, good luck on getting a sapphire 🙂

  7. Horse lady says:

    Thank you 🙂 ,now Iv tried for a Sapphire for ages, AND STILL NO SAPPHIRE, I tried 1000 times for cotton, nothing, Sapphire, nothing yet, mum and sister have on the same day! But the day my sisters Sapphire hatched, she attempted an amber, and she got an amber, ow well, I better not give up hope, good luck everyone 😉

  8. Nickol says:

    Add me I have the dragon tree gem for gem only I have 5 openings left: *Nickol

    • JANNA says:

      I am in the same boat…trade twice a day for the entire month and never able to get the Sapphire. I have a th game as well as an iPad game. No luck on either. 🙁

  9. Horse lady says:

    Ok 🙂

  10. Yo Doc! says:

    I finally got it after trying for 28 days!!!! Took forever but I finally got it!! Soooooo Happy!!!

  11. Horse lady says:

    I still can’t get it 🙁 AND ITS THE LAST DAY 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 ………………….NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  12. Horse lady says:

    Please give me a hint on how to breed it in EBI, Iv tried soooo much times, and I can’t get 1, no matter if rain or mountain first and second, I CANT GET IT, NOOOOOOOOO X 999999999999999 🙁

  13. levi says:

    is there any way to share gems on an android with no gamecenter?

  14. jackwabbit says:

    I got it after spending over 30 gems to speed up my cave lol

  15. Horse lady says:

    Another annoying question, sorry guys, does anyone know redeem codes apart from Dv117 and 2years ? I don’t have anywhere near the cost of a Sapphire dragon, and I tried, the time I will have to wait is 10:16pm, Iv got like 1 or 2 gems, spent on trying to speed up breeding for a Sapphire, mum and sister both got a Sapphire on the same day, but I attempted a cotton, and that never worked, I’m not going to be bothered cheating, so I just wonder any useful redeem codes, and also dads not gonna spend money on a game, so now I’m frustrated 🙁 , and don’t be bothered telling me a hack web sight because they’re all FAKE!!!!! And Sapphire dragon is my FAVOURITE BREED!!!!! And I just can’t miss out, good luck everyone who is trying for a Sapphire 😉

  16. Gustavo says:

    I just spend 50 gems trying ti speed up the breeding with unsuccessful I hate this is unvelibeble you spend hours and hours tying to get gems but when you spend it you realize that you are losing your time. They should reward often for those hours spend waiting for breeding or hatching eggs. Also if you make win a race usually just win food.

    • StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

      Dude……. it may take AGES, but if u keep on trying with this combo (rain+mountain) u might get it next year in the next September. Good luck dude!

  17. Horse lady says:

    Yes I totally agree, it’s my favourite dragon, and I tried as often as possible until I had 0 gems, I had around 67-74 gems or something

  18. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    Hi guys! Rain and mountain worked 4 me but it took AGES. Anyways try it. U never know it might work. This is special 2 me coz it’s my only gemstone dragon lol. Any other gemstone combinations plz tell coz I really need them. Thanks StarstoneFireyKestrel xxx

    • Olivia says:

      Hey starstonefierykestrel, try blue fire and crystal! It worked for me on emerald! But it did take me a while, so patience is needed

    • william says:

      try evergreen and quake for amber, cactus and firefly for i… ice and mine for diamond, and also mud and lava for opal, etc

  19. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    WOO HOO! I got mine on like the five billionth time! Still, at least I got it! YAY!!!

  20. Random Person says:

    Lucky you, I missed out til next year 🙁

  21. Dee says:

    Ok, trying for Saphire Dragon. Bred Rain and Mountain one time,no go. Then reversed Mountain and Rain, got a Lunar Ecllipse. Just never know

  22. Margaret says:

    My son has been so lucky over this weekend, he got the turquoise after two breeds, opal on second breed and now got sapphire with Mountain lvl 17 and Rain lvl 15 on second breed.

  23. Nic87 says:

    so i just got one….first try EBI….24hours with Rain and Mountain at lvl 15 each today…awesome

  24. Kitty says:

    Trying this combo, rain + mountain + EBS = 48 hours = double rainbow dragon. Didn’t expect that.

  25. Liz says:

    First try on the first day of September with rain and mountain in breeding cave both dragons at level 14. I didn’t think id get it on the first try!

  26. (&)ENRIQUE(&) says:

    yay first try 🙂

  27. Alex says:

    Tried mountain and rain (both level 11 in BC) and got 23 hours, and it looks like the only thing possible is geode

  28. Kimi says:

    How long does the breeding take to get a saphire dragon

  29. Paul says:

    I have both islands working on this with the rain/mountain combo. No luck yet. Fell free to befriend me on Gamecenter at el supremo0227

  30. Dragoon says:

    I tried it and got a double rainbow dragon score!!!

  31. Lauren says:

    I got a sapphire using rain+mountain,I tried it again and go it

  32. Cheree says:

    Got the sapphire first try, rain lvl 13 and mountain lvl 13 in that order. Epic breeding island 🙂 good luck! Not always so easy but the epic island definitely helps!

    • Emily says:

      Definitely not true epic doesn’t help jack and leveling up and trying all day and night for weeks doesn’t help either

  33. Lya200 says:

    Thank you! After a few days of none stop breeding, I’m finally getting one! I already have a name picked out and everything!

  34. Lauren says:

    I have a double rainbow dragon, rainbow, dawn, blue moon, seasonal, summer, midday, moon, sun, and ovalith, but I can’t gat the sapphire dragon????

  35. Lauren says:

    I have a double rainbow dragon, rainbow, dawn, blue moon, seasonal, summer, midday, moon, sun, and ovalith, but I can’t gat the sapphire dragon????

  36. totoro2003 says:


  37. Sunshine says:

    Got it with level 13 Mountain & level 12 Rain on epic breeding island on the 2nd try… I had just leveled up my Mountain dragon… I noticed I tend 2 have better luck after I have just leveled up 1 or both of the dragons I’m breeding

  38. Rainbow star says:

    OMG GUYS!!!! I THINK I JUST GOT IT!!!! I bred level fifteen mountain and rain (that order, normal breeding cave) and got a 1:05:59:59 breeding time, is it this one? Please answer!!!

  39. Rainbow star says:

    It was a sapphire dragon!!!! Oh and jack try level 15 mountain and rain that order.

    • Rainbow star says:

      I JUST GOT TWO IN A ROW!! SAME DRAGONS!!! I bred them again to see what I could get and got two!!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!

  40. ooouuu says:

    I’m level 26 and bred mountain (1st) and rain (2nd) in the regular breeding cave both of which are level 14 and got a 30 hour breeding time if that helps anyone!

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