DragonVale: How to breed a SEASONAL Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 2,000 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Flower and Fog / Blazing and Lichen / Firefly and Pollen
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
I’ve been trying nonstop in my cave and on my island for this one. At least I got the spring so I have something in that habitat. I don’t think I’ll ever get this or that irritating perch dragon. Oh, well.
The perch one u need to race on the dragon track for after getting the perch and win artifacts for his perch or use the perch to get artifacts from quest u can also buy them with gems
My name is my dragon vale user add me plz. I hope I helped. You actually are lucky with the spring guy he’s limited but seasonals not. (When I tried for a mine steel malchnite or iron wood dragon using metal plus evergreen I got silver but had to sell it to get money for habitat. Irony at its finest. Now when I try for it I get lichen.)
I got a dragon named Kairos, you have to complete all stages in the the perch of kairos… Once you’ve completed all the stages, there will suddenly be a dragon that allows you to travel through time… Like when you’ve got 4 dragon egss in the hatchery trying to hatched, It’ll let you to have the eggs hatched in no time, you can also do that to the dragons that are breeding, the dragon’s name, is Kairos
I find it to be more efficient to to collect Dragon cash from every and all habitats, then line up a breeding time and a treat request from all my farms for 3K or larger before activating Keiros to push my park into the future.
As far as obtaining Kerios you need 5 dragons, that you at least have 2 of each ( so even when you need one to breed you always can use one to race. I had a 3 Lightning, 2 Moss, 2 River, 2 Stainless steel, and 2 Scoria or motley? (Can’t remember at the moment it’s 4:33 am and I’m feeling nice ~.~) a little bit of work you can probably reduce the five to maybe 2 or 3 sets of hybrids to cover the races.
Now if you win 1st place (gold) you get a chance at the fragments, if you happen to get second or (silver) you get a shot at a gem or 2 it’s all win win for a measly 50K entrance fee. Hey I could go into detail about moving the wheel around and spinning it a certain speed etc. So that you’ll be able to land a fragment almost at will but really? where would the be the fun in that?
P.S. only race through the Keiros menu not through the race track itself.
Ooooooooo many next time <3
No seasonal can only be bred in the month of may babes
Well I’ve got a seasonal dragon by breeding blazing and plant: left blazing, right plant. It took 48hrs to be breed then another 48hrs to be hatched. I got it on my first go! And when i saw the egg I was like omfg I’ve got a seasonal dragon! But it’ll u don’t have gems to hurry it up or kairos, then you have to wait for 4 days till it get unleashed into its habitat. Anyway, my gc (game centre) name is Dragg19. Gems for gems?
its called Kairos -.- I have him
Don’t give up hope I almost did that is when I got it today!!! Also you can’t give up hope on the legendary dragon kairos it is practically the best dragon in the game!!! It’s awesome!
I have the kairos dragon (it is not called a ‘perch’ dragon) by winning artefacts in races ~ here r tips 2 winning them: race the steel/mine dragon in dramoria, race the brass/forge dragon in blast furnace, race the sun/moon dragon in shimmering faultline, race the panlong/leap year/rainbow dragon in year of the dragon, race any olympus dragon in cherry road, race the tree/moss dragon in ulster meadows, race the seaweed/swamp in marshlands, race the sonic/thunder dragon in electric skies and race the snow/blizzard dragon in rime or reason – simple.
So I’ve breed flower and fog and got 12hr incubation time in normal cave, any idea what this could be?
Not a seasonal dragon, I can tell u that
i tried firefly and pollen and got it on the first try in the breeding cave
Add me on Game Center I am creepercatz and I got dragonvale
Add me for gems Lucy Pie
The smiley face and heart is in the name
I would like more friends on dragonvale. I have gems to give
I’m also having trouble getting the seasonal, I’m really starting to get mad. Add on gamecenter as “Dan S 52” (quotes not a part of the name)
Thank you Macenstien!!!!!!!???? I just got one with flower and fog!!!!!
Got 10 from flower and fog
Add me on gamecenter, NineVoltPenguin
I also got a seasonal dragon with flower and fog, but I sold it…
add me, Kid0-Kun
I got one with flower & air after only about 8 tries
Hey, I did hail+firefly and got 48h.. What could that be?
It told me willow and fire. And haven’t gotten shit I’m on my hm 50th try.
You’ll get him soon
No need to cuss. ( cass cuss). Haha
This is the only dragon I don’t have, I have tried all 3 combos above at least 40-50 times and have never gotten it. Very frustrating!
I was like that too man it took so much time to get it , but hey finally got it with blazing and plant . It was worth the wait its so cute :* breeding a meteor one right now
add me waala1
First time with Level 10 Flower and Fog.
Thank you.
Nice i need to get fog and breed it with my flower:)
I was going for Rose with Flower and Pollen and got this guy
both level 13
Just got one with that combo!!!
Add me guys markboy124
I bred blazing/crystal and got 48h. What dragon it is?
I’m on my 3ed try and I still don’t have him (plus I don’t have his habitat
I got it with terradiem and motley while trying to get rainbow…
Add Me As A Friend On Facebook/Dragonvale… I’ll Give Gifts… Eric Goodwin… Plz& Thx
Flower and fog
Thanks a lot I just got got another rainbow dragon ????????????????????
I’m trying to get this dragon but I need gems my game enter is snapfish123 I give gems every day
I just bred a frostfire with storm and got 24 hours, what dragon is it? Thx guys u da baws
I think I got it fist try level 15 flower n left and 11 fog on right
First try blaze and plant anyone who wants to add me go ahead.
– gamergem
Well if you have a Panlong, you’re in luck c: I was randomly breeding; putting together combinations of Dragons when It came that I should mix Panlong and Bloom together to get a Rainbow dragon. Wellllllllll, I was curious because of the breeding time; and when I hatched it, It was little Seasonal dragon ^x^. I may try it again, but It worked for me the first time, Last time I tried Blazing and Fog,(Took forever…) But surely Panlong will work because of it can go into different habitats like the Bloom. ^^ Hope this works for someone.
I have sun dragon lichen + crystal on 3rd time add me for gems cam898989
I FINALLY GOT ONE!!! Been trying all the possible combinations a million times since this one came out. Then I tried BOUQUET 15 + BLAZING 10 and got it!
At long last got seasonal with the same combi both lvl 15 though happy days
I’ve tried this so many times, will continue though! Add me and I’ll give gems! jules4258
In an attempt of getting a rainbow dragon, I managed to find an effective way of breeding seasonal dragons, using lvl 15 blazing and lvl 10 swamp. I tried this 4 or 5 times and got 3 seasonal dragons all within a one week time period.
I’ve tried all the combos everyone has suggested& still no luck in breeding a seasonal dragon!! :(. & other combos that aren’t listed here??
I just got it with pollen and coral both level 10 first try
At long last got seasonal with bouquet lvl 15 & blazing lvl 15.7 attempts. .but with flower an fog both lvl 15 took me 3 mths constantly in breeding island..nitemare.
I have try breading blazing and plant like 50 Times and never get it… Should I try something eles or continue with this breading?
I’ve been trying with flower and fog forever. My daughter finally got a seasonal with this combo and the next day I got 48 hours. It ended up being a rainbow for me. I already have two rainbows but still no seasonal.
Hi i need gem trading buddy add me jhess05 i always play everyday
Need gem trading buddy add me in game center. Jhess05
Need gem trading buddy add me in game center. Jhess05 i always play everyday
Pls add me jhess05 i need gem trading buddy
I was trying to get the rainbow dragon by breeding blazing and swamp, and I got this dragon. Did anyone else get this?
I got the seasonal with blazing and seaweed 3 times, then again with poison and blazing
gems for gems, please add me gorgeousvinh
Got one with blazing and swamp, trying to get double rainbow!
Add me! Gem for Gem Mariquecas
I was trying to get the double rainbow dragon and I used the combo blazing dragon + swamp dragon and I got the seasonal egg. I thought this might be helpful.
I got it on my first try with plant + blazing combo not kidding try it
YOU NEED TO TRY crystal and bluefire i got now 1 moon 1 sun and4 seasonal
When I bred blazing and lichen I got a rainbow dragon instead.
Omg. I got seasonal with blazing and lichen. I tried again hoping to get another but instead i got rainbow!
Got one with Blazin and Swamp while trying for rainbow
I have giving tree and so does son St0rmaged0n Dark L0rd of all 1 ,but am frustrated at finding friends to swap gems . We have 3 open slots each to friend and play daily for anyone else looking for a regular gem swap. Trying for seasonal now, but after trying all combos for bearded dragon for weeks only my son got it. There is a lot of chance,how high a level you are, and how high level your dragons are to get stuff.
This one is proving to be quite a pain in the butt to try to get.
I just breed flower and fog and got 12 hours anybody know what that could be?
Help, its june 28 and my seasonal dragon is still on winter mode. Are there diffrent seasonal dragon eggs for diffrent seasons?