DragonVale: How to breed a Blue Moon Dragon
BLUE MOON DRAGON: Seasonal – only available (September 7th-10th)!
BUY-IT Price: 2250 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Blue Fire and Crystal / Sonic and Iceberg / Fire and Storm / Lightning and Cold
(This one is surprisingly easy, actually.)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Is there a chance to breed this dragon agian or will this dragon never be breedable ?
It is breed able now. Before January 2nd.
How do you get blue moon?
I did cold + firefly= blue moon
I got it accidentally twice. First I did crystal+lichen. Second I did Magnetic+Lichen
What the hell I just got a blue moon and its November 9! I got it without even know it was actually a dragon! I’m as lucky as boy could be! The combination I used was sonic and iceberg… or at least I think I used that. Also, they were both lv10. I think when dragons are level 10 you get more rarer dragons than lv 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
If you used my combination and it doesn’t work than what I must’ve experienced was a glitch that just decided to give me a blue moon dragon. That is like the rarest thing that could happen in dragonvale. Wow! I never saw a weird but cool glitch like this. It’s a glitch don’t go trying to breed something and cut off your wi-fi thing… It’s not going to work!
Ok now my dragon disapeared what the hell! It was a egg than when I hatched it freakin vanished! WTF!
I just got a blue moon dragon egg to… I really hope I don’t waste 60 hours for it to vanish!
I just got another 30 hour breeding time right after that one…. hmmm?
If your dragon vanished it could have been a ghoust dragon, or something is wrong with your divice, it could of gliched and the dragon vanished, like you thing, due to the glitch.
I’m pretty sure she meant like accidently selling it or putting it on a pedestal
Feel compelled to post here.
I (for kicks) bred the Blue Moon and my Solar Eclipse dragons together (both level ten) and got a blue moon egg. I’m not going to batch it since I wanted/want one for my egg collection, but I found that interesting since I thought it was strictly limited.
I’ve bred the two together again, and this time got the time for a solar eclipse (or a sun or a moon) but in a few hours (I only have 30 gems at the moment, and am waiting for the breeding time to come down from 38 gems) I’ll speed it up and see what it is.
I hope it’s a Eclipse because I missed the Solstice (for now) and I think it would be neat to have two in my park (and then be able to breed the eggs I want.)
I thought it should be posted that I got a Blue Moon from a non standard breeding pairing. 🙂
I’ll post again if, like the other person, my egg poofs. I do hope it doesn’t. :/
– T.
P.S. Add me. 🙂 I always return gems as they are given to me, and if I haven’t been given any I start at the top of my (short) friends list) and go down. I’ve also got a running list of who I’ve gifted in the list cycle since I’ve noticed list positions seem to change. Teslacarter
Hey guys! If you need or want some friends to trade gems add me johnny_riley on Game Center gem for a gem!!
I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but I just figured out a neat little trick. I tried breeding my equinox dragon with my blue moon dragon,just to see what would happen. It resulted in a second equinox dragon! I wanted to see if it was just a fluke so I bred my equinox with a solstice and ended up with a second solstice! I thought this might be a great tip for people like me, who were only able to breed one limited time dragon in the time given! It’s also handy because it ups your odds to 50/50,with either resulting dragon being rare and valuable!
I just got a blue moon trying for Apocalypse?
Using cactus and Mine?
So did I
I got it with cactus and mine. I was trying for apocalypse only need to get apocalypse and paper then got all of em
Mostly thanks to the doc.
Thanks doc
I got mine with Lichen and Magnetic. First try.
Add me please.
Thank you.
I bred a sonic and a iceberg and got 48 hrs what could it be?????
Probably a regular moon dragon
Last time it said that regular moon isn’t available.
I accidentally got it while breeding blazing and storm. LOL
Hello how many friends can one have to share gems? I am. Noob I have only one friend so I guess add me
Bred a Lichen (L15) & Magnetic (L15) in the small breeding cave to get an Apocalypse & got a Blue Moon. I’m certainly not complaining!
I got it with plant and storm follow cheyonne
I was trying to get the apocalypse dragon so I did lichen and magnetic…….. And I got a blue moon dragon. So, I guess lichen and magnetic would work as well……. Wouldn’t doc?
OMG!!! I just got blue moon with evergreen and lightning!!!! Which is freakishly strange since I was trying to breed bloom!!!! Ahhhh! Hope this helps anyone! And I used the normal breeding cave. Not the epic one.
I need gems really bad…I really would appreciate some gem lovin! My Game Center name is 5thmonth
I got a blue moon dragon with a frostfire and storm dragon. I wasn’t trying to get one either.
whats the best combo for this? and add me grivy13
i was going for apocalypse dragon with Cactus + Mine and got 1 day 5 hours and 30 minutes. accidental blue moon?
I just got an accidental blue moon trying for a leap year,with storm and flower on the ebi!
Accidentally I just got Blue Moon by breeding Plant and Lighting. It comes up instead of Bloom Dragon which I wanted it to be
I just accidentally breed a Blue Moon dragon by breeding Storm and Flower. Crazy.
The one time we’re disappointed to see a blue moon! There are just too many awesome choices!
No kidding. Waiting over a day to breed the blue moon, and over a day to hatch it is kinda annoying. I was trying for a rainbow 😛 I’ll take it I guess tho. lol
I was trying for the one.. But then I gave up on it. So I was trying for leap year with crystal and Bluefire and I got this one! 😀
I don’t know how, but I just got one (after missing the last time) with reindeer and lightning.
Fire and Storm but 48 hour time?
I just got this incubation time crossing Ash and Storm. Was trying for Bloom, but I think I got a Blue Moon instead. (NOT COMPLAINING)
Was so sad I missed this dragon….. Now I got it on the third time in epic with Magnetic and Lichen Yay!!!!!!!!!!
Wahhh!!! Everyone seems to be getting the blue moon by accident, but I can’t even get it on purpose!!!! I’ve tried every combination you guys talked about and nothing! I did get a bloom egg and a leap year egg, which will both go on display since I already have those dragons! Agh! I have every dragon except three! (Emerald, Blue Moon, and Equinox) And I’ve tried more than 100 times! I’d buy them but it would cost about $200 for all three! I can’t wait for Christmas $$$$$!!!!!
Wuddaheck I bred plant + storm (I’m triyng to get a bloom dragon) and I got a blue moon dragon! Wut?
Anyways, plz add me on gamecenter: lazanha
I’ve bred lightning + cold a few time maybe 7 and I havent still got em’. Must they be lv 10?
I just Wanda let you Guys now that i got two blue moon dragon is breeding and two in a habitat only with LICHEN AND MACHNETIC i also got rainbow silver an leap year of that two dragon please try it it works :3
Yes! I got it! I used blue fire and storm!!!! I am so happy! Merry Christmas to me!!!!
Oh, both my dragons were lvl 15
Yes!!! I got blue moon in the reg breeding island with plant and storm trying to get bloom!
I just got two blue moons in a row with lichen on left side and cactus on right side
I just got blue moon first try with firefly & storm on regular cave awesome ! By the way I need more friends add me Eyoocarmen89 thanks !! 🙂
I was going to breed a BLUE FIRE DRAGON using FIRE and STORM,then when i was going to choose them to breed,i slipped my thumb and accidently choosed BRASS and STORM! I was thinking of how time there will be wastet but…THE INCUBATION TIME was 48 h!!! When i was going to hatch it,i got a silver dragon!
Pretty lucky i think
Man this is so crazy i can’t describe how excited i am right now ^o^
I got blue moon with crystal and lichen
I got the blue moon dragon trying for the bloom dragon…storm and plant!
Is fire and storm a good combo?
I got another blue moon dragon while trying for an apocalypse using lichen and magnetic.
Should i try lightning and cold cuz that could only result a storm or this dragon?????wait we cant get a moon or sun with lightning and cold right
I got both the blue moon dragon and the reindeer dragon by breeding mountain and magnetic, I received the reindeer first go and right after a blue moon….with a normal breeding cave 😀
Hey doc why do you show us pics of half naked girls just asking
Got this with crystal + lichen on Dec. 26th… Don’t know how, it just happened!
Got it with scorth /ice first try on EBI. Tried it again and got a sun. I might just start doing only scortch Ice.
I got firefly 7 times and scorch 4 times with that!
I got a blue moon dragon with crystal and lichen trying for emareld
Me too. Both a blue moon and a sun thus far with crystal/lichen while trying for emerald. GC ID: TBTJT
I bred three blue moon dragons with crystal and lichen.
That should be on you’re list.
Me too
Yeah me to but the incubation time is 30 hours
I used that too but incubating time is 2 days for me
I used that too but incubating time is 2 days for me which will i get?
I got it with scorch and blue fire in jan
I got it in January with firefly and storm! I think its a glitch….
I got it with chrome and storm
I got the blue moon 1st try with Sonic (8) and Iceberg (8). Will take 30 hrs..Add me funx6