DragonVale: How to breed an Equinox Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed an Equinox Dragon

DragonVale Equinox Dragon

EQUINOX DRAGON: Limited: Only available until September 27th
BUY-IT Price: 2250 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Blazing and Rain / Blazing and Fog / Blazing and Water

(FYI, you can breed a Blue Moon, Sun, Moon and Solstice with the Equinox and get either the Equinox or the other)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Equinox Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Equinox Dragon Egg

675 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed an Equinox Dragon”
  1. Babyblue4866 says:

    Oh got mine with blazing & rain!

  2. M1chael Duffy says:

    try water and blazing
    I could not after46 attemptts get the paper and now it is gone:(

    • A platt says:

      I got paper ez, but I tried and tried on island and ebi and couldn’t get equinox. Spent all my gems to speed it up and tried all the combos!! Nothing

  3. JOROYJO says:

    Equinox+bluemoon= equinox

  4. Raf says:

    If you already hav an equinox dragon and you need to get a second 1 or an egg for display. Breed new moon or moon dragon with an equinox dragon takes only 20 hours 😉

    • Terin_lu says:

      Awesome! I was just trying to figure this out. I bred my equinox with my sun and got a 48 hour. I’m trying to get a moon so I can breed it with my equinox and try to get another equi!

  5. eiron says:

    need more friends 🙂 send me gems and I will also send you back

    add me: dying _is_cool

  6. Sara.hemel78 says:

    Holy moly! It took over 1000 gems, God knows how many tries, a brief breakdown when a 24 hour dragon was a forge instead of the equinox, and me staying up way past my bedtime… But I finally got it with blazing and iceberg.

  7. Peter.x.irish says:

    Why does nobody have the decency to return gems when they say right on here…”gem for gem!!!!” Don’t have one yet and getting frustrated since deadline is approaching. Have sent countless gems with no returns. Ridiculous!

    • A platt says:

      I can’t speak for others but I get gems from new friends and I faithfully track who and when. Then I return gems to every one in turn, but it takes time to get gems back to new gifters.

    • Bleenah says:

      I send out my 6 gems daily. I make sure that the 2-3 who send me daily get theirs back and then split the rest between the deadbeats who never seem to return. If you add me and I see you send me a gem (sometimes they say ..and others instead of listing everyone). Then you’ll be at he top of he list to get one back as soon as the tree grows them again.

    • cynbluez says:

      I use to do the same as you, no one ever sends back.
      now when ever I get a gem send by someone, I write their name down and send them back at the first chance I get, although you can only send 3 or 6 at a time ,but I always try to send to everyone that ever sends to me….

  8. moose says:

    Help! It’s the last day and I still haven’t managed to breed an Equinox dragon! I’ve tried blazing-fog, blazing-water, and blazing-rain. Each combination has been true multiple times on both the cave and the island, and I’ve even tried switching the order around. How has this now worked yet?? What should I do???

  9. Jay says:

    Gem for gem. Add me please. 3 more friends required. Id: AlohaSG

    Thank u

  10. Proto typer says:

    ‘Two times each year,when night and day become equals,the equinox dragon reveal themselves’. Does that mean that two years later,the equinox dragon will be back?I hope that the backflip studio will hear my beg for the equinox dragon to reveal again two years later.Cause I did not bred it….

  11. snoman4141 says:

    Combos from used for Equinox if you do NOT have an Equinox already to breed with it these are the easiest and best odds for getting your FIRST EQUINOX. But if u have and Equinox and a Blue Moon u can breed together and get another Blue Moon or Equinox. Same goes for Equinox and Solstice. THESE ARE STRICTLY FOR YOUR FIRST EQUINOX

    Select one or more targets, or leave blank for all combos:

    reset targets

    optimize for
    location: cave island upgraded
    auto-select: Sun/Moon on either all Olympuses on any
    hide combos where parent is: target limited

    target(s): Equinox
    combo(s): 18 in 11 set(s) ( some combos may be hidden due to your options )
    location: Cave
    sort by: Time Rating (low to high, lower is better)

    Combo(s) Min/Max
    Fail Time
    Rating Target %
    BETA Cash
    Rating XP
    Rating Non-
    Blazing + Current
    Blazing + Plasma
    3 / 48 6.77 3.5% 94005 1534 7
    Blazing + Seaweed
    Blazing + Swamp
    0.5 / 48 7.79 3.5% 80184 1712 11
    Blazing + Fog
    Blazing + Rain
    Blazing + Water
    8 / 8 8 3.5% 125000 1875 3
    Blazing + Ice
    Blazing + Iceberg
    8 / 48 8.41 3.5% 93318 1259 7
    Blazing + Mud
    Blazing + Panlong
    6 / 48 9.28 3.5% 81378 1938 7
    Blazing + Quicksilver
    Blazing + Rust
    5 / 48 11.42 3.5% 146017 15697 10

    • snoman4141 says:

      Sorry it wont copy paste perfect next time ill edit them so u can see all the numbers and understand the math behind the combos just know that the first combos are the best as in if u dont hit he Equinox it doesnt waste as much time breeding.

  12. snoman4141 says:

    I saw someone post that if u dont have Equinox and since it is last day to breed they will give a gem to that person i will do the same sorry it is last day i will gem the next 5 people who friend me that DO NOT HAVE AND EQUINOX. Please be HONEST! Ill look at ur DV b4 giving gem but DONT HIDE IT in the Hibernation Cave be fair please. Go ahead and friend me if u dont have an EQUINOX Dragon and request put EQUINOX NEEDED, so i know to look at ur DV AND I WILL GEM U AT AROUND 7pm EASTERN TIME.

    • Proto typer says:

      Sent you a friend request

    • Usctrojan12 says:

      Thanks Snowman4141! It is very refreashing to come across gamers as generous as you. I am sending you a Friend Request today. I currently do not have an Equinox and have been trying since it was available. I am going to try one more time today and if I am blessed with this cool dragon I will let you know. P.S. Are you a member of ‘Dragonvale Community’? If not, please join. This site is so………! Words can’t explain. Hope to see you there.

    • merriejayne says:

      i dig your kitty!!! =^..^=

  13. Felicia says:

    gem 4 gem daily.


  14. Chocolate says:

    Got it after several attempts with Blazing + Fog (both level 10) on normal breeding cave.

  15. stu-rob says:

    Please help me, I haven’t got the equinox dragon . My game enter I’d is stu-rob.
    If you help I will try to send a gem back as soon as possible, really need the equinox dragon

  16. Jefe says:

    Hey I need a couple more people to trade gems with I have a tree and if you give me a gem I will always return the favor. I play everyday ID is jarko39

  17. Geoff says:

    Missed out on equinox DOH! Was breeding too may paper dragons and rand out of time!

    Few days left for a sapphire cmon!

    Does anyone know the perfect combo for sapphire? I have tried Level 10 Mountain and Level 4 Rain and was successful the first time i tried and since then I have tried about a dozen times and nothing. Does the Levels have anything to do with it?
    Thanks guys

    Game Centre ID: cingeem

  18. Chase561 says:

    It took 94 gems and six days, but I got my equinox. YEAH!!!

  19. Jrjrv says:

    I think I got it but It could be a satphire I used rain + moutain hope a equinox
    Add me gem for gem v1lla123
    🙂 also check out my vale on dragonval

  20. matt says:

    Ugh, this dragon is the one I will not be getting. I’ve tried countless times to no avail. Not cool.

  21. Wendy says:

    I give up on this dragon 🙁 tried so many time spent a lot of gems and still nothing..oh we’ll waiting on October for the new dragon.

  22. Mr.matt01 says:

    Can’t stop getting equinoxes

  23. Stovall_sj says:

    After like 100 tries for this dragon I give it one more chance before I call it a night and I try Blazing and mud but enstead Of 24hr like I wanted to see I get 36!! What did I just get??? Anyone know?

  24. Andrew911 says:

    I missed the breedingz nooooooo:(

  25. sad says:

    i tried it for about 30 times with no luck. now i have to wait have a year 🙁

  26. JOROYJO says:

    Add me JOROYJO

  27. Zicco says:

    GEM or GEM add me : ZICCO

  28. michalqq says:

    hi i need someone to give me games , i will give u back 🙂 add me : michalqq

  29. The Original N Man says:

    Hey wat is that dragon egg with the backflip studios logo on it.

  30. jaxs says:

    may paper ka na ba

    bakit ang zonrox ginagawa nyong thoth paste

  31. AlexisLeann says:

    Can you still breed equinox ?

  32. Coolio5640 says:

    Hey everyone, I would very much appreciate it if you added me on Game Center my name is “coolio5640” I have the tree and would be obliged to gem you back.
    Thank you 🙂

  33. Marion says:

    Is there à new dragon??? I just placet blue Fire and Crystal om THE island, upgraded. Time was 19 Horus and 12 minutes. So i started looping What it could be, didn’t foundation it. THE only possibility is Equinox, but that onze is expired. Anyone any ideas???

  34. Marion says:

    I’m curious, is there à new dragon??? This morning I placed Crystal and Blue Fire at THE breeding island, upgraded. I got à breeding time of 19 hours and 12 minutes so I started looking which dragon it could be. THE only one I foundation is Equinox hoever that one is expired. Anyone any thoughts about this? Unfortunately this morning I spend all of my gems for upgrading the Hibernation Cave.

    Please give me your thoughts.

  35. Marion says:

    Several people today got an upgraded breeding time of 19 hours and 12 minutes. The only one with that time is Equinox. However that dragon is expired. What can it be? Unfortunately I can’t get in THE game richt now.

  36. Jenn788 says:

    I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but I just figured out a neat little trick. I tried breeding my equinox dragon with my blue moon dragon,just to see what would happen. It resulted in a second equinox dragon! I wanted to see if it was just a fluke so I bred my equinox with a solstice and ended up with a second solstice! I thought this might be a great tip for people like me, who were only able to breed one limited time dragon in the time given! It’s also handy because it ups your odds to 50/50,with either resulting dragon being rare and valuable!

  37. Hace says:

    Add me please.


    Thank you.

  38. Rob says:

    Please add me. IKEEEELLYOU

    No I am not cuckoooo

  39. Hippomon82 says:

    It came back for me just at the right time. I have to breed it pronto!

  40. Kaleigh says:

    MrsAngryPanda on Game Center for gem trading. I have GEM TREE!

  41. brian says:

    just got it with seaweed and blazing was trying for leap year add me brianphook

  42. Blacky says:

    What the heck, tried to get leap year with 2x blazing and swamp and both of them are equinox!

  43. Aspencloud14 says:

    I got a equinox dragon on my first try with
    Blazing and water. Thank you Doc

  44. A Breeder says:

    Got mine with blazing and swamp! I was trying for a leap year but I wanted this too! 😛 😀

  45. JK2XYS73 says:

    Ugh! Why is everyone who doesn’t want the equinox getting it, but not me!!! I tried every combo you all talked about and nothing!!! It never worked in September either!

    I can’t wait for Christmas so I can get iTunes gift cards and buy it!!!!

  46. Hi says:

    Thanks doc. Got it on the second try

  47. ATHAWKINS says:

    24 hour breeding time! I got it with blazing and water!

  48. Vivian says:

    24hours with Solar eclipse and Solstice, could it be Equinox?

  49. Scott says:

    Best combos: blazing+plasma,blazing+current and blazing+water. I got mine with blazing+water litterally just now!! Now instead of breeding cactus and firefly for topaz I did a little reasearch and found you have a 59.68 chance of getting topaz with moon+equinox! So if YOU have moon and equinox and you want topaz try this combo! Hope I helped!

    • Jack says:

      How did you get it I tried with all of those and I didn’t get it

      • Scott says:

        It’s complicating it took me quite a while to get the equinox with blazing+water just keep trying blazing and water and if you get 24hours you know it’s an equinox. Also ignore the fact what I said about moon and equinox would get topaz it doesn’t I tryed it and got 48hours do you know what it is

    • Equinox222 says:

      Got it first try with Blazing+Water

      • Samv01 says:

        I tried 20 times on EBI and never got it yet when I tried it in the normal breeding cave I got it first try! What the h**l!? Add me, 5am_54

      • Carleen Manson says:

        Thank you Eq, I got first time, Blazing & Water!! Yeah. Thanks so much. I was trying yesterday (just found this site yesterday) for something I forget, it was ICE and Lava and got Century!! Thanks again. I do gems for those that send GC ID samikman. I do it daily, well, nightly. EVERY night.

        • Carleen Manson says:

          Thank you Eq, I got first time, Blazing & Water!! Yeah. Thanks so much. I was trying yesterday (just found this site yesterday) for something I forget, it was ICE and Lava and got Century!! Thanks again. I do gems for those that send GC ID samikman. I do it daily, well, nightly. EVERY night.


          Went back and tried again, just to see. I got TWO now. Blazing and water!!!!!

    • Louis says:

      For equinox best combo is chrome and scorch I got mine first try with that

    • Louis says:

      No chrome and scorch got equinox first try for me!

      • Scott says:

        Sorry it’s those three I mentioned I tried yours 100 times (not lying) and it did not work

        • Louis says:

          Well that’s too bad because I got mine first try so ha!

        • Louis says:

          I think your combo blazing and water is bad because I tried it 10times and I got firework all of the times
          That was kinda cool though, all of those firework dragons.

          • Scott says:

            Well a 3 of my combos worked first time for me and did you know that chrome and scorch is the combo for a ruby dragon so THERE YOU HAVE IT!

    • Wife of ToeLivz says:

      Yes, I was just going to post also that I tried Blazing & Rain many many times and then when I tried Blazing & Plasma, the very first time, I got my Equinox Dragon

      • Scott says:

        Im glad you got it! Its an awesome dragon I know you will love it! Also please do ignore thing I said about equinox+moon=topaz.Just ignore that please! Also did you know some dragons are gone: blue fire,frostfire,malachite,ironwood,dodo.sandstorm,plasma and current. They are all missing from the store in dragonvale. Hey Doc do you know why all those dragon a dissapeared from the store if you do please put on this thanks

    • Brandon says:

      You can’t get topaz right now. It’s a gemstone dragon and this months gemstone is aquamarine FYI

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