DragonVale: How to breed an Equinox Dragon
EQUINOX DRAGON: Limited: Only available until September 27th
BUY-IT Price: 2250 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Blazing and Rain / Blazing and Fog / Blazing and Water
(FYI, you can breed a Blue Moon, Sun, Moon and Solstice with the Equinox and get either the Equinox or the other)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Hey macnstein, i was wondering how do you recommend breeding the firework dragon cuz i’ve been using snow and fire and havent been getting it.
Are you serious I have been trying to breed the equinox and other dragons for days now and all i kept getting were bloody firework dragons I have had about 20 altogether but sold all but one of them.( In my park I try and keep only one of every dragon to save space, unless it’s a special dragon E.G Bloom or Reindeer.) Feel free to add me anyone Game-center ID : KaoTic x Rage
I used scortch and chrome and got it my 3rd time
I got 2:23:51 with this. What would that be? Please don’t say rainbow – I’ve got six already.
Platinum dragon is most likely what you got because I got it while trying to breed for a seasonal
There is no dragon longer than 49 hours. It has to be 1:23:51. And btw, yes it’s a rainbow.
This is me:
Me: hmmm…..Blazing (level 13)….
Game: Select Another Dragon
Me: and River…..(level 13)…..
Game: 48 Hours!
Me: ok i’ll try blazing and river again.
Game: 24 Hours
Me: boo-yah, equinox on my 2nd try!
It’s a lie!!!! All of you lie!!!
firework is fire+ air you know…:P its really cool and i want a equinox dragon too!!! and while ur at it… i want a rainbow, leap year, ruby, and….. that’s about it. lol the only rare dragons i have are:sun, moon, amethyst, and gold… been tryin for rainbwo for ages.lol why am i writing this on the equinox page… idk!!! anyways lol
blazing and water worked on EBI 🙂 second or third try
gems for gems: anyutik2662
This dragon is impossible to get! I kept breeding and breeding when it was first released and nothing!
Now it’s second release it is the same thing.
All I want is an equinox!
I can’t get it either, both times it has been available. My friends have not gotten it either! It has to be nearly impossible!!!
It’s back until March 27. May want to try this
Lvl 12+ Blazing
and Lvl 12+ River
Got it second time with blazing and water! 😀
I accidentally got mine while trying for an Apocalypse with a Lichen and Magnetic 🙂
Okay thank you! I don’t have a chrome OR a scorch dragon and I’m already trying blazing + water…
Mud and blazing people!!!! I got two with that!!!!!
Gem for Gem. Jessmorrill@hotmail.com
I’m still trying to get the exuinox/: hopefully if you people add me, I,ll just have enough too buy it before jan2nd, but my luck is 50/50.
Does this dragon look cooler in sun or moon habitat
Hey guys and Doc, I breed Blazing and Mud and got 24 hours, do you think it could be a equinox??? Please help
I think I just got it. Rain and Blazing on EBI for 24 Hours. 24 gems.
I tried like 10 times each on EBI and the cave at the same time and it keep giving me smoke dragon..
Btw, I need one more friends so if someone need one too just add : SeniorCornolio in Gamecenter
I did lvl 10 water dragon with lvl 10 blazing in that order, if you see a 24 hour breed time you got it no matter what. This was in normal breeding cave
Blazing+water… Got it on 7th try… Add me dragons2424. I gift every day
What’s the egg with the B on it?
It’s a paper dragon. B stands for Backflip. It was a limited time dragon that was available this September if I’m not mistaken. HOW did u get it??! I’ve been trying at it for nearly 2 weeks now!
I got mine using gift/earth first try on the normal breeding cave. Try this, you might have a chance.
I was trying to get this and I think I got a solstice dragon. Wow.
Me too. And I thought I had equinox
i tried chrome and scorch and got 8 hrs. WAT THE HELL IS THAT
I got my Equinox Egg from Blazing Dragon and Water Dragon and its now incubating.. thanks much! btw you can add me to your Game Center my codename is GM SerozA..
I’m getting really ennoyed now, I have tried blazing and water/fog over 50 times and still don’t have an equinox dragon. I want it relly bad!
I breeded a solstice with a polar elclips and I got a equonix
For what its worth, got it after a few tries with Blazing & Rain in the epic breeding cave. I was trying for the Leap Year dragon.
I ended up spending around 150 gems trying to speed this up and I just now got it. Now I just need some gemstone dragons.
Blazing and water first try regular breeding cave! Whoo!! ????
Add me Gem for Gem, and love looking at other gamers parks MissC.O
Finally! After 55 tries I got using blazing and fog.
Add me gem4gem username: MsSakura120
Sorry guys but da ultimate combo is scorch (lv10) and chrome (lv10) I got 3 equinoxs now :DDDDD and some fireworks aswell I tried it on normal breding island hope that helps 😀
Hey guys I need a equinox.
It SO dang easy you you……,.. SNOBBY OLD GOLD DRAGON! HA! ;b
Silly you,lalaland!!!!!
Shut the flip up! (Not you, lalalaland)
Btw blazing and mud isn’t working for me… I keep getting solstice!!!!! Need one pronto!!!!!
AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This dragon was a joke! WAY to easy to get! LOL!!!!! ;),:)
add me xx azit xx gem for gem, i got a gem tree!!
Its back in the market and astrovane is going strong
Time to start breeding for this again!!
Looking for friends add me – kingster181
I bred a scorch and chrome in a breeding cave, does anybody know what it is?
Got 24 hrs too
What I want to know is what’s the (b exclamation) mark egg on the right?!
Paper but you can’t get it any more
so happy that it’s back! blazing and current, got it first try!!
All i need is an egg, i already have the dragon!
Wish me luck!!!!
Good luck Bonnie! Working on trying to get my second one too. Just got my first one a minute ago with lvl 9 blazing and Lvov 15 water YEAH Been wanting this one since I started this game a couple of months ago. So happy!!!
First try in ebi blazing plasma add me GC yon sack
Confirming blazing and plasma on EBI after try blazing/water and blazing/rain tons of times! Whew! Finally got my second one. Good luck all
First try with blazing and fog
Does water and blazing work well?
Yes i tried mulitple times with blazing and rain no luck. First time i used this combo got 24hrs hope this helped
Will breeding a solar eclipse dragon with a lunar eclipse dragon have a chance of making an equinox dragon?
I don’t understand why you can’t breed the sun and moon dragons when the equinox dragon is available. Just silly.
It would make it to easy and since its a special dragon, breeding has to be hard in backflips eyes
I got it on third try regular cave with blazing and rain!Thanks a lot!
Since it just came back today, I recommend everyone who wants one to try Blazing and Water. Shortest fail times, seems to have the best rate, and got it my first time in the breeding cave.
Okay, i see that underneath the pic it has the sun and moon sign which make me believe its possible to use a sun and moon to breed this dragon or it has to be the combos suggested here???? Plz answer!!!! 🙂
You can’t breed sun and moon. Not compatible.
Add me please
Got it first try!!(: but yet I’ve been trying to get an aquamarine dragon for 3 weeks smh
I have 2 equinox dragons breeding right now, I got them with blazing + water and blazing + fog
What time is it in an extended breeding cave? Anyone know? I bred scorch and chrome there and got 20 hours – could that be it?
Just got my first one after countless times of trying!!!! So excited!!! Water a blazing In that order both level 7 I just started on my iPod but if you have a kindle fire like me that I have been playing on for a while that if you log in and off of Facebook on a fire it gives you 10 gems but if you already have more than 10 it won’t give you any